CSU RStor Instructions for WCNR Users

Below are instructions for configuring RStor to provide access to others within WCNR or at CSU.

Please substitute your RStor folder name everywhere you see “CSU eName.”    

WCNR IT has created a folder named “CSU eName” in CSU R-Stor.  This folder is accessible from the N: drive at the following path: N:\RStor\CSU eName  

If you don’t currently have the N: drive mapped, the path is: \\acns.colostate.edu\WCNR-Network 

Currently, only you have access to this folder.  Should you want to share this folder with others, group permissions management can be accomplished using a combination of R-Stor folder permissions, and groups defined using a University tool called Grouper. Grouper is available by logging into https://grouper.colostate.edu using your eName and ePassword. 

Groups created in Grouper are automatically provisioned in Active Directory (the authority that R-Storuses for file and folders security permissions) using the following naming convention:  

gpr_csurs_wcnr_[grouper folder name]_[grouper group name] 

WCNR IT has created an initial Admins Grouper group (named gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_admins in Active Directory).  Members of this Admins group have full control of your R-Stor folder and can manage Grouper groups.  You may add members to this initial Admins group and/or create additional groups within Grouper to help manage Grouper permissions and/or define R-Stor folder security.    

Managing permissions for your R-Stor folder using Grouper 

The following steps detail how to create an additional group and assign/restrict permissions to your R-Stor folders.   

Let’s say you have created two folders in your CSU eName R-Stor folder as follows:   

Folder structure for RStor setup

Currently, only your Admins group (gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_admins) have access to these folders. You would like to allow a few staff members to access only the Staff folder and have the ability to create files and folders within it.  You only want Admins to access the Private folder (prevent the staff members from accessing it).  

  1. Logon to Grouper 
  2. In the Browse folders section (lower left), expand Root/app/CSU R-STOR/WCNR/CSUeName
  3. Verify that the CSUeName folder is selected. The breadcrumbs at the top (middle) should show:Home > Root > app > CSU R-STOR > WCNR > CSUeName
  4. Click the green + Create new group button (upper left).
  5. The New group screen should appear.   
    • Leave the “Create in this folder” path as it is… it should say app:CSU R-STOR:WCNR:CSUeName 
    • In the Group name field, type the name of the group you want to create. In this example: Staff 
    • Leave the Group ID field as it is, do NOT edit.  
    • Give a description about this group, like: “This Staff group will contain users that will have access to the Staff folder.”  
    • Click the Save button.  
  6. Click on the new Staff group listed in the table.  
    • Verify you’re viewing the Staff group. The breadcrumbs at the top should show: Home > Root > app > CSU R-STOR > WCNR > CSUeName > Staff 
    • Click the orange + Add members button (upper right)  
    • In the Member name or ID field, type the eName of the PI (e.g., hsimpson)  
    • Pick the correct user account from the suggestions shown.   
    • Select the Custom privileges option.  
    • Check the ADMIN box if you want this user to help manage permissions of this group using Grouper.  
    • Verify the MEMBER box is also checked so this user will be a member of the Active Directory group for R-Stor folder permissions.  
    • Click the Add button.

This Staff group (known as gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_staff in Active Directory) has now been created and you have added Homer Simpson as a member of this group.   Repeat steps a. through h. to add any additional members to the Staff group. 

**Please note, creating groups in Grouper may take 5 minutes to replicate to Active Directory**  

Let’s adjust the R-Stor folder permissions for this new group.  First we need to give the members of the Staff group access to your CSUeName folder so they can get a directory listing. 

  1. Within Windows Explorer, navigate to the N: drive and into the RStor folder.
  2. Right-click the CSUeName folder, choose Properties and go to the Security tab.
  3. Click the Edit button to open the Permissions dialog.
  4. Click the Add button and type COLOSTATE\gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_staff in the object names field.
  5. Click OK to return to the Permissions dialog.
  6. Choose the following three permissions for the staff group you just added (These permissions will give the Staff group the ability to navigate into your CSUeNamefolder from the N drive and see all the folders ) :   
    • Read & Execute  
    • List folder contents  
    • Read
  7. Click OK to close the Permissions dialog.
  8. Click OK to close the CSUeName properties dialog.Now give the Staff group the ability to add/remove files/folders in the Staff folder.
  9. Right-click the Staff folder and choose Properties
  10. Click on the Security tab and select the gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_staff group in the list.
  11. Check the Full control option in the permissions list.Finally, let’s prevent the Staff group from seeing what is in the Private folder.  
  12. Right-click the Private folder and choose Properties
  13. Click on the Security tab and then click the Advanced button to open the Advanced Security Settings dialog.
  14. Click the Disable inheritance button and choose to Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.
    • Select gpr_csurs_wcnr_CSUeName_staff group in the entries list and click the Remove button.
    • This will prevent the Staff group from accessing files/folders within this Private folder.
  15. Click OK to close the Advanced Security Settings dialog.
  16. Click OK to close the folder properties dialog.  


 If you have any questions, please send a help request to [email protected]