About Lise
I am a population ecologist interested in quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic factors (climate change, habitat fragmentation) on the ecology, demography, and microevolution of wild species (mainly vertebrates). How wild populations respond to management actions (e.g. harvest) and conservation practices is also a topic of great interest. My research calls for the analyses of longitudinal data and methodologies that stem from demography, population ecology, and life history theory.
Website Google Scholar Profile CVInterests
- Demography
- Population Ecology
- Life History Evolution
- Conservation Biology
- Wildlife Management
- Human-Wildlife Conflicts
- Climate Change
- Habitat Degradation.
PhD, Demography - Max Planck Institute
Rostock, Germany, 2009
MS, Ecology, Evolution, and biodiversity - University Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France, 2005
BS, Biology - University Paul Sabatier
Toulouse, France, 2003
Awards, Honors, Grants
- Leverhulme Visiting Professor Fellowship - University of Exeter , 2023
Selected Publications
Evaluation of harvest indices for monitoring cougar survival and abundance
Is Anthropogenic Mortality Additive to Natural Mortality in Cougar? Learning from Longitudinal Studies of Heavily and Lightly Harvested Populations
Why Does the Regulated Harvest of Black Bears Affect the Rate of Human-Bear Conflicts in New Jersey?
Recreational harvest and incident-response management reduce human–carnivore conflicts in an anthropogenic landscape
Methods for Studying Cause-Specific Senescence in the Wild
Effects of exploitation on a native invasive species: the lesser snow goose dilemma
Interacting effects of unobserved heterogeneity and individual stochasticity in the life-history of the Southern fulmar.
Winter space use of coyotes in high-elevation environments: behavioral adaptation to deep snow.
The Conundrum of heterogeneity in life histories.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing: Model misspecification undermines tests of the neutral theory for life histories
Climate change, phenology and habitat degradation: drivers of gosling body condition and juvenile survival in lesser snow geese
- Evolutionary Biodemography
- World Seabird Union
- British Ecological Society
- Ecological Society of America