Travis currently works as a Project Analyst at The Climate Trust, remotely based in Durango, Colorado. He is working collaboratively with a team passionate about the role of natural climate solutions in combating climate change. The position is focused on providing analytical expertise to support The Climate Trust’s carbon offset purchasing and project development efforts. The Climate Trust has a portfolio consisting of over 100 carbon projects across ten different sectors.

What led you to a natural resources education/career?

All my life, I’ve been fascinated by the natural world and how it influences our daily lives. Translating this passion for the environment into a scientific approach for understanding ecosystems was exactly the path I hoped to discover at CSU. Now that I’ve graduated, I’m excited to utilize my knowledge and skills in professional settings.

What are you up to now in your job? Any noteworthy projects to discuss? (or any recently completed etc.)?

Prior to starting my job at The Climate Trust, I spent the last six months leading a forest regeneration project at CSU’s Mountain Campus in areas that burned in the 2020 Cameron Peak Wildfire. With funding awarded by the CSU Sustainability Fund, the team of CSU faculty and students established research plots in various burn severities to collect baseline data for monitoring post-fire forest recovery. The project also involved planting pine tree seedlings within each plot to test the effectiveness of assisted regeneration methods. In total, we planted 1,200 Lodgepole and Ponderosa pine seedlings at the Mountain Campus. The goal was to establish these sites for on-going research that can live on at the university to be used by scientists and students. (Read a story about this project here.)

Can you reflect on your time and experiences at CSU and how it benefited you?

I never imagined the amazing community I would find at CSU and especially within the Warner College of Natural Resources. There’s such an impressive network of support, knowledge, and experience at CSU that helped me thrive in undergrad. Looking back, I will definitely miss the people and places I spent so much time with at CSU.

What advice do you have for current students or recent grads?

There’s a lot of opportunities out there and it’s up to you to go for them. Not everything will work out and it’s okay to struggle; that’s part of the learning process. The journey doesn’t necessarily follow a straight line. Ride the wave and don’t be afraid to get outside your comfort zone.

Any recent professional awards or distinctions you may have received?

- CSU Sustainability Fund Project Finalist

- Eldor Paul Ecosystem Science & Sustainability Outstanding Student Award