
  • Rick’s life’s passions align with his academic interests: to find ways that human land uses can be more restorative than destructive to land health. His interests, for example, include finding ways to recreate, ranch, farm, log, develop energy, and divert water in ways that minimize harm to soil, plants, animals, and water so that these human economies can move sustainably into the future.


Ph.D., Wildlife Biology - University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI,

M.S., Wildlife Biology - University of Washington
Seattle, WA,

B.S., Wildlife Biology - North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC,

Awards, Honors, Grants

  • Warner College Students Favorite Professor (5 time recipient), 2015
  • Association for Publishing & Media 2012 “EXCEL Award for General Excellence in Journal Publishing” for editing an issue of Rangelands on ecosystem services. Gold award category, 2012
  • Colorado Book Award for Anthology, 2008
  • Harry E. Troxell Distinguished Service To Students Faculty Award, 2008
  • Board of Governor’s Excellence in Teaching Award, Colorado State University, 2007


  • American Association of Biological Sciences
  • Ecological Society of America
  • Aldo Leopold Foundation