WCNR Student Computer Lab Use Policy
Last updated June 2019
- Entry doors to access labs should not be propped open outside of regular lab hours. Only lab operators may prop open doors to the labs.
- No food is permitted in the lab. Covered drinks only.
- No tobacco products of any kind are allowed in the lab, including chewing tobacco and vapepens.
- Users should be mindful of others trying to work by minimizing distracting audio or loudconversations.
- Do not sit on the desks or tables.
- Supplies are university owned and should not be removed from the lab. Please return suppliesto the supply table after use.
- Only lab operators are permitted behind the lab operator desk or closet/storage spaces.
- Only lab operators and Helpdesk staff are permitted to troubleshoot and restock printers. Pleaseask the lab operator on staff for assistance.
- If you need a print refund due to printer malfunction, please inform the lab operatorImmediately. If the issue occurs when a lab operator is not on staff, please contact the computer lab manager. [email protected]
- If a lab is reserved or a class is in session, users should not enter the lab unless absolutelynecessary.
- Users must have signs or flyers approved by WCNR before posting to lab bulletin boards.
- Service dogs are allowed in the lab but must remain on leash and with handler at all times.Please visit University policy regarding service animals.
- Behavior or language which causes other users or lab staff to feel uncomfortable, threatened, orharassed will not be tolerated. In these situations, CSUPD will be notified.
All users are expected to follow this policy and to respect and adhere to lab operators enforcing these rules. Users that violate any of these rules may be subject to revoked access for entry and denied login privileges to lab computers. In addition to the policy outlined here, WCNR computer labs adhere to all university policies.