Computer Labs

The Warner College of Natural Resources provides computer labs in an effort to facilitate learning through technology. These computer labs are available to any Warner College affiliated student, using their CSU eID information and located within the Michael Smith Natural Resources (MSNR) building. The labs provide access to capable computing systems, with a variety of software students can utilize throughout their studies. Our labs also provide students with resources for printing large posters and maps or papers and reports.

Warner College labs are also used as classrooms for courses that require the technology we provide. Be sure to check the lab schedules for open lab availability and hours. We also understand the requirements of these technologies outside of the classroom. To accommodate those needs, we provide checkout laptops for access to these technologies on the go. Additionally, we provide access to our Remote Computer Lab, accessible from any personal computer, even off-campus.

Computer Lab Hours

Fall Hours

Fall Break Closure

The computer lab will be closed Saturday November 23rd through Saturday November 30th.

Regular hours will resume on  Sunday December 1st.

Be sure to check for open Lab Availability and Hours

Computer Lab Related Video Tutorials

File Management Basics

Microsoft Excel Basics Part 1

WCNR Computer Labs

Computer Applications Lab (CAL) »


  • Equipped with 27 computers
  • Non-teaching lab. This lab is always available during open hours
  • Two color printers, two black and white printers for printing
  • Scanners attached to several computers on the North and South walls
  • CAL provides students with a plotter available for large format printing (posters, maps, etc.)
  • Computers 1-5 in the CAL (along East and South walls) are the only lab machines with the Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign…)
  • Laptops are available to be checked out for up to 5 hour increments.

See lab attendant at the staff desk for instructions on laptop checkout, plotter printing, or any other questions you have.

Remote Computer Lab (RCL) »


  • Remote Computer Lab accessible from anywhere, even off-campus
  • Requires internet connection
  • Uses VPN (Virtual Private Network) for connection to CSU’s network
  • Provides most software available in the other labs. See Available Software for details
  • Functionalities of the lab on-the-go or during lecture
  • Virtually-hosted lab allowing access to lab software, the network drive (N-Drive), and access to a Windows operating system
  • This service is not intended for computational analysis for research data.

Computer Learning Lab (CLL) – East Lab »

MSNR 232

  • East Lab of the CLL
  • Equipped with 25 computers and includes facilities for students in wheelchairs.
  • Front instructor computer is connected to a color VGA projector
  • Laptop connections available for the overhead projector using VGA or HDMI inputs.
  • Two color and two black and white printers for printing.
  • Sliding wall separating the CLL East and West lab from each other. Certain classes will have this wall retracted for use of both labs.
  • This lab is used as a teaching lab. Check the Computer Lab Schedule for open lab availability.

Computer Learning Lab (CLL) – West Lab »

MSNR 232

  • West Lab of the CLL
  • Equipped with 24 computers.
  • Front instructor computer is connected to a color VGA projector
  • Laptop connections available for the overhead projector using VGA or HDMI inputs.
  • The computers in this lab print to the printers located in the CLL East lab.
  • Sliding wall separating the CLL East and West lab from each other. Certain classes will have this wall retracted for use of both labs.
  • This lab is used as a teaching lab. Check the Computer Lab Schedule for open lab availability.

Graphics Technology Lab (GTL) »

MSNR 230

  • Can be accessed through MSNR 232 side door, near the front desk.
  • Equipped with 15 computers
  • The GTL computers are equiped with high-end graphics cards and processors suitable for more intensive computing tasks and 3D modeling
  • Desks have power outlets available for personal devices
  • The front instructor computer is connected to a 90″ LCD display
  • VGA and HDMI connections available for laptops to connect to the LCD display.
  • One color and one black and white printer for printing.
  • This lab is used as a teaching lab. Check the Computer Lab Schedule for open lab availability.

Contact Information

Computer Learning Lab (CLL) & GIS Technology Lab (GTL)

232 MSNR

Computer Applications Lab (CAL) Lab Attendant

Front Desk 107A MSNR

Computer Lab Manager

[email protected]