About Sara

I am a fluvial geomorphologist studying drainage basin response and recovery following sediment disturbances, influence of climate change on discharge, sediment transport and mass movements, process-based channel restoration including environmental flows, restoration effectiveness monitoring, vegetation-channel feedbacks in various hydroclimatic regimes, glacial valley evolution, and geoscience education. My teaching includes undergraduate freshman and sophomore-level geology courses and a graduate course in field geomorphology.

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  • Channel morphology-vegetation feedbacks
  • Landscape response to disturbances
  • Channel recovery and restoration following sedimentation events
  • Flow variation and climate change using dendrochronology
  • Debris flow chronologies and controls on occurrence 
  • Reservoir sediment management
  • Drainage basin response to climate change


PhD, Earth Resources - Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 2001

MS, Geosciences - University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ, 1989

BS, Earth Resources - Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO, 1985

Awards, Honors, Grants

  • Geological Society of America Fellow, 2019
  • Outstanding Publication Award, Warner College of Natural Resources, 2018
  • Outstanding Mentorship Award, Warner College of Natural Resources, 2017
  • Gladys W. Cole Research Award, Geological Society of America, 2016
  • Distinguished Teacher/Advisor Award, Waner College of Natural Resources, 2008

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