Dr. Kurt Fausch was a professor in the Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology from 1982 to 2017. His close friend and colleague, Dr. Shigeru Nakano, was a professor at Hokkaido University and Kyoto University from 1989 until his death in a field accident in the Sea of Cortez in March 2000. Kurt and Shigeru met in 1988 at the International Symposium on Charrs and Masu Salmon in Hokkaido, Japan, and subsequently collaborated on research in Japan and the U.S. The research legacy of these two globally renown stream ecologists included paradigm-shifting research that fundamentally altered the way researchers and conservationists view stream fish, their habitat in riverscapes, and the river-riparian landscapes of which both are a part. This scholarship was established by their students, colleagues, family, and friends to honor their legacy.

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Dr. Shigeru Nakano (L), then graduate student Satoshi Kitano (who is now a research biologist) and Dr. Kurt Fausch in 1991.