Human Dimensions: A Graveyard Smash
S04 Episode 1
Join Becky and Kelley as they connect with Grace Evans, a Human Dimensions of Natural Resources student in Warner College. Listen to Grace share her experiences in the major, leadership roles in student organizations at CSU, and tricks and treats for a more sustainable Halloween.

Building Community Drop by Drop
S04 Episode 2
Indigenous lands are immensely important in the past, present, and future of environmental stewardship. Join us to meet Sierra Klemme, a Watershed Science major who identifies as Dine, or more commonly known as Navajo, speak on her leadership experiences in Warner College, the Outdoor Program, and CSU’s Native American Cultural Center.
Additional Resources:
Warner College’s Diversity and Inclusion Program
Text Your Location to 907-312-5085 and find out what Indigenous lands are local to you.

Restoration Ecology: Emphasizing Our Future
S04 Episode 3
Following the recovery of the Cameron Peak Fire, hear from Mark Paschke, Professor of Restoration Ecology, in the Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Department at Colorado State University, on his experience in research and the importance of restoration to our ecosystems. This includes mine land reclamation, soil studies, and nitrogen-fixing shrub studies.
Learn more about our Restoration Ecology major to address the challenges of healing damaged lands and giving back to our natural world.

Felix at Field Camp
S04 Episode 4
The Geology Summer Field Camp at CSU is an immersive capstone course that focuses on geological field studies. Students study the course throughout Colorado and New Mexico. Felix Diaz, a 4th year international student from Panama studying Hydrogeology, reflects the on the completion of the field course. His experiences included: geological mapping, hiking and community building with classmates.
Learn more about our Geology major to develop and apply state-of-the-art scientific understanding, technologies, and methods.