The Center for Protected Area (CPAM) works to develop materials that will help support protected area managers. We partner with front-lines researchers at our University and from around the world, to make sure new tools are based on sound science and then adapt or translate that science into practical tips and support materials for managers.
To download examples of the materials that we have developed in PDF format, see below.
Partnership for the Conservation of Amazon Biodiversity Final Report for Public Land Use and Management Planning
Annotated Bibliography on Partnerships and Concessions for the Management of Tourist and Recreational Activities in Protected Areas
Cooperative Public Use Management on the National Forests and Grasslands
Non-Personal Interpretation: Guide for Elaborating Non-Personal Interpretive Products for Protected Areas
Leadership Action Planning Workbook
Adaptation of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum for use in Latin America
Adaptation of the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum for use in Latin America
Limits of Acceptable Change adaptation for Latin America
Ranger Training Manual
Ranger Training Manual
| Volumen 1, Módulo 2: Roles y Responsabilidades de los Guardaparques |
Ranger Training Manual
Ranger Training Manual
| Volumen 1, Módulo 4: Manejo de Uso Público y la Comunicación |
Ranger Training Manual
| Volumen 1, Módulo 5: Operación y Protección de las Áreas Protegidas |
Ranger Training Manual
Manual del Buen Capacitador