Click on the accordions below to find HDNR monthly scholarship reports highlighting recent publications and awarded grants.


December Publications   

Tian Guo

Guo, T, Marquart-Pyatt ST, Ulbrich, T., Doll, J., Wilke, B. & Robertson GP (2024). Designing a quantitative assessment protocol for long-term stakeholder engagement: a case study at the Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Agroecosystem Research site. Journal of Environmental Quality.

Anna Lavoie

Murphy, M, Diaz-Clark, E., Balgopal, M and Lavoie A. Impact of a Wildlife Conservation Immersion Event on BIPOC Youth. In press, Connected Science Learning.

October Publications   

Joel Correia

Correia, Joel E. 2024. Territory and Sovereignty re-imagined: A reading of Subterranean Matters. Journal of Latin American Geography 23 (2): 181-183.

September Publications   

Joel Correia

Correia, Joel E. and Osborne, Tracey. 2024. Engaging Nature: Public Political Ecology for Transformative Climate Justice. In Doing Political Ecology. Gregory Simon and Kelly Kay eds. New York and London: Routledge.

Glauser, M., Maria de la Cruz, L., Basabe, C., Villagra, R., Correia, J.E. In press. Monitoreo de derechos territoriales y ambientales de comunidades indígenas en el Chaco Paraguayo: logros y desafíos del Observatorio de Cambios Ambientales. (Monitoring the territorial and enviornmental rights of Indigenous peoples in the Paraguayan Chaco: Successes and challenges from the Environmental Change Observatory). Suplemento Antropológico.

Correia, J.E., Villagra Carron, R., and Glauser, M. In press. The elusive promise of Indigenous land rights in Paraguay: Achievements, challenges, current trends. In Indigenous peoples’ land rights: A global analysis. Nikolaikis, W. ed. Cambridge University Press.

Tony Cheng

Beeton, T.A., T. Teel, M. Colavito, N. vonHedemann, C. Huayhuaca, A.S. Cheng, B. Ghasemi, and A. Snitker. Accepted. Developing reliable and valid measures for evaluating collaborative governance and adaptability: An example from the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program. Journal of Environmental Management

Courtney, K., E. Rabung, J. Brousseau, A.S. Cheng, A.P. Fischer, H. Fried, M. Hamilton, F. Holm, J. Inskeep, A. Lyde, C. Mosso, M. Nielsen-Pincus, J. Salerno, H. Stelzle, E. Toman, and S. Walker. 2024. Application of participatory process mapping to evaluate environmental decision-making and implementation. Society and Natural Resources [online]

Tian Guo

Guo, T, Marquart-Pyatt ST, Robertson GP (In press). Building ties at multi-stakeholder engagement events to facilitate social learning about contentious issues in natural resource management. Agriculture and Human Values.

Robertson, G.P, Wilke, B., Ulbrich, T., Nick M. Haddad, N. M., Hamilton, S.K., Baas, D.G., Basso, B., Blesh, J., Boring, T. J., Campbell, L., Cassida, K.A., Christine Charles, C., Chen, J., Doll, J.E., Guo, T., Kravchenko, A. N., Landis, D.A., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Singh, M. P., Sprunger, C.D., & Stegink J. (In press). The LTAR Croplands Common Experiment at the Kellogg Biological Station (KBS). Journal of Environmental Quality.

August Publications   

Joel Correia

Esbach, Michael, Correia, Joel E., Valdivia, Gabriela, Lu, Flora. In-press. Amazonian Conservation across Archipelagos of Indigenous Territories. Conservation Biology.

Tony Cheng, Jon Salerno, Sarah Walker

Courtney, K., E. Rabung, J. Brousseau, A.S. Cheng, A.P. Fischer, H. Fried, M. Hamilton, F. Holm, J. Inskeep, A. Lyde, C. Mosso, M. Nielsen-Pincus, J. Salerno, H. Stelzle, E. Toman, and S. Walker. 2024. Application of participatory process mapping to evaluate environmental decision-making and implementation. Society and Natural Resources [online]

July Publications   

Sarah Walker

Walker, S. E., Bennett, N., Smith, E. A., Nuckols, T., Narayana, A., Lee, J., & Bailey, K. M. (2024). Unintended consequences of nature-based solutions: Social equity and flood buyouts. PLOS Climate, 3(7), e0000328.

Walker, S. E., Smith, E. A., Bennett, N., Bannister, E., Narayana, A., Nuckols, T., … & Bailey, K. M. (2024). Defining and conceptualizing equity and justice in climate adaptation. Global Environmental Change, 87, 102885.

Jon Salerno

Carroll SL, Vogel SM, Taek PN, Tumuti C, Vasudev D, Goswami V, Wall J, Mwiu S, Reid RS, Salerno J. In press. A spatially explicit assessment of factors shaping attitudes toward African elephant conservation. Conservation Biology.

Lina Xiong

Xiong, L., King, C., Du, J., & Murillo, E. (2024). Finding Brand Values That Matter to Employees. Services Marketing Quarterly, 1-19.

June Publications   

Ed Gallo-Cajiao

Clifford Astbury, C., Demeshko, A., Gallo-Cajiao, E. et al. Governance of the wildlife trade and the prevention of emerging zoonoses: a mixed methods network analysis of transnational organisations, silos, and power dynamics. Global Health 20, 49 (2024).

David Knight

Liu, H., & Knight, D. W. (2024). Short- versus long-term tourism resilience and COVID-19: Background trend modeling by attraction type in Wuhan, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 110(104614). DOI:

May Publications   

Christina Cavaliere

Branstrator, J. R., & Cavaliere, C. T. (2024). Affective Dimensions of Compound Crises in Tourism Economies: The Intermountain Western Gateway Community of Nederland, Colorado. Conservation (4) 2, 253-272.

David Knight

Mandić, A., Knight, D. W., Vuković, M.,Thomsen, B. (2024). Place attachment, awareness of environmental responsibility and pro-environmental behaviour of visitors in protected natural areas. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-26. DOI:

April Publication   

Christina Cavaliere

Cavaliere, C. T., Branstrator, J. R., & Cheer, J. M. (2024). Intersectional Emancipation for Biocultural Conservation: An Exploratory Neolocalism Framework. Journal of Travel Research, 0(0).

Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Gaughan AE, Warrier R, Boone R, Stevens F, Keys P, Mangewa LJ, Mambo FM, de Sherbinin A, Hartter J, Hunter L. In press. Rural migration under climate and land systems change. Nature Sustainability.

Conlon M†, Balgopal M, Wright D, Bruyere B, Crooks K, Salerno J. In press. Who teaches place-based education? Identifying relationships between environmental value orientations and pedagogical values. Environmental Education Research.

Lewis S†, Salerno J, Sanderson J, Kanno Y. In revision. An experimental test of intra- and inter-specific competition between invasive western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and native plains topminnow (Fundulus sciadicus). Journal of Freshwater Biology

March Publication   

Jonathan Salerno

Fisk J, Leong K, Berl R, Long J, Adams M, Hankins D, Lake F, Landon A, Williams C, Salerno J. In press. Evolving wildlife management cultures of governance through Indigenous Knowledges and perspectives. J Wildlife Management.

Benjammin Ghasemi

Soofi, M., Ghasemi, B., Ahmadpour, M., Soufi, M., Islami, I., Eckert, A., … & Pavey, C. R. (2024). Application of the integrated threat theory to conservation law enforcement. Conservation biology, e14248.

February Publication   

Benjamin Ghasemi

Vucetich, J. A., Bruskotter, J. T., Ghasemi, B., Rapp, C. E., Nelson, M. P., & Slagle, K. M. (2024). A Flexible Inventory of Survey Items for Environmental Concepts Generated via Special Attention to Content Validity and Item Response Theory. Sustainability, 16(5), 1916.

Joel Correia

Correia, J.E. In-press. “Land matters: How Indigenous land restitution can inform just action on loss and damage.” Climate and Development.

Christina Cavaliere

Fennell, D. A., Kline, C., Mkono, M., Grimwood, B.S.R., Sheppard, V.A., Dashper, K., Rickly, J., Burns, G. L., Bertella, G., von Essen, E., García-Rosell, J.C., Guo, Y., Hoarau-Heemstra, H., López López, A., Venegas, G. J. Q., Holladay P. J., Cavaliere, C. T., Copeland, K., Danley, B., Rizzolou, J. B., Hurst, C. E., Usui, R., Äijälä, M., Crossley, E., Hill, K., Szydlowski, M., Bisgrove, D., Blythe, S., Fennell, S. R., Heaney, S.O., Schuhmacher, C., Tully, P., Coose, S., Hooper, J., and Madrid, R. (2024). Tourism, animals & the vacant niche: a scoping review and pedagogical agenda. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-29

February Grants   

Sarah Walker, Sara LoTemplio, cNISP

“Engaging Community in Nature Immersion Research and Practice”, Larimer County Department of Natural Resources, Small Grants for Community Partnering Program.

January Publication   

David Knight, Lina Xiong

Knight, D. W., Xiong, L., Gong, J., & Zhou, X. (2024). Why do the neighbors keep their distance? Evolutionary Psychology Theory and 2020 COVID-19 travel recovery in central China. Journal of China Tourism Research. DOI:

Stuart Cottrell

Cottrell, S.P., Mattor, K., & Cottrell Raadik, J. (2023). Perceptions of bark beetle landscape disturbance effects on natural resources and drinking water: Assessing communication and knowledge exchange in the Rocky Mountain Region, USA. Open Journal of Ecology, 14: 1, DOI: 10.4236/oje.2024.141005


November Grant   

David Knight, Lina Xiong, Jim Barborak, Tian Guo, Erin Hicks

“Multi-State Study Tour on U.S. Park and Protected Area Values for Officials, Community Leaders and Students from Hubei, China” ($149,571); PI – David Knight; co-PIs – Lina Xiong, Jim Barborak, Tian Guo, Erin Hicks

October Publications   

Christina Cavaliere, Julia Branstrator

Cavaliere, C. T. & Branstrator, J. (2023). A critical biocultural identity framework. Society & Natural Resources. 1-21.

Lina Xiong

King, C., Murillo, E., & Xiong, L. (2023). The coming of age of internal brand management research: looking back to look forward. A Research Agenda for Brand Management in a New Era of Consumerism, 177.

Sarah Walker, Sara LoTemplio

LoTemplio, S., McDonnell, A. S., Nadkarni, N., Walker, S., Gallegos-Riofrío, C. A., Scott, E. E., … & Strayer, D. L. (2023). Healthy by Nature: Policy Practices Aimed at Maximizing the Human Behavioral Health Benefits of Nature Contact. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 10(2), 247-255.

September Publications   

Sara LoTemplio, Sarah Walker, Jamie Dahl

LoTemplio, S., McDonnell, A.M., Nadkarni, N., Walker, S., Gallegos-Riofrío, C., Scott, E.E., Bettman, J.E., Rojas-Rueda, D., Dahl, J., Powers Tomasso, L., Lawler, J., Davalos, D., & Strayer, D.L. (in press). Healthy by Nature: Policy Practices Aimed at Maximizing the Human Health Benefits of Nature Contact. Policy Insights from Brain and Behavioral Sciences.

Veronica M. Champine, Megan S. Jones, Rebecca M. Niemiec

Veronica M. Champine, Megan S. Jones, Rebecca M. Niemiec. Encouraging social diffusion of pro-environmental behavior through online workshop-based interventions. Conservation Science and Practice.

Lin Xiong, Christina Cavaliere

Yin, J., Xiong, L., Cavaliere, C. T., Qiao, H., Jia, Y., & Xie, S. Examining the carbon emission impact of livelihood transitions in pro‐poor tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research.

Jon Salerno

Diem J, Bailey K, Konecky B, Salerno J. 2023. Comparisons of reanalysis and measured lower-troposphere winds over a portion of equatorial Africa. International Journal of Climatology. 18(1).

Benjamin Ghasemi

Ghasemi, B., Kyle, G., Sell, J., & Varner, G. (2023). Conservation scholars’ perspectives on the morality of trophy hunting for the sake of conservation. People and Nature.

August Publications   

Tian Guo

Guo, T., Marquart-Pyatt, S, & Robertson, G. P.. (In press) Using three consecutive years of farmer survey data to identify prevailing conservation practices in four midwestern US states. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.

Guo, T. Marquart-Pyatt, S., Beethem, K., Denny, R. & Lai, J. (2023) Scaling up agricultural conservation: Predictors of cover crop use across time and space in the U.S. upper Midwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 78(4), 1-12.

Benjamin Ghasemi

Moures-Nouri, F., Hemami, M. R., Rezvani, A., & Ghasemi, B. (2023). The influence of superstitions and emotions on villagers’ attitudes towards striped hyena in southwestern Iran. Plos one, 18(8), e0285546.

August Grants   

Joel Correia

“Conservation for climate justice” sponsored by School of Global Environment and Sustainability Curriculum Innovation Grant, Colorado State University

July Publications   

Sara LoTemplio

LoTemplio, S., Bettmann, J., Scott, E.E., Blumenthal, E.* (in press). Do Mental Health Changes in Nature Co-Occur with Changes in Heartrate Variability and Executive Functioning:? A Systematic Review. Current Environmental Health Reports.

LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J., Murdock, R., Strayer, D. L., & Payne, B. R. (2023). To err is human‐to understand error‐processing is divine: Contributions of working memory and anxiety to error‐related brain and pupil responses. Psychophysiology, e14392.

Jon Salerno

Stevens FR, Gaughan AE, Salerno J, Pricope N, Cassidy L, Bailey K, Hartter J, Drake M†, Weaver A, Kolarik N, Maseka H, Mosimane A. In press. Models and measures of household vulnerability and food security across a southern African, semiarid land system. Journal of Land Use Science.

June Publications   

Benjamin Ghasemi

Ghasemi, B., & Kyle, G. T. (2023). Hunters’ opposition to harmful hunting practices on ecosystems: values, beliefs, norms, and identities. The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22449.

May Publications   

Joel Correia

Correia, Joel E. 2023. Ruptures and continuities: How the global land “rush” reproduces slow violence on Latin America’s resource frontiers. In “Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing.” Neef, Andreas, Ngin, Chanrith, Moreda, Tsegaye, and Mollett, Sharlene eds. London: Routledge. pp. 47-62.

Correia, Joel E. 2023. “Despite conservative victory, Paraguay’s presidential elections signal growing discontent.” May 31. North American Congress on Latin America.

May Grants


Wen Zhang

Enhance the Impact of Storytelling Through International Tourism Development.  China Tourism Academy (CNTA).

April Publications   

Joel Correia

Correia, Joel E. 2023. Disrupting the Patrón: Indigenous land rights and the fight for environmental justice in Paraguay’s Chaco. Oakland: University of California Press.

Sara LoTemplio

Jecmen, D. & LoTemplio, S. (in press). Improvements in Depressive Symptoms in Nature May Be Partly Caused by Improvements in Vagal Tone: A Review and Theoretical Perspective

Jonathan Salerno

Ross CT, Hooper P, and 98 other authors including Salerno J. In press. Reproductive inequality in humans and other mammals. PNAS.

April Grants


Joel Correia

Just Social-Ecological Transitions in Latin America Program. Warner College of Natural Resources Dean’s Grant for Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Wicked Problems.

Sara LoTemplio and Sarah Walker

Nature Immersion Science and Practice Collective. REI Cooperative Action Grant.

Jonathan Salerno

A One Health transdisciplinary approach to human-wildlife coexistence. WCNR Dean’s Fund for Transdisciplinary Approaches to Solving Wicked Problems.

March Publications   

Sara LoTemplio

LoTemplio, S., Lopes, C.L., McDonnell, A.M., Scott, E.E., Payne, B.R., & Strayer, D.L. (2023). “Updating the Relationship of the Ne/ERN to Task-Related Behavior: A Brief Review and Suggestions for Future Research.” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 1150244


March Grants


Jonathan Salerno

US Department of Agriculture Hatch Program. PI: Yovovich V. Co-Is: Jablonski K, Crooks K, Breck S, Salerno J, Havrilla C.

February Publications   

None Reported


February Grants


Sara LoTemplio

Aging, Nature and Virtual Reality. Colorado State University – College of Natural Sciences, Dean’s Office

January Publications   

Tian Guo

Beethem, K., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Lai, J. & Guo. T. (2023) Navigating the Information Landscape: Public and Private Information Source Access by Midwest Farmers. Agriculture and Human Values. xx(xx), xx-xx.

Christina Cavaliere

Branstrator JR, Cavaliere CT, Day J, Bricker KS. Civic Reporting Indicators and Biocultural Conservation: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Tourism. Sustainability. 2023; 15(3):1823.

Joel Correia

Correia, J.E. 2023. “Demo-cartographic imaginaries: How dilemmas of data and erasure reveal latent authoritarianism and threats to Indigenous land rights in Paraguay.” Latin American Perspectives. Accepted, in-press.

Sara LoTemplio

Scott, E.E.†, Crabtree, K.W.*†, McDonell, A.S., LoTemplio, S.B., McNay, G.D., & Strayer, D.L (2023). Measuring Affect and Complex Working Memory in Natural versus Urban Environments. Frontiers Journal of Psychology – Environmental Psychology, 14, 1039334. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1039334


January Grants


Ryan Finchum

Developing and Implementing an Online Human Dimensions Course to Support Capacity Development for Marine Protected Area Managers. Blue Nature Alliance and the Global Environmental Facility.

Cooperation and Technical Assistance to Support the USFS IP Brazil Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program. US Forest Service International Programs & USAID .

Increasing the Capacity for Monitoring and Reporting Illegal Logging and Deforestation in Southern Mexico: A pilot training program. US Forest Service International Program & US Trade Representative to USMCA.

Lina Xiong

Managing human-wildlife conflicts exacerbated by urbanization in China – Examining Chinese wildlife values across generations. 2023-24 Lincoln Institute China Program International Fellowship.


December Publications   

Stuart Cottrell

Cottrell, S.P., Raadik Cottrell, J., Johnson, M., & Jimenez, A. (In Press). Role of Adventure Programming for Shaping a Conservation Ethic and connection to the marine environment. In K.S. Bricker & J. Kariithi (Eds). Case Studies and Research in Ecotourism. Apple Academic Press.

Kelly Jones

Abebe, B.A., Jones, K.W. 2022. Social equity outcomes in a community-based conservation program in Ethiopia. Society & Natural Resources. 10.1080/08941920.2022.2158254

Michael Czaja

Czaja, M. (In Press). Fulbright Specialists in a Time of Change. Fulbright Chronicles, accepted 12/22.

December Grants

Brett Bruyere

Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan Survey. Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

November Publications   

Sarah Walker

Walker, S. E., Bailey, K. M., & Smith, E. A. (2022). Seeing climate adaptation through an equity lens: Lessons learned from community adaptation to flood risk. Journal of Environmental Media, 3(1), 147-153.

Kelly Jones

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M., Selfa, T.L., Jones, K.W., Ashcraft, C.M., Manson, R.H., Asbjornsen, H. 2022. “Learning impact of policy games: investigating role-play simulations (RPS) for stakeholder engagement in payment for hydrological services program in Veracruz, Mexico.” Socio-Ecological Practice Research.

Blake Simmons

Simmons, B. A., Butt, N., O’Hara, C. C., Ray, R., Ma, Y., & Gallagher, K. P. (In press) China’s global development finance poses heterogeneous risks to coastal and marine socio-ecological systems. One Earth.

Lina Xiong

Xiong, L. (Forthcoming). It takes a village: Examining how and when brand-specific transformational leadership affects employees in internal brand management. Journal of Brand Management.



November Grants


None Reported

October Publications   

Christina Cavaliere

Kline, C. S., Hoarau-Heemstra, H. (Hin), & Cavaliere, C. T. (2022). Wildlife Equity Theory for Multispecies Tourism Justice. Journal of Travel Research, 0(0).

David Knight

Knight, D. W. (2022). Empowerment in Tourism. In D. Buhalis’ (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing (pp. 84-87). Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI:

Truong, V. D., Knight, D. W., Pham, Q., Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, T. D., & Saunders, S. G. (2022). Undertaking fieldwork in Pro-Poor Tourism: A reflexive account. Tourism Recreation Research. DOI:

Li, Y., Ouyang, C.-X., Zhou, S., Hu, Y., & Knight, D. W. (2022). Tourism dependence and poverty alleviation thresholds in Chinese ethnic tourism. Journal of Mountain Science, 19(10), 3026-3036. DOI:

Rebecca Gruby, Jeffery Blackwatters, Ash Enrici

Blackwatters, J. E., Betsill, M., Enrici, A., Le Cornu, E., Basurto, X., & Gruby, R. L. (2022). More than funders: The roles of philanthropic foundations in marine conservation governance. Conservation Science and Practice, e12829.

Jim Barborak

Appleton, M.R., Courtiol, A., Emerton, L. James L. Slade, Andrew Tilker,, Lauren C. Warr, Mónica Álvarez Malvido, James R. Barborak, Louise de Bruin, Rosalie Chapple, Jennifer C. Daltry, Nina P. Hadley, Christopher A. Jordan, François Rousset, Rohit Singh, Eleanor J. Sterling, Erin G. Wessling and Barney Long. Protected area personnel and ranger numbers are insufficient to deliver global expectations. Nat Sustain (2022).



October Grants


Christina Cavaliere

Biocultural identities and marine protected areas in Norway. Co-PI: Drs. Christina T. Cavaliere, Hin Hoarau-Heemstra, Nadja Nazarova, and Carol Kline. Nord University.

September Publications   

Stuart Cottrell

Raadik Cottrell, J., & Cottrell, S. P. (2022). Exploring “Elsewhereland” — Places Desired, Remembered and Dwelled: Place experience of vacationers on Saaremaa Island, Estonia.Shima16(2), 265–288.10.21463/shima.170

Kelly Jones

Selfa, T., Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M., Cordoba, D., Avila-Foucat, V.S., Pischke, E., Jones, K.W., Nava-Lopez, M.Z. Torrez, D.M. 2022. The Role of Situated Knowledge and Values in Reshaping Payment for Hydrological Services Programs in Veracruz, Mexico: An Actor-Oriented Approach. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 268-277.

Rebecca Gruby

Blackwatters, JJ., Betsill, M., Enrici, A., Le Cornu, E., Basurto, X., Gruby, R.L. “More than funders: The Role of philanthropic foundations in marine conservation governance.” In Press, Conservation Science and Practice.

Bastian Thomsen

Thomsen, B., K. Copeland, S.R. Fennell, J. Thomsen, M. Harte, A. Deshwal, J. Maxwell, S. Coose, M. Taylor, C. Hosack, M. Duggan, A. Schneider, D. Nickerson, S. Copeland, B. Breidenbach, T. Heid, and O. Muurlink. (2022). The Promise of Posthumanism in Wildlife Ecotourism: A set of three case studies of veterinarians’ role at wildlife rehabilitation centers in Costa Rica. Journal of Ecotourism.



September Grants


Kelly Jones

Combatting illegal cheetah trafficking: An adaptive management strategy for building regional and national capacity in the Horn of Africa. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-International Conservation. 2022-2025. Co-PI.

Anna Lavoie

Cultivating Access and Diversity of Recreational Fishing in Colorado. Anna Lavoie (PI) & Michael Quartuch (co-PI). U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

August Publications   

Stuart Cottrell

Raadik Cottrell, J. & Cottrell, S.P. (In Press). Exploring “elsewhereland”: places desired, remembered and dwelled: Place experience of vacationers on Saaremaa Island, Estonia, Shima Journal, Accepted 08/22.

Kelly Jones

Asbjornsen, H., Wang, Y., Ellison, D., Ashcraft, C., Attallah, S., Jones, K., Mayer, A., Altamirano, M., Yu, P. 2022. Multi-Targeted Payments for the Balanced Management of Hydrological and Other Forest Ecosystem Services. Forest Ecology and Management 522: 120482.

Lina Xiong

Zhang, X., Ma, C., Li, X., Xiong, L., & Nie, S. (2022). Assessing the Impact of Air Pollution on Inbound Tourism along the Yangtze River across Space and Time. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10944.

Michael Czaja

Czaja, M. (2022). Performance Management within the Portuguese Integrated Rural Fire Management System (Fulbright Specialist Project P005334). Technical report submitted to the Portuguese Agency for Integrated Rural Fire Management, Lisbon, Portugal; U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC; and World Learning, Washington, DC.

Doe, W., & Czaja, M. (2022). The 10th Mountain Division at Camp Hale, Colorado: The origin of mountain alpine warfare testing and training in the U.S. In A. Bondesan & J. Ehlen (Eds.), Military Geoscience: A Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Warfare, Advances in Military Geosciences (pp. 183−194). Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-79260-2_11.



August Grants


None Reported

July Publications

None Reported.

July Grants

None Reported.

June Publications   

Bastian Thomsen

Thomsen, Bastian, Kellen Copeland, Samuel R. Fennell, Jennifer Thomsen, Michael Harte, Anant Deshwal, Jon Maxwell, Marley Taylor, Max Duggan, Amy Schneider, Dane Nickerson, Shelby Copeland, Bryan Breidenbach, Max Duggan, Taylor Heid, and Olav Muurlink. (2022 – Forthcoming). The Promise of Posthumanism in Wildlife Ecotourism. Journal of Ecotourism.

Fennell, Samuel R., Kellen Copeland, Bastian Thomsen, Shelby Copeland, and Max Duggan. Toward an Era of Multispecies Livelihoods in Coastal and Marine Community-based Tourism. (Accepted 2022, Forthcoming), Routledge Handbook of Nature-Based Tourism Development. Ed. Ante Madic.



June Grants


None Reported

May Publications   

None Reported


May Grants

None Reported

April Publications   

Bastian Thomsen

Thomsen, Bastian, Thomas Cousins, Andrew Gosler, Kellen Copeland, Jennifer Thomsen, Sarah Coose, Abigail Mensah, Samuel R. Fennell, Anant Deshwal, Jose Guzman, Shelby Copeland, Dane Nickerson, Max Duggan, Amy Schneider, Marley Taylor, and Asier Hernandez Saez. (Accepted 2022, forthcoming).

Posthumanist Pluralities: Advocating for nonhuman species’ rights, agency, and welfare in ecosystem governance. Advances in Ecological Research: Pluralism in Ecosystem Governance. Fennell, Samuel R., Kellen Copeland, Bastian Thomsen, Shelby Copeland, and Max Duggan. Toward an Era of Multispecies Livelihoods in Coastal and Marine Community-based Tourism. (Accepted 2022, Forthcoming), Routledge Handbook of Nature-Based Tourism Development. Ed. Ante Madic.

Lina Xiong

Xiong., L., Vaske, J. J., Almstead, J., & Wiebe, Z. (2022). Open Space Visitors’ Attitudes toward Ebikes on Natural surface Trails. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, published,

Rebecca Gruby

Campbell, L.M., Fail, R., Horan, R., Acton, L., Blackwatters, J., Garcia Lozano, A., Gill, D., Gray, N., Gruby, R., Melvin, E., Murray, G., Wiehe, E. Architecture and Agency for Equity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. In Press, Earth System Governance.

Kelly Jones

Samantha H. Cheng; Sebastien Costedoat; Eleanor Sterling; Catherine Chamberlain; Arundhati Jagadish; Peter Lichtenthal; A. Justin Nowakowski; Auset Taylor; Jen Tinsman; Steven W. J. Canty; Margaret B Holland; Kelly W. Jones; Morena Mills; David Morales-Hidalgo; Starry Sprenkle-Hyppolite; Meredith Wiggins; Michael B Mascia; Carlos L. Muñoz Brenes. What evidence exists on the links between natural climate solutions and climate change mitigation outcomes in subtropical and tropical terrestrial regions? A systematic map protocol. Env Evidence (2022) 11:15.

Kelly W. Jones, Allen Blackman, Rodrigo Arriagada. (2022) Chapter 14: Methods to Advance Understanding of Tenure Security: Impact Evaluation for Rigorous Evidence on Tenure Interventions, In: Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Development, Editors: Holland, M.B., Masuda, Y.J., Robinson, B.E. Springer Nature.

Jennifer Solomon

Ulman Aylin, Ali Fadilah Z., Harris Holden E., Adel Mohammad, Mabruk Sara A. A. Al, Bariche Michel, Candelmo Allison C., Chapman Jennifer K., Çiçek Burak Ali, Clements Kaylin R., Fogg Alexander Q., Frank Stacy, Gittings Stephen R., Green Stephanie J., Hall-Spencer Jason M., Hart Jim, Huber Summer, Karp Philip E., Kyne Fabian C., Kletou Demetris, Magno Lauryn, Rothman Shevy B. S., Solomon Jennifer N., Stern Nir, Yildiz Taner. 2022. Lessons From the Western Atlantic Lionfish Invasion to Inform Management in the Mediterranean. Frontiers in Marine Science.


April Grants


None Reported

March Publications   


Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Bailey K, Diem J, Bridges R†, Konecky B, Namusisi S, Bitariho R, Hartter J. In press. Accuracy of rainfall observations by smallholders enables on-farm adaptation to climate change. Weather, Climate & Society.

Hamilton M, Salerno J, Fischer P. In press. Cognition of feedback loops in a fire-prone social-ecological system. Global Environmental Change.


Sunshine Swetnam

Fassnacht, S.R., and S.A. Swetnam, 2022. How climate change threatens the Winter Olympics’ future. The Conversation.


Michael Manfredo & Tara Teel

Vaske, J. J., Don Carlos, A. W., Manfredo, M. J., & Teel, T. L. (2022). Evaluating alternative survey methodologies in human dimensions of wildlife research. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.


Christina Cavaliere, Lina Xiong, and David Knight

Branstrator, J., Cavaliere, C. T., Xiong, L. & Knight, D. Extended reality and sustainable tourism: Restorying human-wildlife relationships for biocultural conservation. (2022) Journal of Ecotourism. 10.1080/14724049.2022.2055046


Rebecca Niemiec, Richard Berl, Tara Teel, and Jonathan Salerno

Niemiec R, Berl R, Gonzalez M, Teel T, Salerno J, Breck S, Camara C, Collins M, Schultz C, Hoag D, Crooks KR. (2022). Rapid Changes in Public Perception Towards a Conservation Initiative. Conservation Science and Practice.


March Grants


Jonathan Salerno

Leveraging social networks and mobile technologies to promote human-carnivore coexistence. PI: Salerno J, Co-Is: Jablonski K, Breck S.  CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability.

February Publications   


Jonathan Salerno

Collins A, Grote MN, Caro T, Ghosh A, Thorne J, Salerno J, Borgerhoff Mulder M. 2022. How community forest management performs when REDD+ payments fail. Environmental Research Letters.


Gaughan AE, Kolarik N, Stevens FR, Pricope N, Salerno J, Cassidy L, Drake M, Woodward K, Hartter J. 2022. Using Very High Resolution Multispectral Classification to Estimate Savanna Fractional Vegetation Coverage. Remote Sensing.


Benjamin Ghasemi

Soofi, M., Qashqaei, A. T., Trei, J. N., Shokri, S., Selyari, J., Ghasemi, B., … & Waltert, M. (2022). A novel application of hierarchical modelling to decouple sampling artifacts from socio-ecological effects on poaching intensity. Biological Conservation, 267, 109488.



February Grants


Jonathan Salerno

Drivers of inequity in community wildfire risk mitigation capacity across Colorado forest landscapes. WCNR McIntire-Stennis Program.


Ryan Finchum

Cooperation and Technical Assistance to Support the USFS IP Brazil Forest Management and Fire Prevention Program. US Forest Service International Programs.


Anna Lavoie

Cultivating access and diversity of recreational fishing in Colorado. Colorado State University Office of Engagement and Extension Community Engaged Scholars Seed Grant Program.

January Publications   


Brett Bruyere and Sarah Walker

Bruyere, B.L., Copsey, J., & Walker, S. (2022). Beyond skills and knowledge: The role of self-efficacy and peer networks to build capacity for species conservation planning. Oryx.


Jim Barborak and  Brett Bruyere

Porzecanski, A., Sterling, E., Copsey, J., Appleton, M., Barborak, J., Bruyere, B., . . . Valdés-Velásquez, A. (2022). A systems framework for planning and evaluating capacity development in conservation: Recommendations for practitioners. Oryx, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S003060532100154X



January Grants


None Reported


December Publications   


Brett Bruyere, Jim Barborak, and Ryan Finchum

Porzecanski, A; Sterling, E; Copsey, J; Appleton, M R; Barborak, J; Bruyere, B; Bynum, N; Farmer, K; Finchum, R; Rakotobe, D; Stanoss, R; & Valdes-Velasquez, A. A Systems Framework for Planning and Evaluating Capacity Development in Conservation: Recommendations for Practitioners.  Oryx.


Tara Teel, et al.

Teel, T. L., Bruyere, B., Dayer, A., Stoner, K. E., Bishop, C., Bruskotter, J., Freeman, S., Newmark, J., Jager, C., & Manfredo, M. J. (In Press). Re-envisioning the university education needs of wildlife conservation professionals in the U.S. Conservation Science and Practice.


Manfredo, M. J., & Teel, T. L. (In Press). Introduction to special section on “Wildlife Agency Organizational Change”: Embracing the challenge of adaptive wildlife conservation in the United States. Conservation Science and Practice.


Sullivan, L. M., Manfredo, M. J., & Teel, T. L. (In Press). Technocracy in a time of changing values: Wildlife conservation and the ‘relevancy’ of governance reform. Conservation Science and Practice.


Rebecca Gruby

Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Klenk NL, Ryan ME, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Brennan R, Charli-Joseph L, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Haller T, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Reid RS, Riechers M, Spierenburg M, Tengö M, Bennett E, Brandeis A, Chatterton P, Cockburn JJ, Cvitanovic C, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Gerber JD, Green JMH, Gruby R, Guerrero AM, Horcea-Milcu A-I, Montana J, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Bednarek AT, Curran K, Fada SJ, Hutton J, Leimona B, Pickering T, Rondeau R. (2022). Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations. Global Environmental Change, 72, 102422


Rebecca Niemiec, et al.

Niemiec R, Berl R, Gonzalez M, Teel T, Salerno J, Camara C, Breck S, Schultz C, Hoag, D, Crooks KR. (In Press). Rapid Changes in Public Perception Towards a Conservation Initiative. Conservation Science and Practice.


Ditmer MA, Niemiec R, Wittemeyer G, Crooks KR. (In Press). Social-ecological Drivers of Public Conservation Voting: Restoring Gray Wolves to Colorado, USA. Ecological Applications.


Jim Barborak and Ryan Finchum

James R. Barborak, Ryan Finchum, and Steve McCool. 2021.  How do U.S. universities benefit from partnering with the USDA Forest Service International Programs?  US Forest Service International Programs Brazil Program Forest Flyer, December 2021.  Available at:  and Portuguese version available at:


Jennifer Solomon, et al.

Speaker*, T., O’Donnell, S., Wittemyer, G., Bruyere, B., Loucks, C., Dancer, A., Carter, M., Fegraus, E., Palmer, J., Warren, E. and Solomon, J. 2022. A global community-sourced assessment of the state of conservation technology. Conservation Biology. Accepted Author Manuscript.


Sterling E. J., Sigouin A., Betley E., Zavaleta Cheek J., Solomon J. N., Landrigan K., Porzecanski A. L., Bynum N., Cadena B., Cheng S. H., Clements K. R., Finchum R., Geresy M., Gomez A., Groom M., Loffeld T. A. C., Miller D. C., Rakotobe D., Rao M., Roberts R., Shinbrot, X.A., Willigan, E., and M.S. Jones. 2021. The state of capacity development evaluation in biodiversity conservation and natural resource management. Oryx: 1–12 doi:10.1017/S0030605321000570


Clements* K. R., Karp P., Harris H. E., Ali F., Candelmo A., Rodríguez S. J., Balcázar-Escalera C., Fogg A. Q., Green S. J. & Solomon J. N. (2021) The Role of Citizen Science in the Research and Management of Invasive Lionfish across the Western Atlantic. Diversity 13: 673.


Commerçon* F.A., M. Zhang, and J.N. Solomon. 2021. Social norms shape wild bird hunting: A case study from southwestern China. Global Ecology and Conservation.



December Grants


Tara Teel, Michael Manfredo, and Anna Lavoie

“Best Practices for Cultivating Diverse Fish and Wildlife Agency Workforces.” PI: M. Manfredo; Co-PIs: T. Teel, A. Lavoie, K. Bailey, N. Morales. AFWA/USFWS Multistate Conservation Grant Program.

November Publications   


Anna Lavoie

Brannstrom, C., Leite, N. S., Lavoie, A., & Gorayeb, A. (2022). What explains the community acceptance of wind energy? Exploring benefits, consultation, and livelihoods in coastal Brazil. Energy Research & Social Science, 83, 102344. doi:


Tara Teel, et. al.

Niemiec R, Gruby R, Quartuch M, Cavaliere C, Teel T, Crooks K, Salerno J, Solomon J, Jones K, Gavin M, Lavoie A, Stronza A, Meth L, Enrici A, Lanter K, Browne C, Proctor J, Manfredo M. (2021). Integrating social science into conservation planning. Biological Conservation.


McLean, H. E., Jaebker, L. M., Anderson, A. M., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., Shwiff, S. A., & Carlisle, K. M. (2021). Social media as a window into human-wildlife interactions and zoonotic disease risk: an examination of wild pig hunting videos on YouTube. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.


Jaebker, L. M., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., McLean, H. E., Tomeček, J. M., Frank, M. G., Connally, R. L., Shwiff, S. A., & Carlisle, K. M. (2021). Social identity and acceptability of wild pig (Sus scrofa) control actions: A case study of Texas hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.


Sarah Walker

Walker, S. E., Bruyere, B. L., Solomon, J. N., Powlen, K. A., Yasin, A., Lenaiyasa, E., & Lolemu, A. (2022). Pastoral coping and adaptation climate change strategies: Implications for women’s well-being. Journal of Arid Environments, 197, 104656.


Stuart Cottrell

McGrady, P.,  Golicic, S., & Cottrell, S.P. (In press). Diffusion of Corporate Sustainability in the Ski Industry, International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development


Cynthia Jacobson

Pomeranz EF, Hare D, Decker DJ, Forstchen AB, Jacobson CA, Smith CA and Schiavone MV (2021) Successful Wildlife Conservation Requires Good Governance. Front. Conserv. Sci. 2:753289. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2021.753289


November Grants


Anna Lavoie

Catalyzing Watershed-Scale Change and Preserving Puebloan Lifeways in the Middle Rio Grande Corridor. James Calabaza, Anna Lavoie, Phoebe Suina. Colorado State University, Center for Collaborative Conservation

None Reported

September Publications   


Bastian Thomsen

Thomsen, Bastian. (2021). Wolf ecotourism: A posthumanist approach to wildlife ecotourism. In Routledge’s Handbook of Ecotourism. Ed. D. Fennell; pp.1-26.


Kelly Jones

Shinbrot, X.A., Jones, K.W., Newman, G., Ramos-Escobedo, M. Accepted. “Why Citizen Scientists Volunteer: The Influence of Motivations, Barriers, and Perceived Project Relevancy on Volunteer Participation and Retention from a Novel Experiment”. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.


September Grants


Rebecca Niemiec

Can improved ecological forecasting accelerate sustainability transformation in urban lighting? PI: Kyle Horton Co-PI Rebecca Niemiec. National Science Foundation GCR Grant:


Understanding Public Perspectives towards Strategies for Promoting Human-Carnivore Coexistence in Colorado. Summerlee Foundation.

August Publications   


Rebecca Gruby

  1. Betsill, A. Enrici, E. Le Cornu, R.L. Gruby, Philanthropic Foundations as Agents of Environmental Governance: A Research Agenda. In Press, Environmental Politics.


Chambers, J.M., Wyborn, C., Ryan, M.E. et al. Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nat Sustain (2021).


Rebecca Niemiec, Et al.

Niemiec R, Gruby R, Quartuch M, Cavaliere C, Teel T, Crooks K, Salerno J, Solomon J, Jones K, Gavin M, Lavoie A, Stronza A, Meth L, Enrici A, Lanter K, Browne C, Proctor J, Manfredo M. (2021).

Integrating social science into conservation planning. Integrating Social Science into Conservation Planning. Biological Conservation.


Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Gaughan AE, Stevens F, Hilton T†, Bailey K, Bowles T, Cassidy L, Biggs D, Pricope N, Mupeta P, Cosmas S, Wabahe Mosimane A, Luwaya MH, Drake M†, Weaver A, Kolarik N, Woodward K, Hartter J. Accepted. Wildlife impacts and changing climate pose compounding threats to human food security. Current Biology.


Quandt A, Salerno J, Baird T, McCabe JT, Xu E, Herrick J, Hartter J. Accepted. Mobile phone use and agricultural impacts among female smallholder farmers in Tanzania. J Gender Agriculture, and Food Security.


Brett Bruyere

Heisel, S. E., King, E., Ryan, C., Sundaresan, S., Malsbury, E., & Bruyere, B. (in press). Knowledge perceptions, agency, and motivations regarding wildlife and wildlife conservation in Samburu, Kenya.  Biological Conservation.


August Grants


Kelly Jones

Transforming Rural-Urban Systems: Trajectories for Sustainability in the Intermountain West. NSF Sustainable Regional Systems Research Networks

July Publications   

Bastian Thomsen

Bastian Thomsen, Jennifer Thomsen, Kellen Copeland, Sarah Coose, Emily Arnold, Haydn Bryan, Karl Prokop, Kaela Cullen, Caitlyn Vaughn, Brenda Rodriguez, Rachel Muha, Natalie Arnold, Hannah Winger & Gabrielle Chalich (2021) Multispecies livelihoods: a posthumanist approach to wildlife ecotourism that promotes animal ethics, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2021.1942893


Jim Barborak

Barborak, J. (2021). 30 % para 2030: América Latina y la nueva meta global para sus sistemas de áreas protegidas. Revista De Ciencias Ambientales, 55(2), 368-378.  (Translation:  30% for 2030: Latin America and the new global goal for protected area systems. Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences).


Rebecca Gruby

Gruby, R. L., Enrici, A., Betsill, M., Le Cornu, E., Basurto, X., & Research Co-Designers. (2021). Opening the black box of conservation philanthropy: A co-produced research agenda on private foundations in marine conservation. Marine Policy, 132, 104645.




July Grants

None reported

June Publications   

Sarah Walker

Walker, S. E., Bruyere, B. L., Zarestky, J., Yasin, A., Lenaiyasa, E., Lolemu, A., & Pickering, T. (2021). Education and adaptive capacity: the influence of formal education on climate change adaptation of pastoral women. Climate and Development, 1-10.


Wilkins, K., Pejchar, L., Carroll, S. L., Jones, M. S., Walker, S. E., Shinbrot, X. A., … & Reid, R. S. (2021). Collaborative conservation in the United States: A review of motivations, goals, and outcomes. Biological Conservation, 259, 109165.


Jim Barborak

Barborak, J.R., J. Michelotti, T. do Val Beraldo-Souza, and P. E. Pereira-Souza. 2021. Brazil’s National Parks. In M Honey and K. Frenkiel (Eds.). Overtourism: Lessons for a Better Future. Pp. 95-106. Island Press.


Jonthan Salerno

Diem J, Salerno J, Palace M, Bailey K, Hartter J. 2021. Teleconnections between western Uganda rainfall and tropical sea-surface temperatures. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.


Brett Bruyere

Van Anda, R., Bruyere, B., Legima, A., Alinta, V., Salerno, J., & Yasin, A. (in press). Formal education and the perceptions of livestock and livelihood diversification among youth in northern Kenya. Children, Youth and Environments.


Teel, T., Bruyere, B., Dayer, A., Stoner, K., Bishop, C., Bruskotter, J., Freeman, S., Newmark, J., Jager, C., & Manfredo, M. (in press). Re-envisioning the university education needs of wildlife conservation professionals in the U.S. Conservation Society and Practice.




June Grants


None reported

May Publications   

Christina Cavaliere

Cavaliere, C. T. & Ingram, L. (2021). Climate change and anger: Misogyny and the dominant growth paradigm in tourism. Annals of Leisure Research [Manuscript accepted 24 May 2021 for publication].


Boluk, K., Cavaliere, C. T. & Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (Eds.). (2021). Activating Critical Thinking to Advance the Sustainable Development Goals in Tourism Systems. Routledge. ISBN 9780367691394


Brett Bruyere

Walker, S. E., Bruyere, B. L., Zaretsky, J., Yasin, A., Lenaiyasa, E., Lolemu, A., & Pickering, T. (in press). Education and adaptive capacity: The influence of formal education on climate change adaptation of pastoral women. Climate and Development


Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, Jones MS, Dillard C, Mertens A. (2021). The Effectiveness of COVID- related Message Framing on Public Beliefs and Behaviors Related to Plant-based Diets. Appetite.


Bierut M, Niemiec RM, Cantrell D, and Welsh R. (2021). What Keeps Wilderness Stewards Coming Back? An Analysis of Practices that Enhance Volunteer Retention. International Journal of Wilderness.


Rebecca Gruby

Campbell, L.M., Gray, N.J.,Acton, L., Zigler, S.B., Gruby, R.L. World-making through mapping: Large Marine Protected Areas and the transformation of the global ocean. in Havice, E., Himley, M. and G. Valdivia (eds). The Handbook of Critical Resource Geography, Oxon and New York: Routledge.


Tara Teel

Jaebker, L. M., McLean, H. E., Shwiff, S. A., Carlisle, K. M., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., & Anderson, A. M. (2021, in press). Machine learning as a tool for wildlife management and research: The case of wild pig-related content on Twitter. Human-Wildlife Interactions.


Michael Manfredo, Tara Teel, and Richard Berl

Michael J Manfredo, Richard EW Berl, Tara L Teel, Jeremy T Bruskotter. Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology. 2021.


Cynthia Jacobson

Jacobson, C. A., A. L. Sesser, E. M. Haubold, K. M. Johnson, K. A. Lisgo, B. E. Neely, F. K. A. Schmiegelow, S. C. Torbit, and G. Wathen. 2021. Translating landscape ecology to management: A landscape conservation cooperatives approach. Pages 263–283 in W. F. Porter, C. J. Parent, R. A. Stewart, and D. M. Williams, editors. Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications. Johns Hopkins University Press in affiliation with The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, USA.


May Grants


Rebecca Niemiec

Testing an Integrative Model of the Social-Psychological Drivers of Participation in Relational Organizing. National Science Foundation Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences & Social Psychology Directorates.

April Publications   

Rebecca Gruby

Acton, L., Gruby, R. L., Nakachi, A. (2021). Does polycentricity fit? Linking social fit with polycentric governance in a large-scale marine protected area. Journal of Environmental Management, 290, 112613.


Lina Xiong

Wang, H., Xiong, L., & Gage, R. (2021). Cultivating destination brand ambassadors in rural China: Examining the role of residents’ welcoming nature. International Journal of Tourism Research. In production.



April Grants


None Reported

March Publications   

Rebecca Niemiec

Pejchar L, Medrano L, Niemiec RM, Barfield J, Davidson A, Hartway C. (2021). Challenges and Opportunities for Cross-boundary Bison Conservation in North America. Biological Conservation.


David Knight

Gong, J., Shapovalova, A., Wei, L., & Knight, D. W. Resident support in China’s new national parks: An extension of the Prism of Sustainability. Current Issues in Tourism. DOI:


Tara Teel

McLean, H. E., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., Jaebker, L. M., Tomecek, J. M., Frank, M. G., Connally, R. L., Shwiff, S. A., & Carlisle, K. K. M. (2021). Understanding tolerance for an invasive species: An investigation of hunter acceptance capacity for wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in Texas. Journal of Environmental Management.


Jim Barborak
Anna Spenceley, Steve McCool, David Newsome, Ana Báez, James R. Barborak, Clara-Jane Blye, Kelly Bricker, Hery Sigit Cahyadi, Katherine Corrigan, Elizabeth Halpenny, Glen Hvenegaard, Delphine Malleret King, Yu-Fai Leung, Ante Mandić, Robin Naidoo, Dominik Rüede, James Sano, Mahmoud Sarhan, Veronica Santamaria, Thiago Beraldo Sousa and Anne-Kathrin Zschiegner. 2021. Tourism in Protected and Conserved Areas amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. . Pp. 103-118 in Parks: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, Volume 27 (Special Issue), Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.


Brett Bruyere

Van Anda, R., Bruyere, B.L., Walker, S.E., Namunyak, C., Yasin, A., Leparporit, Grady, M., Massey, C., Beirut, M., & McHenry, A. (2021).  A step in the right direction: Measuring indicators of responsible community engagement in Samburu, Kenya. Journal of Academic Ethics.



March Grants


Rebecca Niemiec

A Longitudinal Investigation of the Social Outcomes of Participatory Stakeholder Engagement Processes. National Science Foundation Decision Risk and Management Sciences RAPID grant.

February Publications   

Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, Jones MS, Lischka S, Champine V (2021). Efficacy-Based and Normative Interventions for Facilitating the Diffusion of Conservation Behavior through Social Networks. Conservation Biology.


Jonathan Salerno

Woodward KD, Pricope NG, Stevens FR, Gaughan AE, Kolarik NE, Drake MD, Salerno J, Cassidy L, Hartter J, Bailey KM, Luwaya HM. In press. Modeling Community-Scale Natural Resource Use in a Transboundary Southern African Landscape: Integrating Remote Sensing and Participatory Mapping. Remote Sensing.



February Grants


None Reported

January Publications  

Jim Barborak

Anna Spenceley, Ana Baez, James R. Barborak, Clara-Jane Blye, Kelly Bricker, Hery Cahyadi, Katherine Corrigan, Elizabeth Halpenny, Glen Hvenegaard, Delphine King, Yu-Fai Leung, Ante Mandic, Steve McCool, Robin Naidoo, David Newsome, Dominik Rüede, James Sano, Mahmoud Sarhan, Veronica Santamaria, Thiago Beraldo Sousa, and Anne-Kathrin Zschiegner. 2020. World Tourism Organization: Sustainable Recovery of Tourism in Protected Areas from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Transforming Vision Into Action –


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., & Sponarski, C. C. (in press). The demographics of knowledge, attitudes and emotions toward coyote. Wildlife Research.


Brett Bruyere

Walker, S.E., Bruyere, B.L., Lenaiyasa, E., & Yasin, A. (in press) The good life in the face of climate change: Understanrding complexities of a well-being framework through the experience of pastoral women. Journal of Development Studies.


Michael Manfredo and Tara Teel

Manfredo, M. J., Berl, R. E. W., Teel, T. L., & Bruskotter, J. T. (2021, In Press). Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.


Tara Teel

Jones, M. S., Teel, T. L., Solomon, J., & Weiss, J. (2021, In Press). Evolving systems of pro-environmental behavior among wildscape gardeners. Landscape and Urban Planning, 207, 104018.


Laverty, T. M., Teel, T. L., Gawusab, A. A., & Berger, J. (2021, In Press). Listening to bats: Namibian pastoralists’ perspectives, stories, and experiences. Journal of Ethnobiology. (*part of a special issue on bat ethnobiology)


Steger, C., Klein, J. A., Reid, R. S., Lavorel, S., Tucker, C., Hopping, K. A., Marchant, R., Teel, T. L., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Dorji, T., Greenwood, G., Huber, R., Kassam, K., A., Kreuer, D., Nolin, A., Russell, A., Sharp, J. L., Hribar, M. S., Thorn, J. P. R., Grant, A., Mahdi, M., Moreno, M., & Waiswa, D. (2021, In Press). Science with society: Evidence-based guidance for best practices in environmental transdisciplinary work. Global Environmental Change.


January Grants

Jim Barborak

South-South and South-North collaboration on urban protected area inclusivity and accessibility. CSU Center for Collaborative Conservation.


Brett Bruyere

Ecosystem Restoration of Select Sites in the Kawuneeche Valley. Colorado Water Conservation Board.


December Publications  

Lina Xiong

Xiong, L., Wang, H., Yang, Y. & He, W. (2021). Promoting resident-tourist interaction quality when residents are expected to be hospitable hosts at destinations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, in print.


Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Romulo C, Brooks J, Galvin K, Glew L, Mupeta P. In press. Adaptation and evolution of governance and institutions in community-based conservation. Conservation Science & Practice.


Drake M†, Salerno J, Cassidy L, Gaughan AE, Stevens F, Pricope N, Hartter J. In press. The cost of elephants exceeds the benefits of hunting in a community-based conservation area of Namibia. Conservation Science & Practice.


Bailey K†, Salerno J, Newton P, Bitariho R, Namusisi S, Tinkasimire R, Hartter J. In press. Woodlot management and livelihoods in a tropical conservation landscape. Ambio.


Tara Teel and Michael Manfredo

Manfredo, M. J., Teel, T. L., Berl, R. E. W., Bruskotter, J. T., & Kitayama, S. (2020). Social value shift in favour of biodiversity conservation in the U.S. Nature Sustainability.


December Grants

Jonathan Salerno

Adaptive human migration in changing environments: Leveraging geographic sciences to advance new models of migration decision-making. NSF Human-Environment and Geographic Sciences.

November Publications  

Stuart Cottrell

Raadik Cottrell, J. & Cottrell, S.P. (2020). In spaces in between–From recollections to nostalgia: Discourses of bridge and island place. Island Studies Journal, 15(2), 273-290.


Rebecca Gruby

Stefan Partelow, Achim Schlüter, Derek Armitage, Maarten Bavinck, Keith Carlisle, Rebecca Gruby, Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Martin Le Tissier, Jeremy Pittman, Andrew Song, Lisa Sousa, Natașa Văidianu, Kristof Van Assche. In Press. Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems. Ecology and Society


Tara Teel

Nanni, A. S., Teel, T. L., & Lucherini, M. (2020). Predation on livestock and its influence on tolerance toward pumas in agroecosystems of the Argentine Dry Chaco. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.


November Grants

Jonathan Salerno

Livelihood Change in the Context of Community Conservation – Chobe, Botswana. PI: Cassidy L. Co-Is: Gaughan AE, Salerno J. U.S. National Academies of Sciences and Agency for International Development Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER)

October Publications  

Kelly Jones

Downey, H., Amano, T., Cadotte, M. , Cook, C.N., Cooke, S.J., Haddaway, N.R., Jones, J.P.G., Littlewood, N., Walsh, J.C., Abrahams, M.I., Adum, G., Akasaka, M., Alves, J.A., Antwis, R.E., Arellano, E.C., Axmacher, J., Barclay, H., Batty, L., Benítez-López, A., Bennett, J.R., Berg, M.J., Bertolino, S., Biggs, D., Bolam, F.C., Bray, T., Brook, B.W., Bull, J.W., Burivalova, Z., Cabeza, M., Chauvenet, A.L.M., Christie, A.P., Cole, L., Cotton, A.J., Cotton, S., Cousins, S.A.O., Craven, D., Cresswell, W., Cusack, J.J., Dalrymple, S., Davies, Z.G., Diaz, A., Dodd, J.A., Felton, A., Fleishman, E., Gardner, C.J., Garside, R., Ghoddousi, A., Gilroy, J.J., Gill, D.A., Gill, J.A., Glew, L., Grainger, M.J., Grass, A.A., Greshon, S., Gundry, J., Hart, T., Hopkins, C.R., Howe, C., Johnson, A., Jones, K.W., …. In Press.  Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.  00:000-000.


October Grants

None reported



Kelly Jones

Shinbrot, X.A., Muñoz-Villers, L.E., Mayer, A., Purata, M., Jones, K.W., López-Ramírez, S., Alcocer-Lezama, C., Ramos-Escobedo, M.G., Manson, R.H. Accepted. “Quiahua, the first citizen science rainfall monitoring program in Mexico: Filling critical gaps in rainfall for hydrological applications and understanding of volunteer motivations.” Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.


Christina Cavaliere

Ingram, L., Slocum, S., Cavaliere, C. T. (Eds.). (2020). Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding a Global Movement. Goodfellows Publishers. DOI: 10.23912/9781911635604-4287


Cavaliere, C.T., Chalermchaikit, V., Cheng,Y. & and La, A. (2020). Neolocalism and Transportation: Biocultural Conservation of the Saen-Sab Khlong in Bangkok. In Ingram, L., Slocum, S., Cavaliere, C. T. (Eds.). (2020). Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding a Global Movement (Chapter 8). Goodfellows Publishers. DOI: 10.23912/9781911635604-4287


David Knight

Li, Y., Knight, D. W., Luo, W., & Hu, J. Elite circulation in Chinese ethnic tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 85, 103030. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.103030.


Feng, J., Xie, S., Knight, D. W., Teng, S., & Liu, C. Tourism-induced landscape change along China’s rural-urban fringe: A case study of Zhangjiazha. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(8), 914-930, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2020.1802310.



Rebecca Niemiec

Jones, M., and Niemiec, R. 2020. Social-psychological correlates of personal-sphere and diffusion behavior for wildscape gardening. Journal of Environmental Management 276: 111271.





Jonathan Salerno

Cognitive, social, and institutional dynamics of decision-making in complex hazard-prone environments. NSF Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences.


David Knight and Lina Xiong

Knight, D., Xiong, L., Lan, W. & Gong, J. (2020). Impact of COVID-19: Research note on tourism and hospitality sectors in the epicenter of Wuhan and Hubei Province, China. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, accepted.


Kelly Jones

Von Thaden, J., Manson, R., Congalton,R., López-Barrera, F., Jones, K.W. Accepted. “Evaluating the environmental effectiveness of payments for hydrological services in Veracruz, Mexico: a landscape approach.” Land Use Policy.


Berry, Z.C., Jones, K.W., Aguilar, L.R.G., Congalton, R.G., Holwerda, F., Kolka, R., Looker, N., Manson, R., Mayer, A., Muñoz-Villers, L., Colin, P.O., Romero-Uribe, H., Saenz, L., Von Thaden, J.J., Bravo, M.Q.V., Williams-Linera, G., Asbjornsen, H. Accepted. “Evaluating ecosystem service trade-offs along a land-use intensification gradient in central Veracruz, Mexico.” Ecosystem Services.


Jonathan Salerno

Bailey K†, Drake M†, Salerno J, Cassidy L, Gaughan AE, Stevens FR, Pricope N, Woodward KG, Luwaya HM, Hartter J. In press. Mapping Natural Resource Collection Areas from Household Survey Data in Southern Africa. Applied Geography


Jim Barborak and Ryan Finchum

Lippett, Bonnie, Stephen McCool, Michelle Zweede, Lorena Brewster, Suelene Couto, Ryan Finchum, James R. Barborak, Katie Moulton, Jasmine Moreira, and Robert Burns. 2020. Partnership for the Conservation of the Amazon Biodiversity: Final Report for Public Use and Management Planning, Brazil Program, October 2014-June 2020. USDA Forest Service International Programs. Washington, D.C. and Brasilia, Brazil. 47 pp.





Brett Bruyere

Scoping of Ecosystem Restoration Opportunities in the Kawuneeche Valley. Kawuneeche Valley Ecosystem Restoration Collaborative.


Jonathan Salerno

Conserving plains aquatic ecosystems using an integrated ecological and social approach. State of Colorado Water Supply Reserve Fund.


Kelly Jones

Jones, K.W., Powlen, K.A., Roberts, R.M., Shinbrot, X. Accepted. “Participation in Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs in the Global South: A Systematic Review.” Ecosystem Services. Etchart, N.,

Freire, J.L., Holland, M.B., Jones, K.W., Naughton-Treves, L. Accepted. “What happens when the money runs out? Forest outcomes and equity concerns following Ecuador’s suspension of conservation payments.” World Development.


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., Miller, C. A., McLean, H. E., & Jaebker, L. M. (In press). Perceived risks, beliefs, and acceptability of management actions of wild pigs. Wildlife Research.


Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Andersson K, Bailey K†, Hilton T†, Mwaviko K, Donald I, Bracebridge C, Mangewa L, Nicholas A, Rutabanzibwa H, Hartter J. 2020. More robust local governance suggests positive effects of long-term community conservation. Conservation Science & Practice.

Quandt A, Salerno J, Neff J, Baird T, Herrick J, McCabe JT, Xu E, Hartter J. 2020. Mobile phone use is associated with higher smallholder agricultural productivity in Tanzania, East Africa. PLOS ONE.


Stuart Cottrell

Cottrell, S.P. & Raadik Cottrell, J. (2019). Benefits of Protected Area Network Status: Pilot Study at Bieszscady National Park, Poland. Journal of Tourism: An International Journal on Travel and Tourism, 20(2), 57-71 []


Rebecca Gruby
Gruby, R.L., Gray, N., Fairbanks, L., Havice, E., Campbell, L.M., Friedlander, A., Oleson, K., Sam, K., Mitchell, L., Hanich, Q. (In Press). Policy Interactions in Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas. Conservation Letters.




None Reported


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., Landon, A., & Miller, C. A. (In press). Normative influences on farmers’ willingness to practice conservation without compensation. Environmental Management,


Stuart Cottrell

Jana Raadik Cottrell & Stuart P. Cottrell (2020) Outdoor skills education: what are the benefits for health, learning and lifestyle?, World Leisure Journal, 62:3, 219-241, DOI: 10.1080/16078055.2020.1798051


Brett Bruyere
Webb, S., Bruyere, B. L., Halladay, M., & Walker, S.E. (in press). A framework for conceptualizing leadership in conservation. Oryx.

Walker, S. E., Bruyere, B. L., Grady, M., McHenry, A., Davis, W., Frickman, C., & Unity Women’s Village (2020). Taking stories: The ethics of cross-cultural community research in Samburu, Kenya. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 13(1), 1-18.


Kelly Jones

Bethlehem A Abebe; Kelly Jones; Jennifer Solomon; Kathleen Galvin; Paul Evangelista. Accepted. Examining Social Equity in Community-Based Conservation Programs: A Case Study of Controlled Hunting Programs in Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. World Development.


Michael Manfredo, Tara Teel, and Alan Bright

Manfredo, M. J., Teel, T. L., Don Carlos, A. W., Sullivan, L., Bright, A. D., Dietsch, A. M., Bruskotter, J., & Fulton, D. (2020). The changing socio-cultural context of wildlife conservation. Conservation Biology.


Tara Teel

Lischka, SA, Teel TL, Johnson HE, Larson C, Breck S, Crooks K. (2020, In Press). Psychological drivers of risk-reducing behaviors to limit human-wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology.


Jonathan Salerno

Hamilton & Salerno. 2020. Cognitive maps reveal diverse perceptions of how prescribed fire affects forests and communities. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.






Anna Lavoie

Collaborative Proposal: Traditional Ecological Knowledge Indicators for Natural Resource Management. NSF.


Kelly Jones

Jones, K.W., Mayer, A., Von Thaden, J., Berry, Z.C., López-Ramírez, S., Salcone, J., Manson, R.H., Asbjornsen, H. Accepted. Measuring the net benefits of payments for hydrological services programs in Mexico. Ecological Economics.



None Reported


James Barborak

Lee K. Cerveny, Steven Selin, Dale J. Blahna, Noelle Meier, James R. Barborak, and Stephen F. McCool. 2020. Chapter 2: Agency Capacity for Effective Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management. Pp. 23-39 in Selin, Steven; Cerveny, Lee K.; Blahna, Dale J.; Miller, Anna B., eds. 2020. Igniting research for outdoor recreation: linking science, policy, and action. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-987. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 257 p.


Matthew Helmer, Anna B. Miller, James R. Barborak, Stephen McCool, and Yu-Fai Leung. 2020. Chapter 9: Global Dimensions: Trends, Lessons, and Collaborative Learning. Pp 133-147 in Selin, Steven; Cerveny, Lee K.; Blahna, Dale J.; Miller, Anna B., eds. 2020. Igniting research for outdoor recreation: linking science, policy, and action. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-987. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 257 p.


Stuart Cottrell

Wynveen, C., Arnberger, A., Schneider, I.E., Cottrell, S.P., & Von Ruschkowski, E. (2020). Integrating place attachment into management frameworks: Exploring place attachment across the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum. Environmental Management.


Rebecca Niemiec
Niemiec RM, Berl REW, Gonzalez M, Teel T, Camara C, Collins M, Salerno J, Crooks K, Schultz S, Breck S, Hoag D. (In Press). Public Perspectives and Media Reporting of Wolf Reintroduction in Colorado. Peer J.


Jerry Vaske

Kyle, G., Landon, A., Vaske, J. J., & Wallen, K. (In press). Tools for evaluating the adequacy of psychometric measures in conservation psychology. Conservation Biology.


Hogan, J. L., Sponarski, C. C., & Vaske, J. J. (In press). All-terrain vehicle use: A value-norm-perception model predicting perceived impact on coastal dunes. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.





Rebecca Niemiec

Stakeholder Engagement and Public Education on Wolf Restoration to Colorado.  Co-PI with Kevin Crooks, private donor.


Kelly Jones

Cheng, S., McKinnon, M.C., Masuda, Y., Garside, R., Jones, K.W., Miller, D.C., Pullin, A.S., Sutherland, W.J., Augustin, C., Gill, D.A., Wongbusarakum, S., Wilkie, D. In press. Strengthen causal models for better conservation outcomes for human well-being. Plos One.


Jonathan Salerno

Cassidy L & Salerno J. In press. The need for a more inclusive science of elephant conservation. Conservation Letters


Rebecca Niemiec
Niemiec RM, Sekar S, Gonzalez M, Mertens, A. (In Press). The Influence of Message Framing on Public Beliefs and Behaviors Related to Species Reintroduction. Biological Conservation.


Michael Manfredo, Tara Teel, Andrew Don Carlos, Leeann Sullivan, and Alan Bright

Manfredo, M. J., Teel, T. L., Don Carlos, A. W., Sullivan, L., Bright, A. D., Dietsch, A. M., Bruskotter, J., & Fulton, D. (2020, In Press). The changing socio-cultural context of wildlife conservation. Conservation Biology.


Jerry Vaske

Engel, M., Vaske, J. J., & Bath, A. (2020). Value orientations and beliefs contribute to the formation of a marine conservation personal norm. Journal for Natural Conservation, 55,



Ryan Finchum

CPAM support of the annual Cesar Chavez breakfast and training workshops; Farmer Workers Institute for Education and Leadership Development.

Support of the Center for Protected Area Management’s 2020 Protected Area Management Courses; US National Park Service.

Capacity Building Support for Tilad in the Hammayah Program Project in Saudi Arabia; Tilad Environmental Consulting.

Building management capacity in Mexican northern border sister parks through transfrontier cooperation; US National Park Service.


Kelly Jones

Jones KW, Etchart N, Holland M, Naughton-Treves L, Arriagada R. The impact of paying for forest conservation on perceived tenure security in Ecuador. Conservation Letters. 2020; e12710.


Kelly Jones and Stuart Cottrell

Roberts, R.M., Jones, K.W., Cottrell, S., Duke, E. 2020. “Examining motivations influencing watershed partnership participation in the Intermountain Western United States.” Environmental Science and Policy.


Jonathan Salerno

Hartter J, Hamilton L, Ducey M, Boag A, Salerno J, Christoffersen N; Oester P, Palace M, Stevens F. In press. Finding common ground: agreement on increasing wildfire risk crosses political lines. Environmental Research Letters.

Bowles TM, Mooshammer M, Socolar Y, Calderón F, Cavigelli MA, Culman SW, Deen W, Drury CF, Garcia y Garcia A, Gaudin A, Harkom WS, Lehman RM, Osborne SL, Robertson GP, Salerno J, Schmer MR, Strock J, Grandy AS. In press. Long-term evidence shows crop rotation diversification increases agricultural resilience to adverse growing conditions in North America. Long-term evidence shows crop rotation diversification increases agricultural resilience to adverse growing conditions in North America. One Earth.


Brett Bruyere

Lenaiyasa, M., Bruyere, B.L., Salerno, J., & Pickering T. (2019). Income diversification among pastoralists in Samburu, Kenya. Regional Environmental Change, 20, 20-31


Tara Teel and Jennifer Solomon

Jones, M. S., Solomon, J., Teel, T. L., & Martinez, D. E. (In Press). Conflict and adaptation at the intersection of motherhood and conservation leadership. Biological Conservation.



 Kelly Jones

Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award-Colombia. Spring 2021.


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., Beaman, J., & Miller, C. A. (In Press) Minimal effect sizes do not imply minimal effects for differences in long-tailed distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(3).


Vaske, J. J., Beaman, J., & Miller, C. A. (In Press). Influence of advanced notice record cards on waterfowl hunting participation and harvest distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(3).


Doney, E. D. A. Vaske, J. J., Bath, A. J., Engel, M., & Downer, B. (2020). Predicting acceptance of lethal management of wood bison in Alaska, U.S.A. Ambio, 49, 271-280.


Bishop, B., Vaske, J. J., & Bath, A. J. (2020). Resident cognitions associated with branding Thompson, Manitoba as the Wolf Capital of the World. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(1), 82-91.


Niemiec RM, Champine V, Vaske J, Mertens A. (In Press). Does the Impact of Norms Vary by Type of Norm and Type of Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. Society and Natural Resources.


Tara Teel

Teel, T. L., Adams, M., Don Carlos, A. W., Bonnell, M. A., & Breck, S. W. (In Press). A mixed-methods social psychology application evaluating the role of citizen science in mitigating human-wildlife conflict. Society & Animals.


David Knight

Knight, D. W., Wang, N. & Chen, E. (2020). Launching an online graduate degree for tourism management in China: lessons in Chinese-foreign cooperation. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. DOI:


Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, McCaffrey S, Jones M. (Accepted). Clarifying the Extent and Type of Public Good Collective Action Problem Posed by Natural Resource Management Challenges. Ecology and Society.


Niemiec RM, Champine V, Vaske J, Mertens A. (In Press). Does the Impact of Norms Vary by Type of Norm and Type of Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. Society and Natural Resources.


Lina Xiong

Xiong, L.& King, C. (2020). Exploring how employee sense of brand community affects their attitudes and behavior. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, accepted.




Tara Teel and Michael Manfredo

Teel, S. Nanni, & M. Manfredo (PIs). “Understanding the Consequences of Changing Socio-Ecological Systems for Human-Wildlife Coexistence in the Americas”. Proposal awarded for funding (January 2020) by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), National Science Foundation (NSF).


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., Beaman, J., & Miller, C. A. (In Press) Minimal effect sizes do not imply minimal effects for differences in long-tailed distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(3).


Vaske, J. J., Beaman, J., & Miller, C. A. (In Press). Influence of advanced notice record cards on waterfowl hunting participation and harvest distributions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(3).


Doney, E. D. A. Vaske, J. J., Bath, A. J., Engel, M., & Downer, B. (2020). Predicting acceptance of lethal management of wood bison in Alaska, U.S.A. Ambio, 49, 271-280.


Bishop, B., Vaske, J. J., & Bath, A. J. (2020). Resident cognitions associated with branding Thompson, Manitoba as the Wolf Capital of the World. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 25(1), 82-91.


Niemiec RM, Champine V, Vaske J, Mertens A. (In Press). Does the Impact of Norms Vary by Type of Norm and Type of Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. Society and Natural Resources.


Tara Teel

Teel, T. L., Adams, M., Don Carlos, A. W., Bonnell, M. A., & Breck, S. W. (In Press). A mixed-methods social psychology application evaluating the role of citizen science in mitigating human-wildlife conflict. Society & Animals.


David Knight

Knight, D. W., Wang, N. & Chen, E. (2020). Launching an online graduate degree for tourism management in China: lessons in Chinese-foreign cooperation. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. DOI:


Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, McCaffrey S, Jones M. (Accepted). Clarifying the Extent and Type of Public Good Collective Action Problem Posed by Natural Resource Management Challenges. Ecology and Society.


Niemiec RM, Champine V, Vaske J, Mertens A. (In Press). Does the Impact of Norms Vary by Type of Norm and Type of Pro-Environmental Behavior? A Meta-Analysis. Society and Natural Resources.


Lina Xiong

Xiong, L.& King, C. (2020). Exploring how employee sense of brand community affects their attitudes and behavior. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, accepted.




Tara Teel and Michael Manfredo

Teel, S. Nanni, & M. Manfredo (PIs). “Understanding the Consequences of Changing Socio-Ecological Systems for Human-Wildlife Coexistence in the Americas”. Proposal awarded for funding (January 2020) by the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), National Science Foundation (NSF).



Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J. (2019). Survey research and analysis. (2nd Edition). Urbana, Illinois, Sagamore-Venture Publishing LLC.

Vaske, J. J., & Miller, A. D. (2019). Winter recreationist motivations: Motorized, non-motorized and hybrids (Chapter 19, pp. 228-235). In Winter tourism – Trends and challenges. U. Pröbstl-Haider, H. Richins and S. Türk (Eds.). CAB International, Nosworthy Way, Wallingford OX, United Kingdom. CAB International.

Sponarski, C. C. Vaske, J. J. Bath, A. J. & Loeffler, T. A. (2019). Retaining change in attitudes and emotions toward coyotes with experiential education. Wildlife Research, 46(2), 97-103.

Landon, A., Jacobs, M., Miller, C. A., Vaske, J. J., & Williams, B. (2019). Cognitive and affective predictors of Illinois residents’ perceived risks from wolves. Society and Natural Resources.

Pitt, A., Schultz, C., & Vaske, J. J. (2019). Engaging youth in public lands monitoring: Building ecological literacy and environmental stewardship. Environmental Education Research. 25(9), 1386-1399.

Vaske, J. J., & Miller, C. A. (2019). Deer Hunters’ Disease Risk Sensitivity over Time. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24(3), 317-320.

Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Bailey K, Gaughan A, Stevens F, Hilton T, Cassidy L, Drake M, Pricope N, Hartter J. 2019. Wildlife impacts and vulnerable livelihoods in a transfrontier conservation landscape. Conservation Biology



None Reported


Jonathan Salerno

Hamilton M, Salerno J, Fischer P. In press. Cognition of complexity and trade-offs in a wildfire-prone social-ecological system. Environmental Research Letters


Michael Manfredo

Michael J. Manfredo, Esmeralda G. Urquiza-Haas, Andrew W. Don Carlos, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Alia M. Dietsch. In press. How anthropomorphism is changing the social context of modern wildlife conservation. Biological Conservation, 2019, 108297, ISSN 0006-3207.




None Reported


Michael Manfredo, Jonathan Salerno, and Leeann Sullivan
Michael J Manfredo, Jonathan Salerno, Leeann Sullivan, Joel Berger. For US Wildlife Management, Social Science Needed Now More Than Ever. BioScience, biz122.

Stuart Cottrell
Cottrell, S., Mattor, K.M., Morris, J.L., Fettig C.J., McGrady, P., Maguire, D., James, P.M.A., Clear, J., Wurtzebach, Z., Wei, Y., Brunelle, A., Western, J., Maxwell, R., Rotar, M., Gallagher, L., & Roberts, R. (2019). Adaptive capacity in social-ecological systems: A framework for addressing bark beetle disturbances in natural resource management, Sustainability Sciences, 1-13. 10.1007/s11625-019-00736-2

Rebecca Gruby
Richmond, L., Gruby, R.L., Kotowicz, D., and Dumouchel, R. (2019) Local participation and large marine protected areas: Lessons from a U.S. Marine National Monument. Journal of Environmental Management.



Rebecca Gruby
Philanthropic Legacies: Understanding the Role of Foundations in Marine Conservation. Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.


Jonathan Salerno

Pricope N, Cassidy L, Gaughan A, Stevens F, Salerno J, Hartter J, Mupeta P, Drake M. In press. Addressing integration challenges of interdisciplinary research in social-ecological systems. Society and Natural Resources


Keith Carlisle and Rebecca Gruby

Carlisle, K.M. & Gruby, R.L. 2019. “Customary Marine Tenure in Palau: Social Function and Implications for Fishery Policy.” Human Ecology 47: 527.



Jonathan Salerno

Measuring and modeling tolerance of human-lion conflict among cattle keepers in East Africa (w/ Crooks, Teel, Breck, Bruyere, Niemiec, Gruby, Hoag, and Schultz). OVPR Q4 Quarterly Strategic Investment.


Tara Teel

Lischka, S. A., Teel, T. L., Johnson, H. E., & Crooks, K. R. (2019) Understanding and managing human tolerance for a large carnivore in a residential system. Biological Conservation, 238, 108189.

Katie M. Abrams, Kirsten Leong, Sara Melena & Tara Teel (2019) Encouraging Safe Wildlife Viewing in National Parks: Effects of a Communication Campaign on Visitors’ Behavior, Environmental Communication, DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2019.1649291



Rebecca Niemiec

A Collaborative Approach to Address Human-Carnivore Conflict: Wolf Restoration to Colorado. USDA National Wildlife Research Center; Turner Foundation; The Saisei Foundation; Co-PI with Stewart Breck, Kevin Crooks, Rebecca Gruby, Dana Hoag, Courtney Schultz, Jon Salerno, and Tara Teel


Jennifer Solomon

Stacy Armbruster, Jennifer Solomon, Trent Blare & Jason Donovan (2019) Women’s time use and implications for participation in cacao value chains: evidence from VRAEM, Peru, Development in Practice, DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2019.1604630


Kelly Jones

Ryan M. Roberts; Kelly W. Jones; Esther Duke; Xoco Shinbrot; Erin E. Harper; Erin Fons; Antony S. Cheng; Brett H. Wolk. 2019. Stakeholder perceptions and scientific evidence linking wildfire mitigation treatments to societal outcomes. Journal of Environmental Management.


Rebecca Gruby

Carlisle, K.M. & Gruby, R.L. In Press. Customary Marine Tenure in Palau: Social Function and Implications for Fishery Policy. Human Ecology.


Michael Gavin

Thomas, A. S., Milfont, T. L., & Gavin, M. C. (2019). Scenario-based analyses evaluate potential outcomes of proposed regulatory changes in recreational fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsz141,


Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, Asner GP, Gaertner JA, Brodrick PG, Hughes F, Vaughn N, Heckler J, Matsumoto T, and Keith L. (In Press). Using Spatially Explicit, Time-Dependent Analysis to Understand How Social Factors Influence Conservation Outcomes. Conservation Biology.


Jonathan Salerno

Gaughan, Stevens, Pricope, Hartter, Cassidy, Salerno. 2019. Operationalizing Vulnerability: Land System Dynamics in a Transfrontier Conservation Area. Land.


Natalie Ooi

Identifying Drought-related Triggers and Impacts on Decision Calendars for the Ski Industry. NOAA SARP grant.


Stuart Cottrell

Moriarty, K., Cheng, A.S., Hoffman, C.M., Cottrell, S.P., & Alexander, M.E. (In press). Firefighter observations of “surprising” fire behavior in mountain pine beetle-attacked lodgepole pine forests, Fire, accepted June 15, 2019.


Lina Xiong

Xiong, L. & King, C. (2019). Aligning employees’ attitudes and behavior with hospitality brands: the role of employee brand internalization. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management. Accepted.



None reported



Adam Mayer

Mayer, Adam, and Stephanie Malin. “How should unconventional oil and gas be regulated? The role of natural resource dependence and economic insecurity.” Journal of Rural Studies 65 (2019): 79-89.

Malin, Stephanie A., et al. “Putting on partisan glasses: Political identity, quality of life, and oil and gas production in Colorado.” Energy Policy 129 (2019): 738-748.

Smith, E. K., & Mayer, A. (2019). Anomalous Anglophones? Contours of free market ideology, political polarization, and climate change attitudes in English-speaking countries, Western European and post-Communist states. Climatic Change, 152(1), 17-34.

Mayer, Adam. “National energy transition, local partisanship? Elite cues, community identity, and support for clean power in the United States.” Energy Research & Social Science 50 (2019): 143-150.

Mayer, Adam. “Partisanship, politics, and the energy transition in the United States: A critical review and conceptual framework.” Energy Research & Social Science 53 (2019): 85-88.

Mayer, Adam. “Scalar controversies in oil and gas governance: Perspectives on who should regulate the oil and gas industry from policy actors in Colorado and Utah.” The Extractive Industries and Society 6.1 (2019): 94-102.

Mayer, Adam, and E. Keith Smith. “Unstoppable climate change? The influence of fatalistic beliefs about climate change on behavioural change and willingness to pay cross-nationally.” Climate Policy 19.4 (2019): 511-523.

Mayer, Adam, and Shawn Olson Hazboun. “Does fracking drive you to drink? Unconventional oil and gas production and alcohol consumption in US counties.” The Extractive Industries and Society (2019).


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., & Miller, C. A. (2019) Deer Hunters’ Disease Risk Sensitivity over Time. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 24(3), 317-320.



Adam Mayer

Alternative development pathways for Colorado’s Coal Country. The Energy Institute at Colorado State University 


Rebecca Niemiec

Interventions for Motivating Residents to Recruit and Coordinate with their Neighbors for Environmental Conservation. NSF Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences Directorate


Examining how messaging influences public perspectives on wolf reintroduction to Colorado. National Geographic Society


Kelly Jones

Gannon, B.M., Wei, Y., MacDonald, L.H., Kampf, S.K., Jones, K.W., Cannon, J.W., Wolk, B.H., Cheng, A.S., Addington, R.N., Thompson, M.P. 2019. “Prioritising fuels reduction for water supply protection.” International Journal of Wildland Fire.

Jennifer Solomon

Jones, M.S. and J.N. Solomon. 2019. Challenges and Supports for Women Conservations Leaders. Conservation Science & Practice. Advance online publication.

Tara Teel

Laverty, T. M., Teel, T. L.,  Thomas, R. E. W., Gawusab. A. A., & Berger, J. (2019). Using pastoral ideology to understand human-wildlife coexistence in arid agricultural landscapes. Conservation Science and Practice.



Tara Teel

Catalyzing innovation and interdisciplinary partnership to advance human-carnivore coexistence; PI: K. Crooks; Co-PIs: S. Breck, R. Gruby, D. Hoag, R. Niemiec, J. Salerno, C. Schultz, T. Teel. Pre-catalyst for Innovative Partnerships (PRECIP) program, Office of the Vice President for Research, Colorado State University

Jonathan Salerno

Integrating mobile data collection technologies across HDNR academic programs (Co-PIs Tara Teel and Mike Manfredo); WCNR


Stuart Cottrell

Raadik Cottrell, J. & Cottrell, S.P. (In Press). Sense of place predictors of perceived effects of a proposed island to mainland bridge on future experience, Island Studies Journal, accepted March 9, 2019.


Michael Gavin

Pacheco Coelho MT, Pereira EB, Haynie HJ, Rangel TF, Kavanagh P, Kirby KR, Greenhill SJ, Bowern C, Gray RD, Colwell RK, Evans N, and Gavin MC. 2019. Drivers of geographical patterns of North American language diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI:

Rozzi R, May RH, Chapin FS, Massardo F, Gavin MC, Klaver IJ, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA, Simberloff D. (Eds). 2019. From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation. Springer Nature Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Tang R and Gavin MC. 2019. The dynamics of biocultural approaches to conservation in Inner Mongolia, China. In: From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation. Springer Nature Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Rozzi R, May RH, Chapin FS, Massardo F, Gavin MC, Klaver IJ, Pauchard A, Nuñez MA, Simberloff D. 2019. From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation: A Conceptual Framework to Reorient Society Toward Sustainability of Life. In: From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation. Springer Nature Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Kelly Jones

Shinbrot, X.A., Jones, K.W., Rivera-Castañeda, A., López-Báez, W., Ojima, D.S. (2019). “Smallholder Farmer Adoption of Climate-Related Adaptation Strategies: The Importance of Vulnerability Context, Livelihood Assets, and Climate Perceptions.” Environmental Management.

Powlen, K.A., Jones, K.W. (2019). “Identifying the determinants of and barriers to landowner participation in reforestation in Costa Rica.” Land Use Policy 84: 216-225.



Brett Bruyere

A Landscape Study and Recommendations for Conservation Leadership Capacity Building, National Geographic Society


Tara Teel

Mitchell, A. M., Bruyere, B. L., Otieno, T. O., Bhalla, S., & Teel, T. (2018) A comparison between human-carnivore conflicts and local community attitudes toward carnivores in Westgate Community Conservancy, Samburu, Kenya. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.

Dietsch, A. M., Manfredo, M. J., Sullivan, L., Bruskotter, J. T., & Teel, T. L. (2019). A multilevel, systems view of values can inform a move toward human-wildlife coexistence. In Frank, B., Glikman, J. A., & Marchini, S., (Eds.). Human-wildlife interactions: turning conflict into coexistence. Cambridge University Press.


Stuart Cottrell

Schneider, I.E., Arnberger, A., Cottrell, S.P., & Von Ruschkowski, E. (In press). Modelling impacts of bark-beetle infestations on forest visitor experiences and intended displacement. Forest Science.


Michael Manfredo

Arlinghaus, J. K. Abbott, Eli P. Fenicheld, S. R. Carpenter, L. M. Hunt,J Alos, T. Klefoth, S. J. Cooke, R. Hilborn, O. P. Jensen, M. J. Wilberg,J. R. Post, and M. J. Manfredo,  2019. Governing the recreational dimension ofglobal fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March .

Dietsch, A. M., Manfredo, M. J., Sullivan, L., Bruskotter, J. T., & Teel, T. L. (2019). A multilevel, systems view of values can inform a move toward human-wildlife coexistence. In Frank, B., Glikman, J. A., & Marchini, S., (Eds.). Human-wildlife interactions: turning conflict into coexistence. Cambridge University Press.


Jerry Vaske

Sponarski, C, C., Miller, C. A., & Vaske, J. J. (2018). Perceived risks and coyote management in an urban setting. Journal of Urban Ecology, 4(1), 1-5.

Sponarski, C. C. Vaske, J. J. Bath, A. J. & Loeffler, T. A. (2019). Retaining change in attitudes and emotions toward coyotes with experiential education. Wildlife Research.



Ryan Finchum

Capacity Development for Amazon Protected Areas in Brazil. US Forest Service International Programs.

Supporting Gender in Protected Areas in Latin America. US Forest Service International Programs.



Jonathan Salerno

Salerno J, Diem J, Konecky B, Hartter J. In press. Recent intensification of the seasonal rainfall cycle in equatorial Africa revealed by farmer perceptions, satellite-based estimates, and climate station measurements. Climatic Change

Diem J, Salerno J, Konecky B, Hartter J. In press. Is equatorial Africa getting wetter or drier? Insights from an evaluation of long-term, satellite-based rainfall estimates for western Uganda. International Journal of Climatology


None submitted to report




Rebecca Niemiec

Niemiec RM, Willer R, Ardoin NM, Brewer F (In Press). A Field Experiment to Motivate Landowners to Recruit their Neighbors for Private Land Conservation. Conservation Biology.

Graham, S., Metcalf, A.L., Gill, N., Niemiec, R., Moreno, C., Bach, T., Ikutegbe, V., Hallstrom, L., Ma, Z. and Lubeck, A., In Press. Opportunities for better use of collective action theory in research and governance for invasive species management. Conservation Biology.


Jim Barborak

James R. Barborak, Juan E. Bezaury, Ernesto C. Enkerlin-Hoeflich, David Gutiérrez, David Harmon, Nikita Lopoukhine, Jerry Mitchell, Nora Mitchell, David Reynolds, Rosa Maria Vidal, and Mike Walton. North American Protected Areas Conference: A Proposal. The George Wright Forum, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 326–331 (2018)




None submitted to report



Lina Xiong

Xiong, L., So, K. K., Wu, L., & King, C. (2018) Speaking up because it’s my brand: Examining employee brand psychological ownership and voice behavior in hospitality organizations. International Journal of Hospitality Management (impact factor: 3.445). In press.


Rebecca Gruby

Hanich, Q., Rotjan, R., Aqorau, T., Bailey, M., Campbell, B., Gray, N., Gruby, R., Hampton, J., Ota, Y., Parris, H., Reid, C., Sumaila, R., and Swartz, W. In Press. Unraveling the blue paradox: Incomplete analysis yields incorrect conclusions about Phoenix Islands Protected Area closure. PNAS.


Brett Bruyere

Mitchell, A.M., Bruyere, B.L., Otieno, T. O., Bhalla, S, & Teel, T. (2018) A comparison between human-carnivore conflicts and local community attitudes toward carnivores in Westgate Community Conservancy, Samburu, Kenya. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.

Coulter, J., Witinok-Huber, R., Bruyere, B.L., & Nyingi, W. (2018). Giving women a voice on decision-making about water: barriers and opportunities in Laikipia, Kenya. Gender, Place &


Mike Gavin

David-Chavez, D. M., & Gavin, M. C. (2018). A global assessment of Indigenous community engagement in climate research. Environmental Research Letters.


Adam Mayer

Mayer, A. (2018). The Fiscal Impacts of Energy: Perspectives from local governments in the Mountain West, USA. Energy Policy, 122, 186-193.

Smith, E. K., & Mayer, A. (2018). Anomalous Anglophones? Contours of free market ideology, political polarization, and climate change attitudes in English-speaking countries, Western European and post-Communist states. Climatic Change, 1-18.


Kelly Jones

Jones, KW et al. Exploring the connections between participation in and benefits from payments for hydrological services programs in Veracruz State, Mexico. Ecosystem Services 35: 32-42. Available online Nov 2018.


Jerry Vaske

Vaske, J. J., Miller, C. A. Toombs, T. P., Schweizer, L. A., & Powlen, K. A. (2018). Farmers’ value orientations, property rights and responsibilities, and willingness to adopt Leopold’s land ethic. Society and Natural Resources, 31(10), 1118-1131


Tara Teel

Jacobs, M. H., Vaske, J. J., Teel, T. L., & Manfredo, M. J. (2018). Human dimensions of wildlife. In Steg, L., & de Groot, J. I. M., Eds. Environmental psychology: An introduction, 2nd Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.



Rebecca Gruby

Project title: Philanthropic Legacies: Understanding the Role of Foundations in Marine Conservation Governance

PI: Rebecca Gruby

Sponsor: David and Lucile Packard Foundation


Jim Barborak

Project title: Protected Area Finance Workshop for Madagascar Protected Area Managers

PI: Jim Barborak

Sponsor: Wildlife Conservation Society



Kelly Jones

The impact of protected area governance and management capacity on ecosystem function in Central America. Carlos L. Muñoz Brenes, Kelly W. Jones, Peter Schlesinger, Juan Robalino, Lee Vierling. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205964.


Causal inference in environmental conservation: The role of institutions. Erin O. Sills, Kelly Jones. Handbook of Environmental Economics, Volume 4, ISSN 1574-0099,




Project title: Recreational Boating at Lewisville Lake and Joe Pool Lake, TX

Co-PIs: Mindy Clark, Jerry Vaske, & David Knight

Sponsor: Army Corps of Engineers


Michael Gavin

Gavin MC, Kavanagh PK, Haynie HJ, Bowern C, Ember CR, Gray RD, Jordan FM, Kirby KR, Kushnick G, Low BS, Vilela B, Botero CA. 2018. The global geography of human subsistence. Royal Society Open Science 5: 171897.

Meng C, Breidt FJ, Solomon JN, Gavin MC. 2018. Understanding the drivers of sensitive behavior using Poisson regression from quantitative randomized response technique data. Plos One 13(9): e0204433.


Tara Teel

Lischka, S. A., Teel, T. L., Johnson, H. E., Reed, S. E., Breck, S., Don Carlos, A., & Crooks, K. (2018). A conceptual model for the integration of social and ecological information to understand human-wildlife interactions. Biological Conservation, 225, 80-87.


Jennifer Solomon

Meng C, Breidt FJ, Solomon JN, Gavin MC. 2018. Understanding the drivers of sensitive behavior using Poisson regression from quantitative randomized response technique data. Plos One 13(9): e0204433.


Rebecca Gruby

Bennett, A., Acton, L., Epstein, G., Gruby, R.L., and Nenadovic, M. 2018. Embracing conceptual diversity to integrate power and institutional analysis: Introducing a relational typology. International Journal of the Commons 12(2).

Carlisle, K., and Gruby, R.L. 2018. Why the path to polycentricity matters: Evidence from fisheries governance in Palau.  Environmental Policy and Governance 28(4): 223-235



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