Conservation practitioners require diverse skill sets above and beyond scientific knowledge to effectively manage the sustainable use of the world’s natural resources. According to experienced conservation leaders around the world, leadership, management, communication and interpersonal relationship-building skills are also critical for their success. Our conservation leadership program is interwoven throughout our training courses to provide conservation practitioners with the leadership skills they need to affect change in their organizations and communities. We also conduct stand-alone conservation leadership trainings at all levels.

Our conservation leadership program implements proven leadership research from pioneers in the industry such as the Center for Creative Leadership, Peter Senge and his work on systems thinking, Simon Sinek and his work “Staring with Why”, and from organizational change specialists Wendy Mack and Janine Wilkin. Through our trainings, we empower participants with the strategies and tools needed to become more effective conservation leaders. A centerpiece of our leadership training is the Leadership Action Plan, a leadership plan that participants develop to create a written strategy for achieving their professional, community, and personal goals.
Leadership Action Planning Workbook
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