Have you ever wondered about the people working at the ELC?! If you have ever been curious about the ELC staff, whether it’s our favorite ice cream flavors or our hometowns, the “About Us” page on the ELC website is the place for you! New staff biographies are now available for all ELC staff members on our “About Us” page. 

Here’s a sneak peek of the new bios, featuring our fabulous Anna Eick! (Pssst! Anna wrote all of these wonderful new bios. Feel free to give her a high five the next time you see her!)

Anna Eick, Environmental Educator
Majoring in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Minoring in Conservation Biology

smiling woman holding a camera stands on wooden bridge.

Anna is from Colorado Springs. She loves getting outside and working with kids, so working at the ELC has been a win-win. Anna describes herself as an introvert but believes that this secret power gives her the ability to connect with kids who are more shy or less inclined to jump into the programs’ activities. She hopes to show kids that science and nature are accessible to anyone and not restricted to certain personalities. Anna also hopes that as these kids grow up, they would become a voice for the natural places in their communities. Anna enjoys photography, reading, hiking, camping, and napping in her free time and would love to work as an environmental interpreter for the National Park Service someday.

Fun Fact – Anna’s favorite flavor of ice cream is grasshopper. Before you get grossed out, grasshopper is a mix of cookies and cream ice cream and mint chocolate chip ice cream – no bugs involved!