Jacob is currently a graduate research assistant within the Department of Agricultural Biology at CSU. He completed a PhD in Ecology in Spring 2023 in Dr. Punya Nachappa’s lab where he focused on insect vector transmission of plant viruses. Specifically, he studied aphid transmission of potato virus Y, and worked to characterize various virus-aphid-plant interactions within this system. Jacob will be moving to Wenatchee, WA for a postdoctoral research position in Dr. Tobin Northfield’s lab at Washington State University where he will study leafhopper transmission of a phytoplasma that infects cherry trees.

What led you to a natural resources education/career?

Growing up, I really enjoyed fishing and camping with my family. My dad and I eventually learned to fly fish, and realized that understanding some entomology is really useful to know what flies will work to catch fish. I became more curious about aquatic insects, and this led to a curiosity of insects in general.

What do you identify as your 'big break?' Did CSU have anything to do with it?

As an undergraduate in ESS, I began working as a research assistant in Dr. Vamsi Nalam’s lab where I helped with some experiments focused on aphid life history. Getting this job had a huge impact on my career direction.

Can you reflect on your time and experiences at CSU and how it benefited you?

During my time in ESS, the staff and faculty within the department were always so kind, helpful, and encouraging. ESS is a great program that exposed me to a variety of topics and gave me a good foundation of knowledge that prepared me for my current career path. I also met some of my best friends within the program.

What advice do you have for current students or recent grads?

If you’re interested in research, don’t be afraid to reach out to a professor! There are so many labs at CSU that do such cool, important, and interesting research, and many are looking to hire undergraduate researchers. That said, research and/or grad school isn’t the only next step. Don’t be afraid to explore other career paths and take time to make the decision that’s right for you. I think that following your passions, while still being open to new experiences, is really important and will lead to opportunities!