Technology Support

To Request Support:

Walk-in Support:

  • Monday through Friday: 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm
  • Location: Room 206 in the Michael Smith Natural Resources Building

WCNR Students – laptops available for checkout! Learn more here →

WCNR computing and network access is provisioned based on your affiliation with the college. 

Access is granted automatically within 24 hours if our systems discover:

  • you are a student, faculty or staff with a home department in the college
  • you are a student from another college taking a WCNR class
  • you are a sponsored affiliate of WCNR

If our systems cannot automatically detect your eligibility, you will need to request an exception at:

Network home directories (MyFiles) have a 30GB quota!

Getting an Email Account

All Colorado State University students, faculty, and staff are given a free email account with the creation of an eID. Visit the eID Web Site to create an eID.

Microsoft 365 Service for Faculty & Staff, and new students is the go-to source for information about the Microsoft 365-based calendar for employees and students, mail/calendar clients and client access, tips & tricks for setting up, configuring, and getting the most out of Exchange 2010.

Get Connected

Install and run CSU’s VPN client, Global Protect. That is available at . Comprehensive instructions can be found here.

Map Network Drive (Windows)

  • Two-factor authentication is required for connection to the CSU network from off-campus. Ensure you have Duo properly setup.
  • Connect to the CSU network using the Global Protect client. You will need the Duo app for your two-factor authentication when logging into the Global Protect client.
  • Right-click “My Computer” and choose “Map network drive…”
  • Choose drive letter “N:”
  • Network path:  \\\wcnr-network
  • Username: COLOSTATE.EDU\<your eUsername> OR <your eUsername>
  • Password:  <your ePassword>

Map Network Drive (Mac OSX 10.10+)

  • Two-factor authentication is required for connection to the CSU network from off-campus. Ensure you have Duo properly setup.
  • Connect to the CSU network using the Global Protect client. You will need the Duo app for your two-factor authentication when logging into the Global Protect client.
  • In Finder, click Go -> “Connect to Server…”
  • Server Address:  smb://COLOSTATE;<ename>
  • Username: COLOSTATE.EDU\<your eUsername> OR <your eUsername>
  • Password:  <your ePassword>

Linux SSH

Download the free PuTTY client (Windows) or use terminal (Mac), and then connect to