About Anna

I am a watershed scientist who is guided by my passion and enthusiasm for my subject matter. In particular, I am interested in: | Water quantity and availability, especially streamflow and the seasonal snowpack | Examining patterns and trends in water to understand impacts from climate change | Ensuring water security for future generations | Communicating research effectively and creatively to those beyond the scientific community


  • Snow hydrology
  • Streamflow
  • Streamflow timing
  • Seasonal snowpack
  • Impacts of climate change on water supply


M.S., Watershed Science - Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 2016

B.S., Geosciences - Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA, 2013

B.A., Environmental Studies - Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, WA, 2013

Graduate & Advisor Program

Steven Fassnacht
Watershed Science