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FRS Research Facilities

The Forestry Building was built in 1937, with the additional wing completed in 1950. Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Department offices Faculty and graduate student offices Classrooms Laboratories Meeting rooms Colorado…

Frank Ethridge Symposium

September 15-16, 2018 Warner College of Natural Resources Thanks to everyone who attended the Frank Ethridge Symposium! Professor, geologist, adviser, colleague, and friend, Frank joined the Colorado State University faculty…

Collaborative report receives technology award

Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS), under The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, recently awarded its annual Technology Transfer Award to a collaborative team co-led by a RMRS forester…

FESA Fall Courses

April and May 2. Click on your desired course. 3. Click on the registration button in the middle of the page and follow the instructions. Theory, practice and application of…

FESA Spring Courses

October and November 2. Click on your desired course. 3. Click on the registration button in the middle of the page and follow the instructions. Discussion and documentation of professional…

FESA Summer Courses

March 2. Click on your desired course. 3. Click on the registration button in the middle of the page and follow the instructions. Fire officer competencies at the supervisory level…