To address this goal, we will:
- Equip students with a scientific understanding of the Earth, its environment, and natural processes and prepare them to thrive as citizens and professionals by giving them competitive skills so they can have success in the workforce today and into the future.
- Produce peer-reviewed, fundamental, and applied research, communicating research results to improve the collective understanding of the Earth, its 4.5-billion-year history, its interconnected systems, and the human relationship to the planet.
- Partake in service, engagement, and outreach activities that build community capacity and solve natural resources challenges in Colorado, the nation, and worldwide.
Established the Dean’s Awards for Transdisciplinary Approaches to Solving Wicked Problems
Implemented the College’s University-funded student success initiatives
Created, and are sustaining, a new residential learning community around equity and leadership
First year students Mountain Campus experiences
Targeted peer mentoring program
Future Tactics
Establish a new programmatic area with an emphasis on ocean systems
Deepen partnerships around One Health-related issues within CSU’s One Health Institute and other academic units, and externally
Establish stronger connections and partnerships with CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension
Provide early career faculty members with training and resources that contribute to their scholarly success