Is systematic wolf reintroduction right for Colorado? With the two recent gray wolf sightings in Jackson County, the question of a healthy wolf population in Colorado is one of increasing attention and debate. At our Pathways 2019 conference (September 22-26), we will attempt to address this complex issue through the lens of human interests and values with a multi-part plenary session on Monday and Tuesday night, followed by a half-day world café workshop on Wednesday afternoon. The plenary session will feature speakers representing a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives, from key lessons learned from past reintroduction attempts, public perspectives towards wolf reintroduction, and key findings of social science research on the issue. If you are interested in learning more about wolves and Colorado, we invite you to join us at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes this September. The conference is open to the public. For more information on our plenary speakers, registration rates and other conference details, please visit our website or email the conference team. We look forward to seeing you in Estes Park!