Technical/Support II
Technical/Support I
Technical/Support II
Graduate Assistant
Master's student - FWCB - Dr. Yoichiro Kanno's lab
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Associate II
Research Associate III
Graduate Assistant
Accounting Technician
Executive Leadership II
Graduate Assistant
I’m a PhD student studying how wildfire and mining impact freshwater insects in Rocky Mountain streams. By combining observational and experimental methods, I aim to uncover how these two stressors interact to impact how the ecosystem functions.
Assistant Professor
water policy and governance, water security, transboundary resources, water system adaptation, environmental governance
Masters Student - Ecology GDPE - Dr. Bill Kendall's Lab
Masters Student - FWCB - Dr. George Wittemyer's Lab
Research Ecologist with USGS, and Affiliate Professor and Research Scientist at CSU
Research Associate II
Research Associate III
Graduate Assistant
Sr Research Associate
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Grounds & Nursery II
Emeritus Professor (Retired in 2012)
Program Director & Chief Scientist, CNHP
Research Associate III
Masters Student - GDPE/Ecology - Dr. Sara Bombaci's Lab
Research Associate III
Environmental GIS Specialist
Research Associate II
Ph.D. Student - FWCB - Dr. Sara Bombaci's Lab
Research Associate II
Research Associate IV
Senior Instructor/Online Masters FWCB
Graduate Assistant
I am a geophysicist with interests in seismic imaging and source studies applied to diverse Earth processes that encompass deep structure, earthquakes, volcanos, ocean processes, and glaciers.
Assistant Director
Graduate Assistant
Associate Professor
I am a population ecologist interested in quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic factors (e.g. climate change, habitat fragmentation, urbanization) on the ecology, demography, and microevolution of wild animals (mostly birds, mammals, and reptiles). My research calls for the analyses of longitudinal data and methodologies that stem from demography, population ecology, and life history theory.
PhD Candidate - FWCB - Dr. Dana Winkelman's Lab
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Program Assistant I
Graduate Assistant
Online Certificate Student - Wildlife Conservation Actions
Sr Research Associate
I am an applied quantitative ecologist whose research applies to a variety of taxa and focuses on ways of measuring and monitoring biological systems to increase our scientific understanding and improve decision-making. I am particularly interested in factors influencing at-risk species (e.g., amphibians), including disease, invasive species, and habitat change.
Graduate Assistant
Admin Assistant II
Research Associate III
Vegetation Ecology
Graduate Assistant
Postdoctoral Fellow
Assistant Professor
Forest and Natural Resource Economics
Limnology, Water quality in lakes and reservoirs, Aquatic Biogeochemistry, Hydrology, Data Science
Research Associate II
Senior Research Scientist
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Research Associate II
Ph.D. Forestry
Guest Associate
Technical/Support I
Postdoctoral Fellow
Assistant Professor
Transformations in Rural and Indigenous Lands, Livelihoods, and Autonomous Regimes (TRILLAR Lab)
Research Associate IV
Computer Programmer, Web Design, ESRI Javascript API
Research Associate III
Research Associate III
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Graduate Assistant
Academic Success Coordinator
Research Associate
Forest Operations
Research Associate I
Research Associate II
Resch Sci/Scholar I
Assistant to Director
Barbara Anthony Cox Chair of Wildlife Conservation
Professor Endowed Chair
I’m a conservation biologist concentrating mostly on lesser-studied mammals (bigger than a bread box) at the planet’s extreme edges. My lab and I target issues about climate challenge, behavioral ecology of disturbance, predator-prey interactions, and how best to inspire with science while (yet) attempting to improve our present human messiness.
Retired COOP Member
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant
Senior Research Scientist, Joint Faculty Appointment-Assistant Professor, Director Larval Fish Lab
I am an aquatic ecologist working mainly on native and endangered fishes and their ecosystems.
Technician I
Online Certificate Student - Wildlife Conservation Actions
Administrative Professional II
Research Associate III
Stu Researcher
Illustrator I - Larval Fish Lab
Guest Associate
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate III
Graduate Assistant
PhD student GDPE/FWCB -
Veterinary Comparative Medicine Resident
Technical/Support I
Research Associate II
Graduate Assistant
Masters Candidate - FWCB - Dr. David Koons' Lab
ARNG RFMSS Program Manager
Research Associate II
Research Associate I
Research Associate II
Assistant Professor
I am a conservation biologist that leverages scientific research to find innovative solutions to conserve biodiversity while meeting diverse human needs. My science is informed by a social justice lens and covers topics ranging from human-wildlife relationships, acoustic ecology, and advancing social justice in science.
Professor and Senior Research Scientist
Wildlife and pastoral ecology; Simulation; Teaching
Technical/Support I
Equipment Mechanic I
Associate Professor
My passion is connecting citizen science, art and science using multicultural perspectives and international agreements to global sustainability issues such as pollinator decline.
I also believe in the integration of art and culture into ecological research and communication.
Research Associate IV
Department Head
I am an applied ecologist interested in the eco-evolutionary causes and consequences of species rarity within the context of abiotic and biotic pressures. My research aims to inform the conservation of endangered, threatened, and candidate plant species.
Graduate Assistant
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Stu Researcher
Paleoclimatology, stable isotope geochemistry
Affiliate Faculty-Assistant Professor; Graduate MS Adviser, PhD Co-Advise
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Associate Director of Learning, Center for Collaborative Conservation
Technical/Support I
Research Associate III
Assistant Director of Development
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Research Associate II
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Research Associate III
Online Certificate Student - Wildlife Conservation Actions
Sr Research Associate
Graduate Assistant
Technical/Support I
Graduate Assistant
Associate Professor
Master Instructor
I am a geoscientist interested in the lessons of Earth’s past about climate change, ocean circulation, and carbon cycling. I am also interested in advancing geoscience education, diversity and inclusion.
Research Associate III
Colorado State Forest Service and Warner College of Natural Resources
Academic Liaison and Experiential Learning Specialist
Research Associate II
Stu Instructor
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate II
Graduate Assistant
Emeritus Professor - former Asst. Leader, Coop Unit
Project/Prgm Mngmt II
Ph.D. Student
I am a Ph.D. student studying sylvatic plague in black-tailed prairie dogs, with a focus on the mechanisms that drive patterns of disease resistance. I am broadly interested in understanding how anthropogenic change and disease can influence the ecology and evolution of wild animals, with the ultimate goal of informing effective conservation practices.
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Technical/Support II
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Associate I
Admin Assistant II
Research Associate II
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Graduate Assistant
Assistant Professor
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant, Online Certificate Student - Wildlife Conservation Actions
Postdoctoral Fellow
Technical/Support II
Project/Prgm Mngmt I
Graduate Assistant
Assistant Professor
Graduate Assistant
Technical/Support I
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Associate IV
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Research Associate IV
Technical/Support II
STU Scientist
Interim Department Head, Dept. of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Collaborative planning, monitoring, and adaptive management for forest restoration and wildfire risk management; forest governance, policy, and administration
State Classified Retiree
Graduate Assistant
Maps for Web Architect
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate III
Research Associate III
Admin Assistant II
MSc - FWCB - Dr. Caitlin Well's & Dr. Yoichiro Kanno's labs
I am broadly interested in applied fisheries restoration science. My MS research uses whole genomes to inform conservation management of cutthroat trout throughout Colorado, while my PhD research aims to investigate the impacts of wood addition on a population of masu salmon in Southern Hokkaido, Japan, in collaboration with the University of Hokkaido.
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
I am an ecotoxicologist studying how contaminants and other stressors affect aquatic ecosystems. My research integrates experimental and observational approaches to understand how ecological factors influence responses to and recovery from anthropogenic disturbances.
Development Operations Coordinator, Warner College of Natural Resources
MS Program, Hydrogeology/Hydrogeophysics - Mike Ronayne, Advisor
Research Associate I
Emeritus Master Instructor
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , Forest Measurements , Dendrology
Graduate Assistant
Department Head
Technical/Support I
Research Associate II
Senior Research Scientist
The full range of issues related to wetland and riparian ecosystems.
Assistant Professor
Climate & environmental justice, political ecologies of conservation & development, Indigenous rights, social dimensions of disaster, Latin America
Professor, Sustainable Tourism, Coordinator of Global Tourism Concentration
His research focus includes sustainable tourism development - linking tourism, nature conservation and protected areas; collaborative conservation and protected area management; and perceptions of landscape disturbance - implications for human dimensions of natural resources, recreation and tourism.
Resch Sci/Scholar I
Research Associate II
Project/Prgm Mngmt II
Associate Professor Ecosystem Science and Sustainability
Technical/Support III
PhD Student - Ecology/GDPE - Dr. Liba Pejchar's Lab
Research Associate III
Accounting Technician II
State Project Learning Tree Coordinator
Professor/Director, Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence
I am a conservation biologist whose work examines the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances on wildlife and the natural systems in which they live. As the Director of the Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence, a particular focus is reducing conflict and facilitating coexistence between humans and carnivores to minimize impacts on both people and predators.
Graduate Assistant
Outreach & Engagement Manager
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant
Associate Professor
Research Associate II
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor of Indigenous Natural Resource Stewardship
Indigenous Natural Resource Stewardship
Research Associate III, Joint Faculty Appointment-Instructor, Graduate Co-Advise only
PhD Student - FWCB - Dr. Kathryn Stoner's Lab
Project/Prgm Mngmt I
Graduate Assistant
Equipment Mechanic III
Research Associate III
Research Associate II
Associate Professor
Forest and Woodland Entomology
Masters Candidate - FWCB - Dr. Larissa Bailey's Lab
Accounting Technician II
Research Associate I
Research Associate II
Web Developer / Database Administrator
Conservation Ecologist
Conservation ecology
Master of Natural Resource Stewardship
Program Assistant I
Research Associate III
Research Associate II
Ph.D. - FWCB - Dr. Kyle Horton's Lab
Grounds & Nursery I
Program Director/Advisor/Joint Faculty/Online Masters FWCB
I am an ecologist who currently directs the department’s online Masters program and teaches on the topics of ecotoxicology, conservation biology, habitat management, wildlife management, and conservation of freshwater systems.
Graduate Assistant
Technical/Support I
Research Associate II
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Domain & Database Administrator
Database-driven web applications utilizing ColdFusion & PHP | MSSQL & MySQL database design & management | Active Directory Group Policy
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
PhD Candidate - GDPE - Dr. Kevin Crooks' Lab
I am a wildlife biologist primarily focused on population-level questions and working with applied agencies. I have worked on a wide variety of taxa, including many species of conservation concern as well as with harvested animals. I enjoy applying sampling design, demographic parameter (e.g., survival, fecundity, population growth) estimation, population modeling, and field skills to questions of interest.
Assistant to the Dean
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate I
Research Associate III
Research Associate III
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Technical/Support II
Program Aide
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Admin Assistant II
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate II
Water Resources, Groundwater, Hydrology, Water Rights
Research Associate II
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Assistant Professor
Functional ecology, tropical forests, remote sensing of vegetation
Research Associate
Research Associate IV
Guest Associate
Research Associate II
Sr Research Associate
Guest Associate
Database and Web Developer
Web Development (Php, Html, Css, Angular, etc) and Database developer (Mysql, SQL Server, Postgres, NoSql)
Sr Research Associate
Research Associate II
Research Scientist
Southern Rockies Fire Science Network Director
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Online Certificate Student - Wildlife Conservation Actions
Program Aide
Research Associate IV
Species Distribution Modeling | Invasion Ecology | R Programming
Research Associate II
Graduate Assistant
Stu Admin & Clerical
Research Scientist II
Research Associate II
Ph.D. Student, GDPE; Research Assistant, North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center
Tropical limnology and aquatic biogeochemistry
Committee Member
Research Associate II
Snow Hydrology, Climate Impacts on Water Resources
Emeritus Professor
Ecology and management of stream-riparian ecosystems, focusing on stream fish and their habitat
Graduate Assistant
Guest Associate
Research Associate III
State Classified Retiree
Senior Research Scientist
Rangeland Social-ecological Systems
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Ph.D. Candidate - Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate II
Remote sensing of vegetation and geospatial analyses.
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Co-Director, Center for Protected Area Management
Protected Area Management, Ecotourism, Environmental Interpretation, and Conservation Leadership
Research Associate II
Research Associate IV
Landscape Ecology and Spatial Analysis
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate II
Research Associate II
Senior Research Scientist
Ecology and conservation biology
Research Associate I
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate IV
Research Associate
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Academic Advisor
Academic Advising | Student Development | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Representation and Access | Education Abroad
Assistant Professor
Forest biometry and ecology
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Director of Information Technology
Graduate Assistant
Sustainable Food Systems
Research Associate II
Project Lead - GIS and Natural Resources
Graduate Assistant
Project/Prgm Mngmt II
Associate Professor
I am an Earth Scientist interested in landscape evolution, tectonics, critical zone science, and natural hazards.
Assistant Professor
Research Associate II
Regional Climate/Ecosystem Modeling, Remote Sensing, Solar UV Radiation Monitoring and Research
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate II
Digital Communications Coordinator
Multimedia Communications | Department-Wide Communications | Outreach and Events | Website and Social Media | Press Releases and SOURCE | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Opportunities
Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Master Instructor
COOP Assistant Unit Leader | Associate Professor
I am a quantitative animal ecologist. I work with scientists and resource and land managers to help learn through data to provide inferential or predictive knowledge or decision-support that is used for empirically informed conservation management of biodiversity.
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate I
Stu Researcher
Graduate Assistant
CEMML - Research Associate 1
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Outreach and Education Specialist and Data Analyst
Graduate Assistant
I am a conservation biologist that integrates field ecology with conservation practice and policy to identify innovative and equitable ways to sustain and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services. My research program focuses on advancing bird community conservation on islands and in human-dominated landscapes.
Research Associate III
Research Associate III
Research Associate II
Technical/Support I
Technical/Support I
Project/Prgm Mngmt I
Stu Academic Support
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate IV
Research Associate
Public Lands Policy Group
Project/Prgm Mngmt I
Graduate Assistant
Fire and Emergency Services Administration
Senior Research Associate
Planning for Biodiversity Conservation
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Master's Candidate
Assistant Professor
Behavior change, human processes of the coupled human-nature systems
Research Associate III
Accounting Technician IV
Management I
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Research Associate I
Graduate Assistant
Associate Professor
Microbial Ecology
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Graduate Assistant
PhD Program, Watershed Science - Stephanie Kampf
Research Coordinator
Senior Research Associate
Jill Handwerk, Botany Team Lead and Information Manager at CNHP, has over 20 years of experience in Colorado botany. Through her work as lead organizer of the annual Colorado Rare Plant Symposia, and at CNHP, she has close working relationships with botanists throughout the region, including USFWS, USFS, BLM, UT and WY heritage programs, local consultants, and regional herbaria. Ms. Handwerk has been the principal investigator on numerous botanical projects including work for the USFWS, USFS, BLM, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Most recently Ms. Handwerk was the lead author on the Rare Plant Addendum to the 2015 Colorado Wildlife Action Plan, and the lead botanical editor of the 2015 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Colorado Bureau of Land Management.
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Prof/Indiv Contrib III
Research Associate II
Communications Coordinator
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
M.S. Candidate - GDPE
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Stu Data Analyst III
Research Associate II
Research Associate II
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Assistant Professor
I am a geochemist interested in the composition and plumbing systems of Earth’s volcanoes, studying long-lived mantle plumes to infer Earth’s chemical composition, and identifying and mitigating volcanic impacts and hazards.
Edward M. Warner Chair of Geophysics
I am a geophysicist focusing on geodynamic studies of continental rift systems and rifted continental margins.
Masters Candidate - FWCB- Dr. Bill Kendall's Lab
Assistant Professor
Applied Forest Ecology and Silviculture
Associate Forester
Senior Research Associate
Academic Support Coordinator
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant
I am a graduate student studying the effects of anthropogenic environmental changes on wildlife parasites and diseases using an allostatic load framework. My research focuses on identifying how the immune system explains adverse health in White-tail and Mule deer with a focus on Chronic Wasting Disease.
Graduate Assistant
I have been working as a lab tech in the SOIL Innovation Lab doing soil processing work since May 2022.
Assistant Professor
Dryland Ecology and Management
PhD Candidate - FWCB - Dr. Joel Berger's Lab
Research Associate II
Accounting Technician III
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate II
Resch Sci/Scholar III
Landscape Ecology and Conservation Biology
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate II
Graduate Assistant
Stu Academic Support
Research Associate III, NPS Cooperator
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate III
Research Associate I
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate III
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Graduate Assistant
I am a PhD student studying carnivore-livestock conflict with a focus on the wolf reintroduction in Colorado.
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Office Manager; Department Communications and Marketing
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate (Retired)
Soil and ecosystem modeling:
land-use change,
climate change,
MS program, Forest Sciences
Admin Assistant II
Graduate Assistant
Wildlife Project Coordinator
Wildlife, Threatened/Endangered Species, GIS, Fort McCoy
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Postdoctoral Fellow
Faculty/AP Retiree
Wildland fire science across spatial and temporal scales
Technical/Support II
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Research Associate II
Research Associate I
Research Coordinator
Post Doctoral Staff - Instructor NRRT 330
Academic Success/Internship Coordinator / WCNR Learning Communities Director
Student Engagement | High-Impact Practices | Education Program Management | Sustainable Community Development
Assistant Professor
I am an ornithologist working on bird migration throughout the Western Hemisphere using radar remote sensing. My area of expertise encompasses themes of aeroecology, spatial ecology, movement ecology, macroecology, impacts of light pollution, and ecological forecasting.
Graduate Assistant
Admin Assistant III
Stu Intern
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Dir of Colo St Forest Srv
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Dr. Hultstrand has a passion for scale and spatial variability in precipitation processes as related to hydrology and hydrometeorology. His research and expertise are in modeling the spatial variability in snowpack processes and rainfall as function of terrain parameters and atmospheric energy to better understand and model hydrologic regimes.
Physical Science Techniques
• Water Balance • Discharge Measurements • Meteorological Measurement & Analysis
• Spatial Modeling • Water Quality Sampling • Snow Survey and Sampling Methods
• Data Analysis • Watershed Modeling • Snow & Ground Energy Balance Computations
• Storm Analysis • Dew Point Analysis • Areal Reduction Factor (ARF) Calculations
• Error Analysis/QC • Eddy Covariance • Snowmelt & Snowpack Sublimation Analysis
• Proposal Writing • Regional L-moments • Turbulent Flux Modeling (Latent and Sensible)
• PMP Analysis • Develop Scripts/Code • Regional Climate Modeling and Data Analysis
Computer Software
• ArcView • ArcGIS • ArcInfo • MATLAB
• MS Word • MS Excel • MS Access • MS Power Point
• SPLUS/R • IDL • HEC-HMS • Lecia Software
• PRMS • GIS Weasel • ERDAS • Solar Analyst
• GRASS GIS • Linux/Unix • HTML • RAOB
• Perl • GrADS • IPW Toporad • DNR Garmin
• Python • GPS Interface • WATFLOOD • AWK/GWAK
• Hysplit • NetCDF • GRIB • UEB Snow Model
Computer Programming
• PERL • R/SPLUS • Python • IDL
• Matlab • GRASS GIS • AWK • Shell Scripts
Computer Operating Systems
• Linux/Unix • Microsoft Windows • Macintosh
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate I
Colorado Forest Restoration Institute
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate II
General Professional V
Vegetation Ecologist
Vegetation Ecologist
Research Associate I
Ph.D. Student - GDPE/Ecol - Dr. Kevin Crooks' Lab
Prof/Indiv Contrib II
Research Associate III - Senior Software Engineer
Graduate Assistant
FESA Instructor
Prof/Indiv Contrib I
Prof/Indiv Contrib IV
Senior Instructor/Graduate Certificate Coordinator
I am a landscape and conservation ecologist with the goal of empowering nature's stewards. I live in Denver.
Research Associate III
DoD Environmental Compliance: Stormwater, GIS
Dir of Colo St Forest Srv
Research Associate IV
Technical/Support III
Research Associate II
Research Associate I
Ph.D. Student - GDPE/Ecology - Dr. Kyle Horton's Lab
Research Associate I
Stu Researcher
I am a fisheries ecologist. I study fisheries management, food webs, predator-prey interactions, lake and reservoir ecology, management of invasive species, contaminants, and effects of climate.
Visiting Research Associa
Research Coordinator
Research Associate I
PhD Student - FWCB - Dr. David Koons' Lab
Project Manager
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate IV
Research Associate II
Research Associate II
Stu Researcher
Associate Professor
I am a stream fish ecologist working at the intersection of fundamental and applied ecology in North America and Japan. My area of expertise includes population and community ecology, conservation genetics, riverscape ecology, and fish behavior.
Research Associate IV, National Park Service
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant
Hydrology, Remote Sensing, GIS
Graduate Assistant
Research Associate III
PH.D. Student - FWCB and GDPE/Ecology - Dr. George Wittemyer's Lab
COOP Assistant Unit Leader, Assistant Professor
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Research Associate IV
Online Masters Student - MFWCB
Technical/Support II
Graduate Assistant
Graduate Assistant
Technical/Support I
Research Associate III
Research Associate II
Research Associate IV
Graduate Assistant
I am a behavioral ecologist who specialises in equids and endangered species conservation.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Associate - Larval Fish Lab