Department Directory

Affiliates and Joint Faculty

Cameron Aldridge

Research Ecologist with USGS, and Affiliate Professor and Research Scientist at CSU

Jill Baron

Senior Research Scientist

Stewart Breck

Affiliate Faculty-Assistant Professor; Graduate MS Adviser, PhD Co-Advise

Tim Covino

Associate Professor Ecosystem Science and Sustainability

Jemma Fadum


Tropical limnology and aquatic biogeochemistry

Julie Heinrichs

Resch Sci/Scholar II

Landscape Ecology and Conservation Biology

Douglas Hultstrand


Dr. Hultstrand has a passion for scale and spatial variability in precipitation processes as related to hydrology and hydrometeorology. His research and expertise are in modeling the spatial variability in snowpack processes and rainfall as function of terrain parameters and atmospheric energy to better understand and model hydrologic regimes. Physical Science Techniques • Water Balance • Discharge Measurements • Meteorological Measurement & Analysis • Spatial Modeling • Water Quality Sampling • Snow Survey and Sampling Methods • Data Analysis • Watershed Modeling • Snow & Ground Energy Balance Computations • Storm Analysis • Dew Point Analysis • Areal Reduction Factor (ARF) Calculations • Error Analysis/QC • Eddy Covariance • Snowmelt & Snowpack Sublimation Analysis • Proposal Writing • Regional L-moments • Turbulent Flux Modeling (Latent and Sensible) • PMP Analysis • Develop Scripts/Code • Regional Climate Modeling and Data Analysis Computer Software • ArcView • ArcGIS • ArcInfo • MATLAB • MS Word • MS Excel • MS Access • MS Power Point • SPLUS/R • IDL • HEC-HMS • Lecia Software • PRMS • GIS Weasel • ERDAS • Solar Analyst • GRASS GIS • Linux/Unix • HTML • RAOB • Perl • GrADS • IPW Toporad • DNR Garmin • Python • GPS Interface • WATFLOOD • AWK/GWAK • Hysplit • NetCDF • GRIB • UEB Snow Model Computer Programming • PERL • R/SPLUS • Python • IDL • Matlab • GRASS GIS • AWK • Shell Scripts Computer Operating Systems • Linux/Unix • Microsoft Windows • Macintosh

Sarah King

I am a behavioral ecologist who specialises in equids and endangered species conservation.

Stacy Lynn

Research Scientist II

Social-ecological systems, African drylands and mixed-methods research

Melissa McHale

Associate Professor

Urban Ecology and Sustainability

Mike Ryan

SR Resch Sci/Scholar

Tom Stohlgren

Senior Research Scientist

Jody Vogeler

Research Scientist

Remote sensing applications in wildlife and forest disturbance ecology

Matthew Wallenstein

Associate Professor

Soil microbial ecology; sustainable agriculture; climate change; biogeochemistry.