This semester, volunteers at the ELC accomplished many things including:

  1. Pulled weeds (Musk & Canadian thistle, Woolly Mullein, etc.) in multiple areas including in riparian areas, in the garden, along the trails and in dried up river banks.
  2. Transformed the pollinator garden (pulled weeds, took out concrete slabs, turned over the soil, put down weed cloth, and poured tons of mulch over it all as well as leveling the ground with rakes). We also composted the dead crops that were in the garden.
  3. We picked up trash in many areas, (through trails, by riversides, dried up banks, near the homestead). As we walked the trails, we also took note of trees that could potentially be hazardous so we can deal with them appropriately.

The volunteers who helped us this fall made all this work easy, turning what would be a week-long job into a one- or two-day project. We had multiple organizations come out as well (Sororities, Global Leaders, RAM Serve, Constant Contact, etc.)! I have been stopped by locals who have told me that the ELC is a “gem of Fort Collins”! The reason why the Environmental Learning Center property is so beautiful is because of the volunteer’s superb hard work and dedication! Thank you to all who came out and I implore you all to keep doing great things!