About Sarah
Sarah Newman is the Director of Operations for CitSci at Colorado State University's Natural Resource Ecology Lab. CitSci is an international participatory science platform serving 1200+ projects and over 15,000 people, monitoring bald eagles, testing new perennial crops, tracking stream quality, looking for new microbial organisms, and much more. Sarah’s work centers on scientific research questions that can only be answered with the help of the public. And it all began with her graduate work on invasive plants. Sarah enjoys digging into the difficult questions of our time, looking for new solutions to current problems, and working with partners across the public-private spectrum. Sarah’s prior work has included directing the Citizen Science Center at Beaver Creek Reserve, program management at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for the citizen science programs Project BudBurst and the Citizen Science Academy, newsletter editor at SciStarter, and various adventures with the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
M.S., Ecology - Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL, 2007
B.S. , Wildlife Management, Biology, Spanish - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Stevens Point, WI, 2004
Awards, Honors, Grants
- Udall Scholar, 2002
- Udall Scholar, 2001
- Citizen Science Association