Contribution Series

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LFL-001  Snyder, D.E., and S.C. Douglas. 1978. Description and identification of mooneye, Hiodon tergisus, protolarvae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 107:4, 590-594.
LFL-002 Carlson, C. A., C. G. Prewitt, D. E. Snyder, E. J. Wick, E. L. Ames, and W. D. Fronk. 1979. Fishes and macroinvertebrates of the White and Yampa rivers, Colorado. United States Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Office, Biological Sciences Series 1, Denver.

LFL-003 Snyder, D. E. 1979. Burbot – larval evidence for more than one North American species? Pages 204-220 in R. D. Hoyt, editor. Proceedings of the third symposium on larval fishes. Western Kentucky University, Department of Biology, Bowling Green.

LFL-003 Snyder, D. E. 1998. Burbot – larval evidence for more than one North American species?  Pages 21-33 in V. L. Paragamian and D. D. MacKinlay, editors.  Biology and management of burbot, symposium proceedings.  American Fisheries Society Physiology Section, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-004 Snyder, D. E. 1979. Myomere and vertebra counts of the North American cyprinids and catostomids. Pages 53-69 in R. D. Hoyt, editor. Proceedings of the third symposium on larval fishes. Western Kentucky University, Department of Biology, Bowling Green.

LFL-005– Prewitt, C. G., and C. A. Carlson. 1980. Comparative evaluation of four instream flow methodologies as used on the Yampa and White Rivers, Colorado. United States Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Office, Biological Sciences Series 2, Denver.

LFL-006– Snyder, D. E. 1980. Characteristics for distinguishing the protolarvae of the paddlefish and sturgeon. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Newsletter 1(2):9-10.

LFL-007– Snyder, D. E. 1980. Standardized format, counts, measures, and illustrations for a series of larval fish identification circulars (abstract). Page 168 in L. A. Fuiman, editor. Proceedings of the fourth annual larval fish conference. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-80/43.

LFL-008– Snyder, D. E. 1981. Book review. Fishes of the Delaware Estuaries: a guide to the early life histories (Johnson C.S. Wang and Ronnie J. Kernehan. E. A. Communications, Division of Ecological Analysts, Inc., MD. 1979.) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 38:1011-1013.

LFL-009– Snyder, D. E. 1981. Contributions to a guide to the cypriniform fish larvae of the Upper Colorado River System in Colorado. United States Bureau of Land Management, Colorado Office, Biological Sciences Series 3, Denver.

LFL-010– Snyder, D. E. 1981. Drawings of Noturus insignis larvae. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Newsletter 2(3):11.

LFL-011a– Allen, A. M. 1982. Developmental study of brook, brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout larvae. Pages 91-103 in Proceedings of the 17th annual meeting of the Colorado / Wyoming chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

LFL-011b– Allen, A. M. 1982. Developmental study of brook, brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout larvae. Master’s thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-012– Carlson, C. A., and E. M. Carlson. 1982. Review of selected literature on the Upper Colorado River System and its fishes. Pages 1-8 in W. H. Miller, H. M. Tyus, and C. A. Carlson, editors. Fishes of the Upper Colorado River System: present and future. Western Division, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-013– Haynes, C. M., R. T. Muth, and L. C. Wycoff. 1982. Range extension for the redside shiner, Richardsonius balteatus (Richardson), in the Upper Colorado River Drainage. Southwestern Naturalist 27:223.

LFL-014– Holden, P. B., and E. J. Wick. 1982. Life history and prospects for recovery of Colorado squawfish. Pages 98-108 in W. H. Miller, H. M. Tyus, and C. A. Carlson, editors. Fishes of the Upper Colorado River System: present and future. Western Division, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-015 Wick, E. J., C. W. McAda, and R. W. Bulkley. 1982. Life history and prospects for recovery of the razorback sucker. Pages 120-126 in W. H. Miller, H. M. Tyus, and C. A. Carlson, editors. Fishes of the Upper Colorado River System: present and future. Western Division, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-016- Carlson, C. A., and C. L. Gifford. 1983. Finding literature and reports. Pages 23-42 in L. Nielsen and D. Johnson, editors. Fisheries techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-017- Fuiman, L. A., J. V. Conner, B. F. Lathrop, G. L. Buynak, D. E. Snyder, and J. J. Loos. 1983. State of the art of identification for cyprinid fish larvae from eastern North America. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:319-332.

LFL-018- Snyder, D. E. 1983. Identification of catostomid larvae in Pyramid Lake and the Truckee River, Nevada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 112:333-348.

LFL-019- Snyder, D. E. 1983. Fish eggs and larvae. Pages 165-197 in L. Nielsen and D. Johnson, editors. Fisheries techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-020- Valdez, R. A., and E. J. Wick. 1983. Natural vs. man-made backwaters as native fish habitat. Pages 519-536 in V. D. Adams and V. A. Lamarra, editors. Aquatic resources management of the Colorado River ecosystem. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

LFL-021– Wick E.J., D. L. Stoneburner, and J. A. Hawkins. 1983. Observations on the ecology of the Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Yampa river, Colorado, 1982. U.S. National Park Service, Water Resources Field Support Laboratory, Technical Report 83-7, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-022- Haynes, C. M., T. A. Lytle, E. J. Wick, and R. T. Muth. 1984. Larval Colorado squawfish, Ptychocheilus lucius, in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1979-1981. Southwestern Naturalist 29:21-33.

LFL-023- Martinez, A. M. 1984. Identification of brook, brown, rainbow, and cutthroat trout larvae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113:252-259.

LFL-024- Muth, R. T., and C. M. Haynes. 1984. Plexiglas light-trap for collecting small fishes in low-velocity riverine habitats. Progressive Fish-Culturist 46:59-62.

LFL-025- Muth, R. T., and J. C. Schmulbach. 1984. Downstream transport of fish larvae in a shallow prairie river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 113:224-230.

LFL-026– Haynes, C. M., and R. T. Muth. 1985. Lordosis in Gila, Yampa River, Colorado. Pages 83-86 in E. P. Pister, editor. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium, Desert Fishes Council, Bishop, California.

LFL-027– Haynes, C. M., and R. T. Muth. 1985. Reproduction of Colorado squawfish Ptychocheilus lucius, in the Yampa River, Colorado (1980-83). Pages 297-298 in E. P. Pister, editor. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium, Desert Fishes Council, Bishop, California.

LFL-028- Muth, R. T., C. M. Haynes, and C. A. Carlson. 1985. Culture of roundtail chub, Gila robusta (Cyprinidae), through the larval period. Southwestern Naturalist 30:152-154.

LFL-029- Propst, D. L., and C. A. Carlson. 1986. The distribution and status of warmwater fishes in the Platte River Drainage, Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 31:149-167.

LFL-030– Tyus, H. M., E. J. Wick, and D. L. Skates. 1985. A spawning migration of Colorado squawfish in the Yampa and Green rivers, Colorado and Utah, 1981. Pages 102-108 in E. P. Pister, editor. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium Desert Fishes Council, Bishop, California.

LFL-031– Snyder, D. E., and S. Ochman. 1985. The larvae and juveniles of Cottus ricei and sympatric Cottidae. Pages 37-47 in A. W. Kendall, Jr., and J. B. Marliave, editors. Descriptions of early life history stages of selected fishes: from the Third International Symposium on the Early Life History of Fishes and Eighth Annual Larval Fish Conference, May 1984, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 1359.

LFL-032– Minton, A. L., D. V. Osteen, and D. E. Snyder. 1985. Description of larval pirate perch, Aphredoderus sayanus (Gilliams), from the Savannah River. Pages 21-28 in A. W. Kendall, Jr., and J. B. Marliave, editors. Descriptions of early life history stages of selected fishes: from the Third International Symposium on the Early Life History of Fishes and Eighth Annual Larval Fish Conference, May 1984, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1359.

LFL-033– Carlson, C. A., and R. T. Muth. 1989. The Colorado River: lifeline of the American Southwest. Pages 220-239 in D. P. Dodge, editor. Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 106.

LFL-034– Snyder, D. E. 1988. Description and identification of shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon larvae. American Fisheries Society Symposium 5:7-30.

LFL-035– Muth, R. T., T. P. Nesler, and A. F. Wasowicz. 1988. Marking cyprinid larvae with tetracycline. American Fisheries Society Symposium 5:89-95.

LFL-036- Nesler, T. P., R. T. Muth, and A. F. Wasowicz. 1988. Evidence of baseline flow spikes as spawning cues for Colorado squawfish in the Yampa River, Colorado. American Fisheries Society Symposium 5:68-79.

LFL-037– Snyder, D. E., and R. T. Muth. 1988. Descriptions and identification of June, Utah, and mountain sucker larvae and early juveniles. Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources Publication 88-8, Salt Lake City.

LFL-038– Snyder, D. E., and R. T. Muth. 1990. Descriptions and identification of razorback, flannelmouth, white, bluehead, mountain, and Utah sucker larvae and early juveniles. Colorado Division of Wildlife Technical Publication 38.

LFL-039– Carlson, C. A., and R. T. Muth. 1993. Endangered species management. Pages 355-381 in C. Kohler and W. Hubert, editors. Inland fisheries management in North America. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-040- Muth, R. T., and T. P. Nesler. 1989. Marking Colorado squawfish embyos and newly hatched larvae with Tetracycline. The Southwestern Naturalist 34:432-436.

LFL-041– Nimmo, D. R., R. J. Mirenda, C. A. Carlson, and R. R. Williams. 1991. Culturing the estuarine mysid Mysidopsis bahia: a synopsis of three case studies. American Fisheries Society Symposium 9:160-168.

LFL-042– Snyder, D. E. 1990. Fish larvae—ecologically distinct organisms. Pages 20-23 in M. B. Bain, editor. Ecology and assessment of warmwater streams: workshop synopsis. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 90(5).

LFL-043– Wick, E. J., and J. A. Hawkins. 1989. Colorado squawfish winter habitat study, Yampa River, Colorado, 1986-1988. Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-044– Bestgen, K. R. 1990. Status review of the razorback sucker Xyrauchen texanus with management recommendations for the Upper Colorado River Basin. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, Utah.

LFL-045- Wick, E. J., J. A. Hawkins, and T. P. Nesler. 1991. Occurrence of two endangered fishes in the Little Snake River, Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 36:251-254.

LFL-046- Bestgen, K. R., K. D. Fausch, and S. C. Riley. 1991. Rediscovery of a relict southern population of lake chub, Couesius plumbeus, in Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 36:125-127.

LFL-047- Thompson, J. M., E. P. Bergersen, C. A. Carlson, and L. R. Kaeding. 1991. Role of size, condition, and lipid content in the overwinter survival of age-0 Colorado squawfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:346-353.

LFL-048– Hawkins, J. A., and T. P. Nesler. 1991. Nonnative fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin: an issue paper. Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-049– Hawkins, J. A. 1991. Age and growth of Colorado squawfish from the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1978-1990. Final report of Colorado Sate University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins.

LFL-050– Snyder, D. E. 1992b. Impacts of electrofishing on fish. Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Glen Canyon Environmental Studies Aquatic Coordination Team, Flagstaff, Arizona.

LFL-051- Muth, R. T., and K. R. Bestgen. 1991. Effect of sunlight on tetracycline marks in otoliths of Colorado squawfish larvae. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:666-668.

LFL-052- Beyers, D. W., C. A. Carlson, and J. T. Tessari. 1991. Solid-phase extraction of carbaryl and malathion from pond and well water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 10:1425-1429.

LFL-053- Beyers, D. W., and C. A. Carlson. 1993. Movement and habitat use of triploid grass carp in a Colorado irrigation canal. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13:141-150.

LFL-054– Snyder, D. E. 1992a. Impacts of electrofishing on fish. American Fisheries Society Fisheries Management Section Newsletter 12(2):5-6.

LFL-055- Beyers, D. W., T. J. Keefe, and C. A. Carlson. 1994. Toxicity of carbaryl and malathion to two federally endangered fishes as estimated by regression and analysis of variance. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:101-108.

LFL-056- Ruppert, J. B., R. T. Muth, and T. P. Nesler. 1993. Predation on fish larvae by adult red shiner, Yampa and Green rivers, Colorado. Southwestern Naturalist 38:397-399.

LFL-057- Bestgen, K. R., and M. A. Williams. 1994. Effects of fluctuating and constant temperatures on early development and survival of Colorado squawfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 123:574-579.

LFL-058– Muth, R. T., and T. P. Nesler. 1993. Associations among flow and temperature regimes and spawning periods and abundance of young of selected fishes, lower Yampa River, Colorado, 1980-1984.  Final report. Endangered Wildlife Investigations, SE-3-4, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins.

LFL-059– Snyder, D. E. 1993. Effects of electrofishing on fish reproduction, gametes, and offspring. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Newsletter 14(3):27-29.

LFL-060– Snyder, D. E. 1994. Effects of electrofishing on fish embryos, larvae, and early juveniles. American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section Newsletter 15(1):10-13.

LFL-061– Beyers, D. W. 1993. Acute toxicity of Rodeo and Valent X-77 to Rio Grande silvery minnow as estimated by surrogate species: plains minnow, fathead minnow, Hyalella azteca, and Chironomus tentans. Final report. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Regional Office, Salt Lake City, Utah.

LFL-062– Beyers, D. W. 1988. Movement and habitat use of triploid grass carp in a Colorado irrigation canal. Master’s thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-063– Beyers, D. W. 1993. Toxicity of carbaryl and malathion to Colorado squawfish and bonytail. Doctoral dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-064– Hawkins, J. A. 1991. Age and growth of Colorado squawfish from the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1978-1990. Master’s Thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-065– Muth, R. T. 1990. Ontogeny and taxonomy of humpback chub, bonytail, and roundtail chub larvae and early juveniles. Doctoral dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-066– Beyers, D. W., and R. T. Muth. 1992. Suggested methodology to study dissolved-oxygen requirements of South Platte River fishes and implications for a site-specific standard. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-067– Snyder, D. E. 1991. Dissolved-oxygen requirements for early life stages of South Platte River fishes. Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-068- Beyers, D. W., and P. J. Sikoski. 1994. Acetylcholinesterase inhibition in federally endangered Colorado squawfish exposed to carbaryl and malathion. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 13:935-939.

LFL-069– Bestgen, K. R., and D. L. Propst. 1994. Redescription, geographic variation, and taxonomic status of the Rio Grande silvery minnow, Hybognathus amarus (Girard, 1856). Final report of the Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, and New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe.

LFL-070- Bestgen, K. R. 1996. Growth, survival, and starvation resistance of Colorado squawfish larvae. Environmental Biology of Fishes 46:197-209.

LFL-071– Snyder, D. E. 1994. Morphological development and identification of pallid, shovelnose and hybrid sturgeon larvae. Final Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha, Nebraska.

LFL-072– Beyers, D. W., R. T. Muth, and M. S. Farmer. 1994. Experimental evidence of competition between larvae of Colorado squawfish and fathead minnow. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-073- Beyers, D. W., M. S. Farmer, and P. J. Sikoski. 1995. Effects of rangeland aerial application of Sevin-4-Oil on fish and aquatic invertebrate drift in the Little Missouri River, North Dakota. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 28:27-34.

LFL-074-Beyers, D. W. 1993. Acute toxicity of Rodeo and Valent X-77 to Rio Grande silvery minnow as estimated by surrogate species: plains minnow, fathead minnow, Hyalella azteca, and Chironomus tentans. Final report. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Regional Office, Salt Lake City, Utah.

LFL-075- Muth, R. T., and D. E. Snyder. 1995. Diets of young Colorado squawfish and other small fish in backwaters of the Green River, Colorado and Utah. The Great Basin Naturalist 55:95-104.

LFL-076– Beyers, D. W. and M. S. Farmer. 1995. Effects of copper and zinc on olfaction of Colorado squawfish as estimated by behavioral assay. Final report. to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-077- Muth, R. T., and S. M. Meismer. 1995. Marking otoliths in razorback sucker embryos and larvae with fluorescent chemicals. Southwestern Naturalist 40:241-244.

LFL-078- Snyder, D. E. 1995. Morphological development and identification of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon larvae. The Sturgeon Quarterly 3(1):7-9.

LFL-079- Snyder, D. E. 1995. Impacts of electrofishing on fish. Fisheries 20(1):26-27.

LFL-080- Beyers, D. W. 1995. Acute toxicity of Rodeo herbicide to Rio Grande silvery minnow as estimated by surrogate species: plains minnow and fathead minnow. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 29:24-26.

LFL-081- Bestgen, K. R., and J. Bundy. 1998. Environmental factors affect daily increment deposition and otolith growth in young Colorado squawfish Ptychocheilus lucius. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 127:105-117.

LFL-082- Bestgen, K. R., and D. L. Propst. 1996. Redescription, geographic variation, and taxonomic status of the Rio Grande silvery minnow, Hybognathus amarus (Girard 1856). Copeia 1996:41-55.

LFL-083- Muth, R. T., and J. B. Ruppert. 1996. Effects of two electrofishing currents on captive ripe razorback suckers and subsequent egg-hatching success. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:473-476.

LFL-084– Bestgen, K. R., H. T. Bestgen, and C. A. Rice. 1995. Compilation of historical eastern plains stream fish records in Colorado. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-085- Muth, R. T., and J. B. Ruppert. 1997. Effects of electrofishing fields on captive embryos and larvae of razorback sucker. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17:160-166.

LFL-086- Beyers, D. W. and O. B. Myers. 1996. Use of meta-analysis to predict degradation of carbaryl and malathion in freshwater for exposure assessment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2:366-380.

LFL-087- Fausch, K. D., and K. R. Bestgen. 1997. Ecology of stream fishes indigenous to the central and southern Great Plains. Pages 131-166 in Knopf, F. L. and F. B. Samson, editors. Ecology and conservation of Great Plains vertebrates. Springer-Verlag Inc.

LFL-088– Lentsch, L. D., R. T. Muth, P. D. Thompson, B. G. Hoskins, and T. A. Crowl. 1996. Options for selective control of nonnative fishes in the upper Colorado River basin. Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources Publication 96-14, Salt Lake City.

LFL-089– Snyder, D. E. 1996. To the millennium and beyond: a commentary on early life history research. Stages, Newsletter of the American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section 16(3):17-19.

LFL-090– Snyder, D. E. 1996. Preserved larval and small-fish collections of the Upper Colorado River Basin: maintenance and cataloging of a valuable historical database. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-091– Hawkins, J. A., E. J. Wick, and D. E. Jennings. 1997. Ichthyofauna of the Little Snake River, Colorado, 1994. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-092– Hawkins, J. A., and J. O’Brien. 1997, Revised 2001. Research plan for developing flow recommendations in the Little Snake River, Colorado and Wyoming for endangered fishes of the Colorado River Basin. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-093- Ruppert, J. B., and R. T. Muth. 1997. Effects of electrofishing fields on captive early juveniles of two endangered cyprinids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17: 314-320.

LFL-094– Bestgen, K. R. 1997. Interacting effects of physical and biological factors on recruitment of age-0 Colorado squawfish. Doctoral dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-095– Bestgen, K. R., D. W. Beyers, G. B. Haines, and J. A. Rice. 1997. Recruitment models for Colorado squawfish: tools for evaluating relative importance of natural and managed processes. Final Report of the Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, to U.S. National Parks Service Cooperative Parks Study Unit and U.S. Geological Survey Midcontinent Ecological Science Center, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-096– Haines, G. B., D. W. Beyers, and T. Modde. 1998. Estimation of winter survival, movement, and dispersal of young Colorado squawfish in the Green River, Utah. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-097– Bestgen, K. R., R. T. Muth, and M. A. Trammell 1998. Downstream transport of Colorado squawfish larvae in the Green River drainage: temporal and spatial variation in abundance and relationships with juvenile recruitment. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-098– Snyder, D. E. 1997. Effects of the fish anesthetic tricaine on larval and early juvenile razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus. Final report of the Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S. National Parks Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-099- Swift-Miller, S. M., B. M. Johnson, R. T. Muth, and D. Langlois. 1999. Distribution, abundance, and habitat use of Rio Grande sucker (Catostomus plebeius) in Hot Creek, Colorado. The Southwestern Naturalist 44(1):42-48.

LFL-100– Snyder, D. E., and S. M. Meismer. 1997. Effectiveness of light traps for capture and retention of larval and early juvenile Xyrauchen texanus and larval Ptychocheilus lucius and Gila elegans. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S. National Parks Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-101– Muth, R. T., G. B. Haines, S. M. Meismer, E. J. Wick, T. E. Chart, D. E. Snyder, and J. M. Bundy. 1998. Reproduction and early life history of razorback sucker in the Green River, Utah and Colorado,1992-1996. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-102– Snyder, D. E. 1998. Catostomid larvae and early juveniles of the Rio Grande River basin in Colorado. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Division of Wildlife, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-103- Beyers, D. W. 1998. Causal inference in environmental impact studies. North American Benthological Society 17(3): 367-373.

LFL-104- Beyers, D. W., J. A. Rice, W. H. Clements, and C.J. Henry. 1999. Estimating physiological cost of chemical exposure: integrating energetics and stress to quantify toxic effects in fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:814-822.

LFL-105- Beyers, D. W., J. A. Rice, and W. H. Clements. 1999. Evaluating biological significance of chemical exposure to fish using a bioenergetics-based stressor-response model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:823-829.

LFL-106– Snyder, D. E. 1999. Pallid and shovelnose sturgeon larvae – morphological development and identification. Final report of the Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bismarck, North Dakota.

LFL-107– Beyers, D.W. and C. Sodergren. 1999. Assessment and prediction of effects of selenium exposure to larval razorback sucker. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-108– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, and J. M. Bundy. 1999. Entrainment of fishes from the South Platte River into Fulton Ditch, 1998. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-109– Bestgen, K. R. and L.W. Crist. 2000. Response of the Green River Fish Community to Construction and Re-regulation of Flaming Gorge Dam, 1962-1996. Project number 40 final report of the Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins to Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program.

LFL-110- Bestgen, K.R. and J. M. Bundy. 2001. Confirmation of Daily Increment Deposition in Otoliths of Young Razorback Suckers. The Southwestern Naturalist 46(1):34-40.

LFL-111- Snyder, D. E.  2000.  Burbot larvae may be evidence for more than one species in North America.  Pages 27-29 in V. L. Paragamian and D. W. Willis, editors.  Burbot biology, management, and ecology.  Fisheries Management Section of the American Fisheries Society Special Publication 1.

LFL-112– Beyers, D. W. and C. Sodergren. 2001. Evaluation of interspecific sensitivity to selenium exposure: larval razorback sucker versus flannelmouth sucker. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-113– Beyers, D. W. and C. Sodergren. 2001. Assessment of exposure of larval razorback sucker to selenium in natural waters and evaluation of laboratory-based predictions. Final report of Larval Fish Laboratory at Colorado State University to Recovery Implementation Program, Project CAP-6 SE, Denver, Colorado.

LFL-114– Snyder, D.E., 2003.Electrofishing and its harmful effects on fish, Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR–2003-0002: U.S. Government Printing Office, Denver, CO

LFL-115- Beyers, D. W. and J.A. Rice. 2002. Evaluating stress in fish using bioenergetics-based stressor-response models. Pages 289-320 in S. M. Adams, editor. Biological indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.

LFL-116– Bestgen, K. R., J. Bundy, K. A. Zelasko. 2001. Exclusion and survival rates of early life stages of fathead minnows released over inclined wedge-wire screens. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. Denver, CO

LFL-117- Beyers, D. W., and M. S. Farmer. 2001. Effects of copper on olfaction of Colorado pikeminnow. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20: 907-912.

LFL-118– Bezzerides, N., and K. R. Bestgen. 2002. Status review of roundtail chub Gila robusta, flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, and bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus in the Colorado River Basin. Final Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Bureau of Reclamation. Salt Lake City, Utah

LFL-119– Bundy, J. M., and K. R. Bestgen. 2001. Evaluation of the Interagency Standardized Monitoring Program Sampling Technique in backwaters of the Colorado River in the Grand Valley, CO. Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory.

LFL-120– Muth, R.T., L. W. Crist, K. E. LaGory, J. W. Hayse, K.R. Bestgen,T. P. Ryan,J. K. Lyons,andR. A. Valdez. 2000. Flow and temperature recommendations for endangered fishes in the Green River downstream of Flaming Gorge Dam. Final Report Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program Project FG-53.

LFL-121– Beyers, D. W., J. M. Bundy, and K. R. Bestgen. 2001. Habitat use and movement of bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub in the Colorado River. Final Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Division of Wildlife. Grand Junction, CO

LFL-122- Beyers, D. W., and C. Sodergren. 2002. Assessment of exposure of larval razorback sucker to selenium in natural waters. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 42:53-59.

LFL-123– Snyder, D. E. 2001. Computer-interactive key to sucker larvae and early juveniles of the Upper Colorado River Basin: Rearing of and descriptive species account for longnose sucker. Final Report of the Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Division of Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO

LFL-124- Snyder, D. E. 2002. Pallid and shovelnose sturgeon larvae-morphological description and identification. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18: 240-265

LFL-125– Hawkins, J. A., T. Modde, and J. Bundy. 2001. Ichthyofauna of the Little Snake River, Colorado, 1995 with notes on movements of humpback chub. Report to Recovery Implementation Program for the Endangered Fish Species of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Denver, CO

LFL-126– Bestgen, K. R., G. B. Haines, R. Brunson, T. Chart, M. Trammell, R. T. Muth, G. Birchell, K. Chrisopherson, and J. M. Bundy. 2002. Status of wild razorback sucker in the Green River Basin, Utah and Colorado, determined from basinwide monitoring and other sampling programs. Final Report to the Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program. Project Number 22D.

LFL-127- Bestgen, K. R., D. W. Beyers, J. A. Rice, G. B. Haines. 2006. Factors affecting recruitment of young Colorado pikeminnow: synthesis of predation experiments, field studies, and individual-based modeling. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135: 1722-1742

LFL-128– Beyers, D. W., and K. R. Bestgen. 2002. Bull trout performance in a horizontal flat plate screen. Final Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Denver, CO

LFL-129– Hawkins, J. A. 2002. X-Ray assessment of electrofishing injury of Colorado pikeminnow. Final Report for the Recovery Implementation Program for Endangered Fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Recovery Program Project 64. Lakewood, CO

LFL-130– Hawkins, J. A. 2003. Recapture and growth rates of three Colorado River endangered fish species: a comparison between electrofishing and non-electrofishing gear. Final Report to Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project No. RNS 3 (FY-1993). Lakewood, CO


LFL-132– Bestgen, K. R., B. Mefford, J. Bundy, C. Walford, B. Compton, S. Seal, and T. Sorenson. 2003. Swimming Performance of Rio Grande silvery minnow. Final Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

LFL-133- Bestgen, K. R., J. M. Bundy, K. A. Zelasko, and T. L. Wahl. 2004. Effectiveness of high-velocity inclined profile-bar fish screens measured by exclusion and survival of early life stages of fathead minnow. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 1228-1239

LFL-134– Snyder, D. E. 2003. Computer-interactive key to sucker larvae and early juveniles of the Upper Colorado River Basin with description of longnose sucker. Final Report to Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Lakewood, CO

LFL-135– Bestgen, K. R., R. I. Compton, and K. A. Zelasko. 2003. Distribution and status of Rio Grande chub in Colorado. Report to Colorado Division of Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO

LFL-136– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, and R. I. Compton. 2003. Environmental factors limiting suckermouth minnow Phenacobius mirabilis populations in Colorado. Final Report to Colorado Division of Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO

LFL-137– Hawkins, J. A., C. Walford, and T. Sorenson. 2005. Northern pike management studies in the Yampa River, Colorado, 1992-2002. Final Report for the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project No. 98a. Lakewood, CO


LFL-139– Snyder, D. E., and R. T. Muth.  2004. Catostomid fish larvae and early juveniles of the Upper Colorado River Basin- morphological descriptions, comparisons, and computer-interactive key. Technical Publication No. 42 CDW, Fort Collins, CO

LFL-140– Bestgen, K. R., J. A. Hawkins, G. C. White, K. Chrisopherson, M. Hudson, M. H. Fuller, D. C. Kitcheyan, R. Brunson, P. Badame, G. B. Haines, J. Jackson, C. D. Walford, T. A. Sorensen, and T. B. Williams. 2005. Population status of Colorado pikeminnow in the Green River Basin, Utah and Colorado. Final Report to Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program, Project Numbers 22i and 22j.

LFL-141– Bestgen, K. R., and K. A. Zelasko. 2004. Distribution and status of native fishes in the Colorado River Basin, Colorado. Final Report to Colorado Division of Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO

LFL-142- Bestgen, K. R. 2008. Effects of water temperature on growth of razorback sucker larvae. Western North American Naturalist 68(1):15-20.

LFL-143– Snyder, D. E., K. R. Bestgen, and S. C. Seal. 2005. Native cypriniform fish larvae of the Gila River Basin- morphological descriptions, comparisons, and computer-interactive keys. Final report to Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix, AZ.

LFL-144– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, R. I. Compton, and T. Chart. 2006. Response of the Green River fish community to changes in flow and temperature regimes from Flaming Gorge Dam since 1966 based on sampling conducted from 2002 to 2004. Final Report to Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program, Project Number 115.

LFL-145- Bestgen, K. R., and R. I. Compton. 2007. Reproduction and culture of suckermouth minnow. North American Journal of Aquaculture 69(4): 345-350

LFL-146- Scheurer, J. H., K. R. Bestgen, and K. D. Fausch. 2003. Resolving taxonomy and historical distribution for conservation of rare Great Plains fishes: Hybognathus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Eastern Colorado Basins. Copeia 1: 1-12

LFL-147- Scheurer, J. H., K. D. Fausch, and K. R. Bestgen. 2003. Multiscale processes regulate brassy minnow persistence in a Great Plains river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 840-855

LFL-148- Olden, J. D., N. L. Poff, and K. R Bestgen. 2006. Life-history strategies predict invasions and extirpations in the Colorado River Basin. Ecological Monographs 76(1): 25-40

LFL-149– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, and C. T. Wilcox. 2007. Non-native fish removal in the Green River, Lodore and Whirlpool canyons, 2002-2006, and fish community response to altered flow and temperature regimes, and non-native fish expansion. Final Report to Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program, Project Number 115.

LFL-150– Bestgen, K. R., C. D. Walford, A. A. Hill, and J. A. Hawkins. 2007. Native fish response to removal of non-native predator fish in the Yampa River, Colorado. Final Report to Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program, Project Number 140.

LFL-151- Walford, C. D., and K. R. Bestgen. 2008. The nonnative Iowa darter (Etheostoma exile) established in the Yampa River, Colorado, and Green River, Utah. The Southwestern Naturalist 53(4): 529-533.

LFL-152– Bestgen, K. R., B. Mefford, and R. I. Compton. 2008. Survival and injury rates of early life stages of fishes passed over three diversion spillway models. Final Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Water Resources Laboratory, Denver, Colorado..

LFL-153– Hedrick, T. N., and K. R. Bestgen. 2009. Entrainment of semi-buoyant beads and razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus, larvae into flood plain wetlands of the Middle Green River, Utah. Final Report for the Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project Number: C-6/RZ-ENTR Lakewood, CO

LFL-154– Hawkins, J. A., C. Walford, and A. Hill. 2009. Smallmouth bass control in the middle Yampa River, 2003-2007. Final Report for the Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project No. 125. Lakewood, CO

LFL-155- Olden, J. D., N. L. Poff, and K. R. Bestgen. 2008. Trait synergisms and the rarity, extirpation, and extinction risk of desert fishes. Ecology 89(3): 847-856

LFL-156- Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, R. I. Compton, and T. E. Chart. 2008. Survival, condition, habitat use, and predation on stocked bonytails (Gila elegans) in the Green River, Colorado and Utah. The Southwestern Naturalist 53(4): 488-494

LFL-157– Hawkins, J. A. 2009. An evaluation of fish entrainment into the Maybell Ditch on the Yampa River, Colorado, 2007 and 2008. Final Report for the Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project No. 146. Lakewood, CO

LFL-158– Zelasko, K. A. 2008. Survival rate estimation and movement of hatchery-reared razorback suckers Xyrauchen texanus in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah and Colorado. Master’s thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

LFL-159– Zelasko, K. A., K. R. Bestgen, and G. C. White. 2009. Survival rate estimation and movement of hatchery-reared razorback suckers Xyrauchen texanus in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah and Colorado. Final Report to the Colorado River Implementation Program, Project Number 128.

LFL-160– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, and G. C. White. 2009. Survival of hatchery-reared razorback suckers Xyrauchen texanus stocked in the San Juan River Basin, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. Final Report of the Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory.

LFL-161– Bestgen, K. R., J. A. Hawkins, G. C. White, C. D. Walford, P. Badame, and L. Monroe. 2010. Population status of Colorado pikeminnow in the Green River Basin, Utah and Colorado, 2006-2008. Final Report to the Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program, Project Number 128.

LFL-162– Zelasko, K. A., K. R. Bestgen, and G. C. White. 2011. Survival rate estimation of hatchery-reared razorback suckers Xyrauchen texanus stocked in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Utah and Colorado, 2004-2007. Final Report to the Colorado River Implementation Program, Project Number 159.

LFL-163– Bestgen, K. R., G. B. Haines, and A. A. Hill. 2011. Synthesis of flood plain wetland information: timing of razorback sucker reproduction in the Green River, Utah, related to stream flow, water temperature, and flood plain wetland availability. Final Report to the Colorado River Recovery Implementation Program Projects 22F and FR-FP synthesis

LFL-164– Snyder, D. E., J. A. Charles, and C. L. Bjork. 2011. Illustration and description of woundfin larvae and early juveniles – contribution to a guide to larval fishes of the Virgin River. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Virgin River Resource Management and Recovery Program, Salt lake City, Utah.

LFL-165– Zelasko, K. A., K. R. Bestgen, and K. Hayes. 2011. Drift and retention of flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus, and white sucker Catostomus commersonii in the Big Sandy River, Wyoming. Final Report to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.

LFL-166– Bestgen, K. R., P. Budy, and W. Miller. 2011. Status and trends of flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus, and roundtail chub Gila robusta, in the Dolores River, Colorado, and opportunities for population improvement: Phase II Report. Prepared for Lower Dolores Plan Working Group-Legislative Committee.

LFL-167 Snyder, D. E., and C. L. Bjork. 2011. Illustration of mountain whitefish larvae and early juveniles. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Aquatic Research Group, Fort Collins.

LFL-168– Breton, A. R., J. A. Hawkins, K. R. Bestgen, D. L. Winkelman, and G. C. White. 2013. Escapement rates of translocated smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from Elkhead Reservoir to the Yampa River. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO

LFL-169– Breton, A. R., W. L.. Winkelman, J. A. Hawkins, and K. R. Bestgen. 2014. Population trends of smallmouth bass in the Upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal efforts. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO.

LFL-170– Bestgen, K. R., K. A. Zelasko, and G. C. White. 2012. Monitoring reproduction, recruitment, and population status of razorback suckers in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO

LFL-171– Bestgen, K. R., H.J. Crockett, and H. P.Foutz.  In press. Historical distribution and status of southern redbelly dace Phoxinus erythrogaster in the Arkansas River Basin, Colorado.  Southwestern Naturalist

LFL-172– D. E. Snyder, and C. L. Bjork. 2012. Illustration of plains topminnow larvae and early juveniles. Final Report for Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife. Fort Collins, CO

LFL-173- In Preparation

LFL-174– Webber, P. A., K. R. Bestgen, and G. B. Haines.  2013.  Tributary spawning by endangered Colorado River Basin fishes in the White River.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1166-1171.

LFL-175- Bestgen, K. R. 2013. Distribution, habitat, and ecology of hornyhead chub Nocomis biguttatus in southeastern Wyoming. Final Report to Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Cheyenne. Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 175.

LFL-176– Hill, A. A. and K. R. Bestgen.  2014.  Otolith daily increment deposition in age-0 smallmouth bass reared in constant and fluctuating water temperatures.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:774-779.

LFL-177– Bestgen, K. R., K. B. Rogers, and R. Granger.  2013.  Phenotype predicts genotype for lineages of native cutthroat trout in the southern Rocky Mountains.  Final Report to U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Colorado Field Office, Denver Federal Center (MS 65412), Denver, CO.  Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 177.

LFL-178– Snyder, D. E., S. C. Seal, and C. L. Bjork. 2013. Illustration and description of Virgin spinedace larvae and early juveniles – contribution to a guide to larval fishes of the Virgin River. Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Virgin River Resource Management and Recovery Program, Salt lake City, Utah.

LFL-179– Bestgen, K. R., K. B. Rogers, and R. Granger.  2014.  Phenotype predicts genotype for lineages of native cutthroat trout in the southern Rocky Mountains.  Proceedings of the Wild Trout Symposium XI—Looking Back and Moving Forward.  Wild Trout Symposium, West Yellowstone, MT XI: 215-217.

LFL-180– Rogers, K. B., K. R. Bestgen, and J. Epp.  2014.  Using Genetic Diversity to Inform Conservation Efforts for Native Cutthroat Trout of the Southern Rocky Mountains.  Proceedings of the Wild Trout Symposium XI—Looking Back and Moving Forward.  Wild Trout Symposium, West Yellowstone, MT XI: 218-228.

LFL-181- Bestgen, K.R.  2015.  Aspects of the Yampa River flow regime essential for maintenance of native fishes: Final report submitted to the National Park Service, The Nature Conservancy, and Western Resource Advocates. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 181. Natural Resource Report NPS/NRSS/WRD/NRR—2015/962. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

LFL-182– Snyder, D. E., K. R. Bestgen, and C. L. Bjork.  2014.  Illustration of suckermouth minnow larvae and early juveniles.  Final report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Aquatic Wildlife Research Group, Fort Collins

LFL-183- Bestgen, K. R. and A. A. Hill. 2015. Reproduction, abundance, and recruitment dynamics of young Colorado pikeminnow in the Green River Basin, Utah and Colorado, 1979-2012. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO.

LFL-184– D.W. Speas, J.A. Hawkins, P.D. MacKinnon, K.R. Bestgen and C. D. Walford. 2014. Entrainment of Native Fish in Maybell Ditch, Northwestern Colorado, 2011-2012. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO.

LFL-185– Koreen A. Zelasko, Kevin R. Bestgen, and John A. Hawkins, and G. C. White. 2015. Abundance and population dynamics of invasive northern pike Esox lucius, Yampa River,  Colorado, 2004–2010. Final Report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. Denver, CO.

LFL-186- Breton, A. R., D. L. Winkelman, K. R. Bestgen, and J. A. Hawkins. 2015. Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the Upper Colorado River basin. In Draft.

LFL-187- Bestgen, K. R., and A. A. Hill.  2015 draft.  River regulation affects reproduction, early growth, and suppression strategies for invasive smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin.  Final report to the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Project FR-115, Denver, CO.  Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.  Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 187.

LFL-188- Bestgen In review

LFL-189– Snyder, D. E, S. C. Seal, J. A. Charles, and C. L. Bjork.  2016.  Guide to cyprinid fish larvae and early juveniles of the Upper Colorado River Basin with computer-interactive key.  Final Report of Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Lakewood, Colorado, and U.S. National Park Service Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Page, Arizona.

LFL – 190 Haworth, M.R., and K.R. Bestgen. 2016. Daily increment validation and effects of streamflow variability and water temperature on growth of age-0 Flathead Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36(4):744-753.

LFL – 191 Bestgen In review

LFL – 192 Haworth In review

LFL – 193 Bestgen In Press

LFL – 194 Bestgen In Press

LFL – 195 Zelasko, K. A., K. R. Bestgen, J. A. Hawkins, and G. C. White. 2016. Evaluation of a Long-Term Predator Removal Program: Abundance and Population Dynamics of Invasive Northern Pike in the Yampa River, Colorado. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(6):1153-1170.

LFL – 196 Bestgen In press

LFL – 197 Snyder, D. E, S. C. Seal, J. A. Charles, and C. L. Bjork.  2016.  Cyprinid fish larvae and early juveniles of the Upper Colorado River Basin–morphological descriptions, comparisons, and computer-interactive key.  Colorado Parks and Wildlife Technical Publication 47. Contribution 197 of the Larval Fish Laboratory, Colorado State University.




LFL-201 Haworth, M.R., and K.R. Bestgen. 2017. Flow and water temperature affect reproduction and recruitment of a Great Plains cyprinid. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74:853-863.

LFL-202 Haworth, M.R., and K.R. Bestgen. 2017. Survey of fishes and habitat of South Boulder Creek, Colorado, within City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks property.