Below are resume, cover letter, cv, and other career resources to help guide and prepare you.
Click image above to view the 7 minute video that describes what a Resume is and how to create one.
Resume Guide
‘Click’ the image above to view example
Need help starting or revising your resume?
Use this Resume Guide on the CSU Career Center Website to get started. (Click the image on the left)
Click the icon on the right for the Career Center Resume Template to start creating your own official resume.
Here are some tips to help you with your resume:
We recommend creating a ‘Master Resume’ which contains all experiences and education you have thus far. This is a document that you keep for yourself and can be as many pages as you need. When applying to an opportunity, copy and paste the experiences from your ‘Master Resume’ that are relevant to the internship / job to a new resume that you will submit.
We recommend creating your resume in a Microsoft Word document — *Avoid paying for templates as they tend to be difficult to change or edit*
We also advise that you DO NOT put your entire physical address on your resume — Leave only City and State (Example: Fort Collins, CO)
Resume Page Length:
State/local Government: 2-3 pages
Nonprofit/private: 1-2 pages (depending on industry)
‘Click’ the icon to download our resume template
Federal Resume Guide
‘Click’ the image above to view example
What is a Federal Resume?
A federal resume is tailored for federal government positions, that are only on
Here are a few tips for creating your federal resume:
There is no page limit for a federal resume
You must include credit hours
Make sure to include wages and salary for every paid position you have held
‘Click’ the icon to download our federal resume template
Curriculum Vitae (CV) Guide
‘Click’ the image above to view example
What is a CV?
A CV (Curriculum Vitae) presents a full history of your academic credentials, and is typically used for applying to academia, scholarships, or research positions.
What information goes on a CV?
Name, Contact Information
Thesis, Dissertation, and Advisor Information
Postdoctoral Experience
Teaching Experience or Interests
Research Experience or Interests
Other Experience
Academic /Community Service
Professional Associations
Foreign Study
Cover Letter Guide
‘Click’ the image above to view example
What is a Cover Letter?
A Cover Letter is a brief (one page or less) note that is written to a hiring manager or recruiter to go along with your resume and other application materials. A cover letter gives you the chance to speak directly to how your skills and experience(s) line up with the specific job you’re pursuing.
Tips for Cover Letters:
Font in 10-12 pt size
Single Spaced, add one space between paragraphs
File Name Ex: FullName_Application.docx
0.5″-1″ Margins
Spell check and Reread