
Collaborative Mindset. Create Change.

Scientists say that nearly half of the earth’s land surface needs conservation. What are you passionate about in the world? We’ll help you save it.

All majors in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department ensure you will be at the forefront of advancing conservation social science in the natural world.

Explore our Majors

All degrees awarded are Bachelor of Science degrees.


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Human Dimensions of Natural Resources

The bachelor of science degree in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources prepares students to examine conservation issues through a multi-disciplinary lens that takes into account an issue’s political, social, economic and ecological dimensions.


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Natural Resource Tourism

With concentrations in Natural Resource and Global Tourism, this degree prepares students for careers in tourism in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, with an emphasis on how tourism can support sustainability and development goals at local to international scales, including attentiveness to equity and justice in tourism-related delivery and benefits.


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Accelerated Natural Resource Tourism

We are excited to offer a three-year Natural Resource Tourism degree program for students who wish to make steady progress towards their next big adventure.


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Natural Resource Tourism Online

NRT content was developed specifically for online learning, delivered via award-winning CSU Online, and focuses on direct learning from tourism industry leaders via interviews and guest lectures.

Innovative Faculty

Virtual reality may offer path to access benefits of nature for older adults

Stepping out on a nature trail in the mountains can be invigorating for both the mind and body, but not everyone can make it to a trailhead or the peak. Older adults may be homebound or limited in their mobility – potentially preventing them from accessing a valuable resource to support their mental and physical health late in life. Sara LoTemplio is an assistant professor in the Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department and one of the faculty members leading the interdisciplinary CSU project. Traditionally trained as a cognition and neural scientist, she has been researching the restorative effects of natural environments for years.

Our Alumni

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    Jaida Spendelow

    HDNR ’22
    Macroalgae Technician
    Hawai’i Ocean Science and Technology Park

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    Peggy M.

    HDNR ’22
    Yosemite National Park

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    Cavan McCabe

    NRT ’23
    Shelter Island, N.Y.
    The Nature Conservancy

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    Simon Wakely

    HDNR ’24
    GIS Technician I
    MISTRAS Group, Inc.

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    Ginger Clark

    NRT Online ’23
    Manager of the Great Miami Riverway
    Miami Conservancy District

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    Cole Kramer

    NRT ’13
    Associate Land Agent
    City of Loveland

Where will you be?!

Our alumni work across the globe uncovering, assisting, and curing conservation issues. A few recent graduates sent us updates on their latest employment adventures.

Potential Careers:

  • Environmental Educator
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Park Ranger
  • Natural Resource Specialist
  • Sustainability Analyst
  • GIS Analyst
  • Land Use Planner
  • Recreation Programmer

Potential Employers:

  • Federal Agencies (e.g. National Park Service, EPA, BLM, USDA, USFS)
  • Non-Profit Environmental Organizations
  • County and State Natural Resource Departments
  • National and State Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Education
  • Nature-Based Recreation Companies
  • Nature Centers

 Paul Layden
Undergraduate Coordinator
[email protected]


 Jacqie Hasan
Academic Support Coordinator
[email protected]