Geosciences Jobs and Internships

The following positions are currently available to those studying and working in the Geosciences field. This page will continue to be updated as new positions become available.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of Geoscientists is expected to grow 5% over the next 10 years. This is a bit faster than average and we should see an increase of job opportunities in this field. Aka – a great time to be learning geology and entering the field!

Begin your job or internship search now and apply early!

For additional resources, visit the WCNR Career Services website 

Multiple Positions Available

New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM

Job Listings

It is an exciting time at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, in beautiful Socorro, NM. We have recently had a significant increase in our base operating budget to help us better characterize the aquifers of New Mexico. You can read about some of the statewide goals in the New Mexico 50yr Water PlanWe currently have 8 open positions to support this effort!


Junior Hydrogeologist – Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences required

Senior Hydrogeologist – Master’s degree in Earth Sciences required

Water Data Engineer/Developer – Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences required

Database Developer/Administrator  – Associate’s degree or 18+ months experience in computer sciences or related fields

Geothermal Research Associate – Master’s degree in Geoscience/Geophysics/Engineering required

Argon Lab Manager – Master’s degree in Argon geochronology

Publications Resource Specialist – high school diploma or GED required

Part-Time Instructor - Geography

Front Range Community College, Larimer Campus – Fort Collins, CO

Job Summary

As a part-time instructor in the Geography Department you will provide instruction in all levels of geography, including Global Climate Change, Landforms, Human Geography, World Regional Geography and/or Weather, Climate & Ecosystems. Course assignments will be made based on experience.

You work individually, as well as in collaboration with colleagues, to develop innovative curriculum which meets the needs of our diverse population of students. Student retention and success is your top priority. You will utilize technology and effective teaching strategies to develop students’ critical thinking skills.

You may be asked to teach at different times, locations and modalities to meet the needs of the College.

Application Due: Position will remain open until filled

Hydrogeologist, Groundwater Engineer, or Geological Engineer

Loughlin Water Associates, LLC, Park City, UT

Job Summary

Loughlin Water Associates, LLC, a full-service water resource and geoscience consulting firm located in Park City, Utah, is seeking a hydrogeologist, groundwater engineer, or geological engineer for a full-time position. Duties will include hydrogeological evaluations, well drilling and construction oversight, water sampling, aquifer testing and analysis, technical evaluations, and report writing. A M.S. degree in hydrogeology, groundwater engineering, or geological engineering with emphasis in groundwater resources is preferred along with strong geologic and GIS skills. A minimum of 1 year experience is desired.

Loughlin Water Associates, LLC, has extensive experience and knowledge in a wide array of geologic, hydrologic, and engineering disciplines. We specialize in groundwater resource development, troubleshooting and rehabilitation of wells and springs, protection of water resources, assessment of source capacity and water quality, dewatering studies, groundwater modeling, technical support for water rights and water-related litigation, and expert witness testimony.

Please email resume to: [email protected]

Application Due: Position Open Until Filled

Denver Museum of Nature and Science Internships

Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver, CO

Job Summary

Internships at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science offer opportunities to gain hands-on experience in scientific research, collections, digital research, and fossil preparation. These programs are valuable stepping stones toward careers in professional fields. Internships at the Museum are guided by DMNS staff who serve as mentors.

We often have multiple stipend internship positions available over the year, so stay connected to DMNS and check this page for future internship opportunities.

Internships for School Credit
In addition to our stipend internships, the Science Division offers internships for school credit. Please apply at least two months before your anticipated start date to allow time for application review. Decisions about which qualified applicants receive an internship are made by the Science Team staff.

  • Applicants must be at least an undergraduate and have completed at least two semesters by the start of the internship.
  • Stipends are not provided by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science for School Credit Internships. However, some colleges may provide funding to support these internships.
  • If you have applied for a stipend internship and are hoping to receive credit from your school if selected, you do not need to fill out this form.
  • Please ensure your school can provide credit for an internship before filling out this form or creating another account.
  • Since some institutions value credits differently, please calculate the number of hours you hope to complete.

Opportunities for school credit are listed below and are not connected to available Stipend Internship opportunities.

  • Earth Sciences Fossil Preparation Lab
  • Earth Sciences Digital Research Lab

Application Due: Rolling Deadlines