LFL maintains a core staff of permanent personnel and has access to full- and part-time temporary employees with a wide range of qualifications and experience who are available when needed for specific tasks. Availability of graduate research assistants and student aides contributes to flexibility and minimizes costs. The expertise of staff, cooperators, and associates includes ichthyology, fish taxonomy and systematics, fish culture, fishery management, biodiversity, ecological modeling, experimental design, aquatic toxicology, computer science, statistics, general and aquatic ecology, limnology, hydrology, developmental biology, and biological illustration. At the core of this broad range of available expertise are the unique experience, knowledge, and capabilities of LFL staff related to fish reproduction and early-life stages.
2022 LFL Employees
Kevin Bestgen, Director
C. Lynn Bjork, Illustrator
Kyle Dick, Research Associate II
Ryan Fitzpatrick, Graduate student
John Hawkins, Senior Research Associate
Matt Haworth, Research Associate II
Ed Kluender, Research Associate II
Darrel Snyder, Senior Research Scientist
Ike Thibedeau, Graduate student
Donald Tuttle, III, Research Associate II
Cameron Walford, Research Associate III
Koreen Zelasko, Research Associate IV