Alpha Student Chapter
Be part of the first student chapter for the Society of American Foresters in the entire country!
The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States. Founded in 1900 by Gifford Pinchot (among others), it is the largest professional society for foresters in the world.
Welcome! We seek to extend student education outside the classroom through experiential learning, networking opportunities with professionals both locally and nationally, and the chance to socialize among peers with a shared passion for the field of forestry.
Join our community!
- Enhance your professional skills through community service with various local organizations
- Build networks with experienced professionals from the Longs Peak and Colorado/Wyoming SAF chapters
- Identify areas of interest for your studies and potential future employers
- Gain exposure to specialties within the profession through guest speakers.
- Have access to information and resources that facilitate your schoolwork.
- Meet other students with common interests within the forestry program outside the classroom.
In Person Meetings Every Other Thursday 6 - 7 pm in MSNR 243.
All are welcome regardless of
degree track or academic level!
Follow Us on Instagram!
Keep up with events in our calendar!
Questions? Email us at
[email protected]
Annual Events
- SAF Convention (Loveland, Colorado • September 17-20, 2024)
- Professional Chapter Meetings
- SAF Field Days
- Christmas Tree Sale
- Social/study hour (Ramskeller, every other Thursday at 5:30 pm)
Why is this here?
The SAF Code of Ethics is on our website to honor the principles that guide our organization and its members. It provides the foundation for responsible, respectable land managers. Violating this code can result in dismissal from SAF.
Service to society is the cornerstone of any profession. The profession of forestry serves society by fostering stewardship of the world’s forests. Because forests provide valuable resources and perform critical ecological functions, they are vital to the wellbeing of both society and the biosphere.
Members of the Society of American Foresters have a deep and enduring love for the land, and are inspired by the profession’s historic traditions, such as Gifford Pinchot’s utilitarianism and Aldo Leopold’s ecological conscience. In their various roles as practitioners, teachers, researchers, advisers, and administrators, foresters seek to sustain and protect a variety of forest uses and attributes, such as aesthetic values, air and water quality, biodiversity, recreation, timber production, and wildlife habitat.
The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to protect and serve society by inspiring, guiding, and governing members in the conduct of their professional lives. Compliance with the code demonstrates members’ respect for the land and their commitment to the long-term management of ecosystems, and ensures just and honorable professional and human relationships, mutual confidence and respect, and competent service to society.
Principles and Pledges
On joining the Society of American Foresters, members assume a special responsibility to the profession and to society by promising to uphold and abide by the following:
1. Foresters have a responsibility to manage land for both current and future generations. We pledge to practice and advocate management that will maintain the long-term capacity of the land to provide the variety of materials, uses, and values desired by landowners and society.
3. Sound science is the foundation of the forestry profession. We pledge to strive for continuous improvement of our methods and our personal knowledge and skills; to perform only those services for which we are qualified; and in the biological, physical, and social sciences to use the most appropriate data, methods, and technology.
5. Honest and open communication, coupled with respect for information given in confidence, is essential to good service. We pledge to always present, to the best of our ability, accurate and complete information; to indicate on whose behalf any public statements are made; to fully disclose and resolve any existing or potential conflicts of interest; and to keep proprietary information confidential unless the appropriate person authorizes its disclosure.
2. Society must respect forest landowners' rights and correspondingly, landowners have a land stewardship responsibility to society. We pledge to practice and advocate forest management in accordance with landowner objectives and professional standards, and to advise landowners of the consequences of deviating from such standards.
4. Public policy related to forests must be based on both scientific principles and societal values. We pledge to use our knowledge and skills to help formulate sound forest policies and laws; to challenge and correct untrue statements about forestry; and to foster dialogue among foresters, other professionals, landowners, and the public regarding forest policies.
6. Professional and civic behavior must be based on honesty, fairness, good will, and respect for the law. We pledge to conduct ourselves in a civil and dignified manner; to respect the needs, contributions, and viewpoints of others; and to give due credit to others for their methods, ideas, or assistance.
The Society of American Foresters’ Bylaws specify processes through which a member’s violation of the code may lead to reprimand, censure, expulsion from the Society, or other disciplinary action. Any two persons, whether or not SAF members, may charge a member with violation of the code. Such a charge must be made in writing to the SAF President and must refer to the specific Pledges alleged to have been violated.
Adopted by the Society of American Foresters by Member Referendum, November 3, 2000, replacing the code adopted June 23, 1976, as amended November 4, 1986, and November 2, 1992. The 1976 code replaced the code adopted November 12, 1948, as amended December 4, 1971.
Where: MSNR 243. When: Every Other Thursday 6:00 – 7:00 pm beginning the Second Week of the Semester. (Refer to Event Calendar for more details)
Each meeting typically features a guest speaker with expertise in a particular aspect of forestry along with opportunities to meet fellow forestry students and learn about upcoming events.
Diversity and Outreach Committee, Volunteer Experiences, Social/Study Hour in Ramskellar, Professional and Student Mentorship
Come to our meetings to find out more about upcoming events. Most weekends have some sort of volunteer activity available and our community partners are always looking for more people.

Why Join
As a forest management or natural resource professional, you’ll be making crucial decisions that can impact the future. SAF programs and services help prepare you for the environmental challenges that lie ahead.
Develop New Skills
- Improve their timber cruising skills
- Earn official certification in Forestry skills (ex. S-212)
- Become more familiar and comfortable with events at the national convention (e.g. mock quiz bowls, etc.)
- Develop leadership skills by becoming more active in the chapter
- Gain access to information and experiences not typically open to non-members
Networking Opportunities
- Interact with people who represent the diversity of the profession
- Meet potential employers at local programs
- Attend SAF’s annual national convention where hundreds of students take advantage of the unique opportunity to meet and learn from seasoned professionals
- Participate in events at a fraction of the cost of the Professional Member fee
Gain Technical Expertise
Gain access to the top leaders and experts in the profession by joining as many as three Working Groups. The Working Groups include such diverse subject areas as:
- Forest ecology
- Wilderness management
- Economy and law
- Urban and community forestry
- Silviculture
- Fire management
- Remote sensing and GIS
- Wildlife and fish ecology
- Soil conservation
- Climatology
- Recreation
Annual Dues
$25 (Student Rate)
SAF Membership (optional)
(includes membership in the CO-WY SAF)
$0 (Student Rate)
Dues for Alpha Student Chapter
SAF Membership Benefits
Your membership entitles you to substantial discounts on informative publications, stimulating conventions, and a wide array of SAF logo merchandise.
Student members have a voice in SAF through the National Student Assembly (NSA), which meets once a year during the national convention. It’s an opportunity for students to help determine the future direction of Society programs and activities. Throughout the year, the NSA chair represents student interests to national leadership.
A Voice
SAF promotes accurate and balanced coverage of forestry issues in the media. SAF also responds to media inquiries and works to correct misinformation about forestry issues and practices. Your membership supports this vital effort.
The Journal of Forestry is the most widely read forestry periodical in the world. It’s yours with membership at no extra charge.
The Forestry Source newspaper covers the latest critical issues affecting natural resources and what’s happening inside SAF. Visit this website for frequent updates and stories covering issues at the forefront of forestry.
Online Resources
So take advantage of all the benefits and features that your membership offers. And, spread the word to help keep SAF growing!
Join SAF today!
In conjunction with the Colorado State Forest Service Volunteer Program, the Alpha Student Chapter is helping to provide some tremendous opportunities to gain work experience, help foster the public’s understanding of forestry, and at the same time enjoying your forests! Volunteers are always needed (especially in forestry) and opportunities are plentiful!
Volunteering can take almost any form. By working with the Colorado State Forest Service, you can choose from different levels of volunteer commitment. There are short term projects, group projects, or one-time special projects.
Examples of Opportunities
Wildfire and fuels mitigation
Educating about the value
of a managed forest
Urban forestry projects
Tree planting at CSU and local areas
Trail design and construction
Water protection management in
flooded or burned areas
Implementing management on
partnered lands
Nursery seedling care and management
Many, many more!
We encourage all volunteers to participate in our Volunteer Forest Steward program. This program focuses on training and education and includes an initial 6-8 hour training course.
The volunteer training course covers:
- A general history about the Colorado State Forest Service i.e. who we are
- Trees 101: An introductory tree course
- The art and science of public relations–volunteers as ambassadors
- An introduction and discussion about forest ecology and forest management
Nancy Klasky
CSFS Volunteer Coordinator
5060 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-5060
Last April we had a very successful SAF Forestry Field Day. This is a great example of some of the outreach, restoration and timber prep work we do. Photos courtesy of the Colorado State Forest Service
NOTE: These listings do not necessarily constitute an endorsement. These links are intended to only serve educational purposes.
Federal Government
Army Corps of Engineers (ACE)
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Interior
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
Forest Service (USFS)
Geological Survey (USGS)
Healthy Forests and Rangelands
National Association of State Foresters (NASF)
National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
National Park Service (NPS)
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
Peace Corps
Non-Governmental Organizations
American Forests
American Tree Farm System
Arbor Day Foundation
Association of Consulting Foresters
Ducks Unlimited
Forest History Society
National Timber Tax Website
National Tree Trust
National Wildlife Federation
Nature Conservancy
Resources for the Future
Society of American Foresters : CO-WY Society of American Foresters
The Wilderness Society
Colorado Forestry Organizations
Student Forestry Organizations
American Forest & Paper Association
American Plywood Association
Colorado Forest Products
Colorado Timber Industry Association
Forest Business Network
Forest Landowners Organization
Forest Products Network
Forest Products Society : Rocky Mountain Section
Forest Resources Association
Sustainable Forestry Initiative
Western Wood Products Association
Vice President
Risk Management
Diversity and Outreach
PR Representative
Emma Kucera (they/them)
Heaven Sanchez (he/him)
Ashley Zwick (they/she)
Desirae McCutchen (she/her)
Indigo Werner-Salsbury (he/him)
Max Pohl (they/them)
Elle Dewaard (she/her)
Robin Knight (they/them)
Student Officers