The Geosciences Graduate Student Organization (GeoGSO) was formed in 2021 to represent graduate students within the Department of Geosciences and to provide an outlet to connect with fellow students, department members, and the wider university community. Some of the notable accomplishments of the GeoGSO include:
- Working with faculty and staff to host departmental events including a recurring coffee hour and annual community meeting.
- Improving resources and peer-mentoring for incoming graduate students.
- Establishing the Graduate Application Assistance Program (GAAP).
- Facilitating graduate student participation in the faculty hiring process.
- Establishing a regular G.E.O.D.E. training series that encourages DEI efforts and education within the department.
The GeoGSO meets monthly, and all graduate students are encouraged to attend! For more information, please reach out to the current (2024/2025) GeoGSO president Ally Detre (A.Detre@colostate.edu) and vice president Katie Larkin (Katie.Larkin@colostate.edu).