The CSU RStor network storage system provides the CSU research community ~300 terabytes of shared network storage space. Space on this system is fee based and the cost is $70 per terabyte per year. RStor provides access to high-volume, scalable storage of unstructured data for research needs, and through a hybrid central funding model it is cost-effective for storage of large volumes of research data.
This storage system is managed by ACNS, with each college charged with management and provisioning for researchers within their college.
RStor allows for file sharing with other WCNR and CSU faculty, staff, and graduate students. For WCNR RStor users, folder and file permissions are managed by the owner of the space using CSU’s web-based Grouper access management system and Windows File Explorer. Linux and macOS and Linux will need access to a Microsoft Windows computer to modify Grouper-defined folder and file access permissions.
Upon request, tenured and tenure track faculty in WCNR academic departments are provided 1TB of space on this system to support faculty research with the cost covered by WCNR. Additional space above 1TB can be requested with cost for the amount above 1TB covered by the requester. All other WCNR faculty and staff may request space on this system and are responsible for all costs.