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Research Publications

Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Research Publications

Google Scholar aggregation of Department of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability research publications.

Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Research Publications

Google Scholar aggregation of Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology research publications.

Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Research Publications

Google Scholar aggregation of Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship research publications.

Geosciences Research Publications

Google Scholar aggregation of Department of Geosciences research publications.

Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Research Publications

Google Scholar aggregation of Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources research publications.

Centers and Institutes

Center for Human Carnivore Coexistence

The Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence integrates transformative science, education, and outreach to minimize conflict and facilitate coexistence between humans and carnivores.

Larval Fish Laboratory

The Larval Fish Laboratory is a non-profit research, service, and educational facility whose purpose is to draw together, advance, and disseminate knowledge on methods of study, biology, ecology, and taxonomy of freshwater and anadromous fishes with particular emphasis on early-life-history stages and fish reproduction.

Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands

CEMML is an interdisciplinary team of environmental and social scientists. We work closely with the DoD and other agencies to manage natural and cultural resources that accomplish mission-specific goals benefiting the entire nation.

Center for Protected Area Management

The Center for Protected Area Management extends the CSU land-grant mission by contributing to the conservation, planning, and management of the world’s protected areas and the landscapes and seascapes that connect them.

Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

The unit supports research, education, and science related to fisheries and wildlife management in Colorado and throughout the United States. A part of the USGS wildlife co-op units, the Colorado unit has been at CSU since 1947.

Colorado Forest Restoration Institute

The Institute’s purpose is to develop, synthesize, and apply the best available science to achieve forest restoration and wildfire hazard reduction goals.

Colorado Natural Heritage Program

The Colorado Natural Heritage Program is Colorado’s only comprehensive source of information on the status and location of Colorado’s rarest and most threatened species and plant communities.

Colorado State Forest Service

The Colorado State Forest Service strives to achieve stewardship of Colorado’s diverse forest environments for the benefit of present and future generations.

Environmental Learning Center

The Colorado State University Environmental Learning Center connects people with nature by facilitating educational, inclusive and safe experiences in the natural environment and advances the field of environmental education through sound research and practice.

Natural Resource Ecology Lab

The Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory is an interdisciplinary ecology research and teaching unit at Colorado State University. Our mission is to improve understanding of the complex interactions between ecosystems, humans, and management activities.

Center for Collaborative Conservation

The Center for Collaborative Conservation was created to make university research and education fully relevant to conservation practice. The Center's approach is to transform conservation into a uniting force through collaboration.

Geospatial Centroid

The "Centroid" is a geospatial resource and education center that serves students, faculty, and the greater community on all aspects of geographic information systems and other spatial technologies.

Collective for Nature Immersion Science and Practice (cNISP)

The Collective for Nature Immersion Science and Practice (cNISP) primarily exists to increase the capacity of nature-based programming to support happier, healthier and more sustainable communities. ​

​We do this by facilitating collaboration and co-learning between practitioners and researchers working at the intersection of nature immersion and human health and well-being.

Animal-Human Policy Center

The CSU Animal-Human Policy Center synthesizes socio-ecological information and brings diverse perspectives together to help policymakers and government agencies facilitate positive relationships between animals and humans.

Research and Outreach

CSU Conservation Action through Behavioral Science Lab

We are an interdisciplinary group of social scientists in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department at Colorado State University, directed by Dr. Rebecca Niemiec. We study human attitudes, beliefs, and behavior change related to biodiversity conservation and sustainability. We specialize in action research, conducted in collaboration with conservation practitioners, that develops and evaluates community outreach and engagement approaches for conservation causes.

Salerno Lab

Human adaptation can mean many different things. Our lab asks questions about how and why people adapt to environmental changes. We consider both social and biophysical aspects of environment, such as livelihood changes made in response to a policy intervention or to observed rainfall patterns. And we're interested in both causes and consequences of adaptive behaviors, and how they vary across time and space.

Tourism and Conservation Lab

The heart of the Tourism and Conservation lab is the pedagogical relationships and research opportunities provided to graduate students. Led by Christina T. Cavaliere, PhD, an environmental social scientist who studies the relationships between tourism and conservation, this lab focuses on the human dimensions of socio-ecological systems including tourism impacts.

American Wildlife Values

America’s Wildlife Values is a research partnership between federal and state fish and wildlife management agencies and leading academic institutions. Our goal is to inform effective wildlife management through a better understanding of the wildlife values held by the American public.

Biocultural Diversity and Conservation

We research patterns of biological and cultural diversity. We also examine threats that drive the loss of diversity, and we work on mechanisms which seek to curb this loss.


EcoCore provides analytical, training and educational services related to ecology and ecosystem research to clients across several colleges at Colorado State University, as well as local federal agencies and other universities and institutes.

Fish Physiological Ecology Laboratory

The Fish Physiological Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University uses applied fish physiology research tools to solve current and future management challenges while actively training future cohorts of fish biologists and fish physiologists.

Geologic Resources Inventory

The Geologic Resources Inventory provides geologic map data and relevant geologic information to support resource management and science-based decision making in more than 270 parks throughout the National Park System.

Restoration Ecology Lab

Innovative research on assisting the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged, or destroyed by pollutants or natural disasters.

Stream Fish Ecology Laboratory

Research in the Stream Fish Ecology Laboratory focuses on the ecology and management of streams and stream fishes. We are especially interested in the interaction of stream fishes with their habitat at different spatial and temporal scales.

Fluvial Geomorphology Laboratory

We are a group with diverse academic backgrounds – geology, geography, ecology, environmental science – who share an interest in how the natural world functions, as revealed in rivers. Our research focuses primarily on physical processes acting along river corridors, including physical-biotic interactions.

Mackenzie Mountains Project

The Mackenzie Mountains EarthScope project is a 5-year National Science Foundation funded project aimed at exploring the origins of the Mackenzie Mountains in the Northwest Territories of Canada.

Riverine Carbon Research Group

We study where carbon is located in river basins and the physical processes that control carbon storage to understand human impacts on and future trends in global climate.

Colorado View

ColoradoView is part of the U.S. Geological Survey's nationwide program, AmericaView. This organization focuses on providing easy, low-cost access to remotely-sensed data and promoting remote sensing education, research, and applications.

Northern Colorado Global Climate Change Education

In a project supported by the NASA Global Climate Change Education Project, a group of research scientists at the Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University have been working with teachers and students at the Poudre and Greeley-Evans School Districts in Northern Colorado.

Summer Soil Institute

The Summer Soil Institute is designed for graduate students, post-docs, professionals, faculty, and K-12 teachers. Located at the confluence of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains.

UV-B Monitoring and Research Program

Located at Colorado State University’s Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory, the USDA UV-B Monitoring and Research Program provides UV-B radiation data for studying its effects on crops, ecosystems, and more. It also conducts impact studies on crops and collaborates on the Climate-Agroecosystem-UV Interactions and Economic (CAIE) system to predict climate change effects on agriculture for policymakers.

Sound and Light Ecology Team

Scientists and educators, working together to understand the effects of noise and light pollution on ecological processes, educate the public about the importance of sound and light in the everyday lives of organisms including ourselves, and preserve the natural sounds and night skies of the world.

Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit

CSU Research Associates (RAs) partner with the National Park Service (NPS) as part of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) national network. Data comprise the backbone of our projects - all types and formats of data that support NPS resource stewardship priorities. Our projects are inter-related through the integration of diverse datasets for analysis, visualization, sharing, management, and storage.

U.S.-China Lab for Destination Development

The U.S.-China Lab for Destination Development draws on years of collaboration involving tourism researchers, planners and managers in these countries. Housed in the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources (HDNR) at Colorado State University, the Lab continues expanding its network of global partners to carry out research and consulting work focused primarily on Chinese tourism and destination development, with an emphasis on destination prosperity and community wellbeing. Specific areas of interest for Directors Lina Xiong and David W. Knight include destination branding and sustainability, community empowerment, destination resilience, and protected area (including National Park) management.

The Biodiversity Governance Lab

The Biodiversity Governance Lab at Colorado State University's Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, led by Dr. Ed Gallo-Cajiao, studies the role of institutions in biodiversity conservation with a focus on animal species, particularly vertebrates. Our work is theoretically driven but empirically grounded drawing on institutional and ecological data. The Lab's mission is to contribute to conservation and governance scholarship as well as to conservation practice.

Nature and Well-being Research Group

Our research group works to better understand the relationship between human well-being and nature. We believe that well-being is a powerful tool for supporting equitable and effective environmentalism. More specifically, our work is based on the assumptions that studying human well-being can:
- Explain and predict people’s behavior impacting the environment
- Help address environmental challenges in ways that work for both people and nature
- Provide tangible indicators for social and environmental justice