Graduate Student Resources
Please also see:
Getting Started:
The most important documents you can read for understanding your path though the Geosciences graduate program is our Geosciences Overview of Policies and Procedures. This document will explain academic requirements, progress towards degree, GRA and GTA assistantships, and defense procedures. PhD students should also read the Geosciences PhD Policies for additional information specific to the PhD program.
New to the Department:
Starting a graduate program can be quite hectic. Here are a few helpful starters for new students. Please read to familiarize yourself with the resources available. Some specific items of importance included in this are:
- Residency
- Orientations
- Registration
Residency status has a very strong influence on tuition costs. Students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, but are not residents of Colorado, must seek Colorado resident status during their first year to achieve residency by the beginning of their second year. This process must begin at least one year in advance of the change in residency status application. Please review the requirements in the Overview of Policies and Procedures above to become familiar with the process. The application will need to be started in the spring semester of your first year.
For more information on the required residency orientation and instructions on applying for residency, please see the Office of Financial Aid.
Student Involvement:
As a graduate student, involvement in the department can bring additional training, support, and connection with faculty as well as other students. Some key ways to be involve include:
Departmental Seminars.
The Department generally hosts guest speakers to give seminar talks throughout the academic year. Our seminars are a great way to broaden your understanding of Geosciences, meet distinguished speakers, interact professionally and socially with the faculty and your fellow graduate students. Please see the seminar schedule for specific dates and topics. A graduate student lunch is usually arranged before the seminar, the Department will provide lunch and an opportunity to interact with the speaker in a small group setting. If you are interested in scheduling time with a particular speaker, contact the faculty host.
Department Mentoring Program.
The Department conducts a mentoring program that connects graduate student volunteer mentors with undergraduate students seeking professional guidance and support. The purpose of the mentoring program is to build community between graduate and undergraduate students, provide career and graduate school preparation assistance to undergraduate students, and provide graduate students with opportunities to develop as professionals and mentors, too. Participants for the mentoring program (mentors and mentees) are recruited at the start of each academic year (fall semester). The commitment to mentor is minimal; mentors are expected to interact with their mentees at least once a month. If you are interested in participating in the program, please contact Angela Sharpe, [email protected], the Department’s Academic Success Coordinator.
Clubs are a great way to get involved with other students and participate in department sponsored events such as speakers, activities and field trips. The GeoClub is a student-led organization affiliated with the Geosciences Department. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and Graduate Women in Science Outreach Committee are national organizations that also have an active presence within the department. Please see our Student Involvement webpage for more information for these and other professional involvement organizations.
In addition to these, two national organizations, and NAGPS, support graduate students through and after their academic career. Their information is available through their websites.
Your input is always welcome and confidential. Please tell us how you feel, improvements we can make, if you are having issues in a class, or things we are doing right.
Comment and Suggestion Box
Progress towards your degree:
In addition to the Overview of Policies and procedures, the graduate school has many resources available to students.

Completing your degree:
Please see the Overview of Policies and procedures for detailed information regarding the completion of your thesis/dissertation and scheduling your defense. In addition, dates and commencement information is available on the Graduate School website.
Department of Geosciences graduation requirements
Please notify the Graduate Coordinator when you are ready to exit the department
- Clean out your office space or desk, please remove rock samples or arrange a storage solution with your advisor.
- Return all keys to the front office.
- Return all CSU equipment (e.g. laptops, etc) to your Advisor.
- Send a pdf copy of your Thesis/Dissertation to the graduate coordinator (final version approved by the Grad school).
- PhD graduates also please complete NSF PhD Survey.