FWCB Facilities

lfl lab

Space and facilities for LFL are provided by the Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology. LFL’s main laboratory, computer image-analysis system, collections (see Special Resources below), and offices are located in the room 33 complex of the J.V.K. Wagar Building on the main campus. The Aquatic Research Laboratory (wet lab, room 04) in the Natural Resources Building house’s LFL’s Toxicology Lab and provides indoor facilities for fish holding, rearing, and experimentation. Outdoor raceways and ponds are available on the nearby Foothills Campus.

LFL has ready access to College and University computing facilities, including geographical information systems (GIS), Internet for remote databases and computer communications, University Libraries (a depository for federal documents) and CARL (Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries) catalogues and services for literary research, and various biological, toxicological, pathological, chemical, and statistical laboratories on or near campus. Cooperators on campus and in state and federal resources agencies in Fort Collins provide vital links with additional facilities and research expertise.