Graduate Students and Post-Doctoral Appointments

Current Graduate Students

IMG 5106

Ahmed Abukhtwa

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Sean Gallen

Asfaw, Dawit Photo

Dawit Asfaw, PhD

PhD program, Hydrogeophysics and Remote Sensing

[email protected]

Advisor: Mike Ronayne and Ryan Smith (ENGR)

Axness, Abigail

Abigail Axness, MS

PhD program, Geomorphology

[email protected]

Advisor: Sean Gallen

Bankher Headshot

Aziz Bankher

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt


Taylor Bennett

PhD program

[email protected]

Advisor: Jeremy Rugenstein

Bernstein, Rachel Copy

Rachel Bernstein

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Jeremy Rugenstein

Biswas, Tomalika Headshot

Tomalika Biswas

MS Program, Geophysics and Seismology

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt

Blehm, Lindsey Copy

Lindsey Blehm

MS Program, Fluvial Geomorphology

Advisor: Ellen Wohl

Bui, Thu

Thu Bui

PhD Program, Paleoclimate

[email protected]

Advisor: Jeremy Rugenstein

Caldwell, Noah Copy

Noah Caldwell

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Dan McGrath

cammack, david

David Cammack

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt

Chohan, Nick

Nick Chohan

MS Program, Hydrogeology

[email protected]

Advisor: Bill Sanford


Ethan Costello

MS Program


Advisor: John Ridley


Juliana Curtis

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lauren Harrison


Phil Dalhof

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Ridley

Davis, Dylan

Dylan Davis

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Ellen Wohl

Detre, Ally Copy

Ally Detre

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Dan McGrath

Drobnich, Kate

Kate Drobnich

PHD program

[email protected]

Advisor: Sean Gallen

Espinoza, Jorge

Jorge Andres Espinoza

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Dennis Harry

Flynn Helen

Helen Flynn

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Dan McGrath

Ford, Ashley

Ashley Ford

PHD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Rebecca VanderLeest

Frawley, Dylan Copy

Dylan Frawley

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Singleton

Ghamedi Headshot

Omar Ghamedi

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Sean Gallen

Girot Demi_Girot

Demi Girot

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Jerry Magloughlin

Khatiwada, Ash Head Shot

Ashlesha (Ash) Khatiwada, MS

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Dan McGrath

Kondracki, Philip

Phillip Kondracki

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lauren Harrison

Larkin, Katie

Katherine Larkin

MS Program, Fluvial Geomorphology

[email protected]

Advisor: Ellen Wohl

Malavarca CSU Photo

Sammy Malavarca

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Singleton

Maninji, Lameck copy

Lameck Maninji

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Ridley

More Info


Micah Mayle

PhD Program, Geodynamics

[email protected]

Advisor: Dennis Harry

McGhee Headshot

Elisa McGhee, MS

PhD Program, Cryosphere Seismology

[email protected]

Advisor: Rick Aster

Mertz, Connor 1

Connor Mertz

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Sara Rathburn

Moss, Maggie

Maggie Moss

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lauren Harrison


Lindsay Mota

MS Program, Sedimentology

[email protected]

Advisor: Jeremy Rugenstein

Perez, Ana María

Ana María Perez

PhD Program, Geomorphology

[email protected]

Advisor: Sean Gallen

Pickerel, Claire Copy

Claire Pickerel

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lisa Stright

Primus, Miriam

Miriam Primus

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Singleton

Richardson, Owen

Owen Richardson

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Ellen Wohl

Sabunis Kivanc

Kivanc Sabunis

MS Program, Applied Geophysics

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt

Sanchez Ortiz, Gaby

Gaby Sanchez Ortiz

MS Program, Geochemistry

[email protected]

Advisor: Jeremy Rugenstein

Sanusi, Sherif

Sherif Sanusi, MS

PhD Program, Geophysics and Seismology

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt

Stansfield Headshot

William Stansfield

MS Program, Hydrogeology

[email protected]

Advisor: Mike Ronayne

Thesis – Numerical Modeling Investigation of Long-Term Hydrologic Change due to Surface Water and Groundwater Withdrawals from a High Andean Headwater Basin, Southern Peru

Triantafillou Photo2[38]

Shayla Triantafillou

MS Program, Fluvial Geomorphology

[email protected]

Advisor: Ellen Wohl

Valadares Vieria, Lucas

Lucas Valadares Vieira

PHD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lisa Stright

Warden, Camilla Headsthot

Camilla Warden

MS Program, Hydrogeophysics

[email protected]

Advisor: Bill Sanford

Thesis – Characterizing Seepage Pathways Through an Embankment Dam Using Electric and Electromagnetic Geophysical Methods

Watzak, Josh

Joshua Watzak

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Derek Schutt


Zachary Wessel

PhD Program

[email protected]

Advisor: John Ridley

More Info


Drew White

MS Program

[email protected]

Advisor: Lauren Harrison

Post-Doctoral Appointments

Garza Giron, Richardo

Ricardo Garza-Giron, PhD

Post-Doctoral Associate

Advisor: Rick Aster

January 2023 – Present


Matt Lurtz, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Associate

Advisor: Mike Ronayne

September 2023 – Present

Wieting, Celeste

Celeste Wieting, PHD

Post-Doctoral Associate

Advisor: Sara Rathburn