Department Directory
First Generation College Students
Senior Research Scientist, Joint Faculty Appointment-Assistant Professor, Director Larval Fish Lab
I am an aquatic ecologist working mainly on native and endangered fishes and their ecosystems.
Master Instructor | Undergraduate Coordinator | Internship Coordinator | Conference Coordinator
Internships, career preparation, event planning, natural resource ecology and measurements.
Director of Enterprise Programs, Program Manager for Conservation Leadership
Leadership development with emphasis in environmental education.
Assistant Professor
Pollination and Pollinator Ecology, Insect Ecology, Conservation Biology, Disturbance Ecology
I am a seismologist and geophysicist interested in understanding deep Earth structures and their effects on past and present tectonics and landscapes.
I am a conservation biologist focusing on tropical mammal ecology and conservation geared towards developing meaningful management practices. My area of expertise encompasses themes including wildlife conservation, tropical community ecology, fragmentation, and plant-animal interactions.
Assistant Professor
Advancing the use of biometrics, remote sensing, and quantitative models in natural resources.