Geosciences Joint Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, and Affiliates

Joint Faculty

Bangerth, Wolfgang Photo

Wolfgang Bangerth

[email protected]

Professor, Dept of Mathematics

Phone: (970) 491-8631, Office: 214 Weber

Numerical analysis, scientific computing, mathematical software

Emeriti Faculty


Eric Erslev

Professor Emeritus

I am a structural geologist with interests in Laramide tectonics, fault-related folding, fabric analysis and Rocky Mountain geology in general.



Profile Link

Frank G. Etheridge, Emeritus Faculty

Frank Ethridge

Professor Emeritus

Frank joined the Colorado State University faculty in 1975 and continues to enrich the geosciences department as an active professor emeritus.

Phone: (970) 226-0350

Profile Link

Hannah Headshot

Judy Hannah

Professor Emeritus


Malcolm McCallum

Professor Emeritus

Sally Sutton

Sally J. Sutton

Professor Emeritus

I am a geologist with research interests that include Sedimentary petrology and geochemistry, shale geology, fluid/rock interaction, chemical weathering, clastic diagenesis.



Tommy Thompson

Professor Emeritus

My interests are focused on exploration and production of gold, silver, copper, lead, &/or zinc ore deposits after 47.5 years as a professor of economic geology at four universities.






Kerstin Braun

Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Human Origins, Arizona State University. Sponsor: Jeremy Caves Rugenstein (3/27)

PhD, Earth Sciences, Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem

Eric Brown

Academic Instructor, Department of Geosciences, Aarhus University. Sponsor: Dennis Harry (3/26)

PHD, Geology, Univeristy of California, Davis

Jonathan Caine

Structural Geologist, USGS, Denver CO. Sponsor: Dan McGrath (7/25)

PhD, Geology, University of Utah; MA, Geology, State University of New York (SUNY)

Joel Cubley

Instructor and Geological Technology Program Coordinator, Yukon College, Canada. Sponsor: Rick Aster (8/25)

PhD, University of Calgary

Howard Feldman

Stratigraphy, ExxonMobil (ret.).  Sponsor: Lisa Stright  (12/24)

Google Scholar page

PhD, Indiana University, Paleontology

Caitlyn Florentine

Research Physical Scientist, USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Glaciers and Climate Project Sponsor: Dan McGrath  (10/25)

PhD, University of Montana, Geosciences

Jonathan Friedman

Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center.  Sponsor: Sara Rathburn  (7/27)

PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder; MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

James Hagadorn

Tim and Kathryn Ryan Curator of Geology, Dept of Earth Sciences, Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  (5/25)

PhD and MS, Colorado State University; BS, University of Utah

Ed Harvey

Supervisory hydrologist and chief of the U.S National Park Service Water Resources Division. Sponsor: Bill Sanford (1/25)

PhD Hydrogeology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; MS Hydrogeochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana; BS Geology & Geophysics, Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Illinois.

Sarah Hinshaw Fancher

Geomorphologist, GEI Consultants. Sponsor: Ellen Wohl (9/26)

PhD, Colorado State University

Kenneth S. Hughes

Dept of Geology, University of Puerto Rico.  Sponsor: Sean Gallen (10/25)

PhD, North Carolina State University

Tyler Kukla

NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Sponsor: Jeremy Rugenstein (12/25)

PhD, Geological Sciences, Stanford University

Syed Umer Latief

Fulbright Scholar, Sponsor: Dan McGrath (5/26)

Joel Leonard

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico Tech. Sponsor: Sean Gallen (1/27)

Ph.D. Geological Sciences, Arizona State University

Chris Lidstone

Founder and Principal, Wenck Associates, Inc. focused on geology and water resource consulting. Sponsor: Rick Aster (11/24)

M.S. Geomorphology, Colorado Sate University

Hans Peter Marshall

Assoc. Professor, Boise State Univ., Director of CryoGARS. Sponsor: Dan McGrath (8/27)

PhD, Civil Engineering (Geotechnical) CU Boulder

Scott McCoy

Asst Profesor, Dept of Geological Sciences and Engineering, Univeristy of Nevada, Reno. Sponsor: Dan McGrath (5/25)

Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder, Geological Sciences

Frank J. Pazzaglia

Professor, Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University. Sponsor: Sean Gallen  (10/25)

Ph.D. Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University

Robert Porritt

Geophysicist, University of Texas, Institute for Geophysics.  Sponsor: Derek Schutt & Rick Aster (2/25)

Phd Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley

Brianna Rick

ORISE USGS Alaska Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral Fellow. Sponsor: Dan McGrath (1/27)

PhD, Colorado State University

Adam Ringler

Physical Scientist, Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey. Sponsor: Rick Aster (1/27)

Ph.D. Pure Mathematics, University of New Mexico

Kaleb Scarberry

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology. Sponsor: John Ridley (9/24)

PhD Oregon State University, MS Idaho State Univeristy

Dan Scott

Watershed Science and Engineering.  Sponsor: Ellen Wohl (9/24)

PhD, Geosciences Colorado State University

Joe Sertich

Paleontologist, Department of Earth Sciences.  Sponsor: Sara Rathburn (5/25)

PhD and MS, Stony Brook University; MS, University of Utah; BS, Colorado State University

Charles Shobe

Research Geomorphologist, Rocky Mountain Research Station, US Forest Service.  Sponsor: Sara Rathburn (10/26)

PhD Geological Sciences, Certificate in Hydrologic Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder

Roger Steininger

CGO and Director, Nulegacy Cold Corp. Sponsor: Rick Aster (11/24)

PhD, Geology, Colorado State University

Robert Stollar

Science and Research Liaison, Regenesis Management Group; CSU Geosciences Advisory Council.
Sponsor: Rick Aster (11/27)

MS Geology, Colorado State University

Edward Warner

Geologist and Philanthropist; CSU Geosciences Advisory Council. Sponsor: Rick Aster (6/27)

Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, Colorado State University; MS, UCLA; BS, Colorado State University

Thad Wasklewicz

Geomorphologist, Principle in charge of Western US Geohazards and Geomorphology – Stantec. Sponsor: Ellen Wohl (3/27)

PhD, Geography, Arizona State University