Kate Weimer Q&A

IMG 5178 2

Forest Sciences Graduate Student Q & A

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m from Merino, Colorado, which is a small town in the northeast corner of the state.

Q: What program are you in?

A: I’m in the Forest Sciences program pursuing my master’s degree. 

Q: What was your job this past summer?

A: I’m in Camille Stevens-Rumann’s lab and I’m working for Colorado Forest Restoration Institute. This summer I’m leading a crew of CFRI field technicians who are assisting with data collection for a research project. 

Q: What is your research question?

A: Generally, my research question is “how does Forest understood vegetation vary across Forest types and across burn severities in recent post-fire environments?”

Q: Do you have any highlights from your time in the field or other general insights?

A: The highlights for me have been getting to see some beautiful places, work with a fun crew of undergrads, and find morels at our work sites.