About Stephen
Dr. Ogle gained an appreciation for research as an undergraduate studying in the laboratory of Dr. Don Shure at Emory University, and did his formal training as a graduate student with his mentor, Dr. Bill Reiners at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Ogle accepted a post-doctoral position with Dr. Keith Paustian at Colorado State University in 2000, focusing on research dealing with biogeochemical processes related to greenhouse gas emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU). He has become an expert on research and application of greenhouse gas inventory methods. He serves as lead compiler for the US national inventory for soil carbon and nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural lands, in addition to the US national representation of land. These inventory products are used for reporting by the US government to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He has been a lead author on syntheses and reports prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2006 National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidelines and Fourth Assessment Report on Climate Change), and a past member of the scientific steering group for the North American Carbon Program. He also conducts research collaboratively with economists and sociologists to better understand the drivers of land use and management decisions, and predict the likelihood of greenhouse gas mitigation in the future through adoption of conservation practices and bioenergy production in agricultural lands. Dr. Ogle has participated in international capacity-building projects to improve greenhouse gas inventory compilation in Central America, Southeast Asia, and East and Southern African Countries, providing training and tools on greenhouse gas inventory methods for the AFOLU sector. He has given numerous invited and keynote presentations at meetings for a variety of societies and organizations, such as American Geophysical Union, China Association for Science and Technology, CarboEurope-GHG Program, European Geosciences Union, Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to the UNFCCC, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and US Forest Service.
Website CVInterests
- Dr. Ogle is an ecosystem ecologist interested in carbon and nitrogen dynamics in terrestrial plant-soil systems, and improving the quantification of greenhouse gas fluxes into and from these systems. In particular, his research involves the development and implementation of frameworks to estimate soil organic C stock changes and soil nitrous oxide emissions from crop and grazing lands. While he has a keen interest in process-based model, field sampling, and statistics, his research also relies on remote sensing and other geospatial products, as well as close collaborations with economists and other social scientists to address research questions requiring an interdisciplinary approach.
Ph. D., Botany - University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming, 2000
M.S., Botany - University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming, 1995
B.S., Biology - Emory University
Atlanta, Georgia, 1992
Awards, Honors, Grants
- Fulbright Grant, 2016
- Recognized Among Authors Contributing to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which received the Nobel Peace Prize, 2007
- E. Lucy Braun Award, Ecological Society of America, 1995
- Ecological Society of America
- Soil Science Society of America
- Agronomy Society of America
- American Geophysical Uniion