This interdisciplinary field provides you with a broad understanding of just how interconnected our social, political, and ecological systems are. This knowledge empowers you to address natural resource conservation and management challenges through designing sustainable solutions. With theory and practice, you’ll be part of creating adaptive and resilient ecosystems amidst global scales of complexity and change.
Did you know?
- You’ll take interdisciplinary courses in departments across Warner College and the university.
- Students in this major make up close to half the undergraduate population in our department.
- The four-week summer field course at CSU’s Mountain Campus is an unforgettable highlight within this major.
Areas of Study
Natural Resources Management Major
You’ll explore the intersection of science and management and become well versed in biological, physical and social sciences. This foundation is complemented by the minor you choose. Minors give you specialized knowledge and skills about a particular sub-discipline that falls under the natural resource management umbrella.Examples of areas you can explore:
Conservation Biology
Geographic Information Systems
Range Ecology
Ecological Restoration
Diversity and Inclusion in Natural Resources
Environmental Studies
Natural Resources Management / Natural Resource Economics Dual Degree
In this dual degree, you’ll learn to make dynamic decisions about the economic value of our natural capital. Renewable, non-renewable, and specialized resources make human life possible. Resources range from energy reserves underground to living resources and creatures that flow, fly, feed and live above the surface. Managing these natural resources with this perspective is imperative for sustainable allocations worldwide.Beyond the Classroom
At Warner College, the classroom is just the beginning.
Opportunities for getting outside to learn, do research, and recreate are extensive.
Field Courses
Students participate in immersive field courses at CSU Mountain Campus and beyond.
Undergraduate students can participate in research projects to further their education.
Study Abroad
Take your education international and spend a semester abroad. More Warner College students study abroad than any other college at CSU.
Career Opportunities
Potential Employers:
- United States Forest Service
- National Park Service
- Restoration Organizations
- Local Government
- The Nature Conservancy
Potential Careers:
- Natural Resource Manager
- Forest/Field Technician
- Restoration Coordinator
- Park Ranger
- Environmental Consultant
- Environmental Policymaker
- GIS Specialist
Learn in Fort Collins
Fort Collins blends education and industry, hard work and outdoor recreation, tradition and progress. If you’re looking for a college experience with the perfect fusion of culture, opportunity and adventure, Fort Collins is where you’ll find it.
Located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Fort Collins provides extensive access to hundreds of miles of trails for biking and hiking, world-class fishing and rock climbing, and camping, all in an area with over 300 days of sun per year.