Within the FWCB major there are three concentrations of study: Wildlife Biology (WB), Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (FAS), and Conservation Biology (CB). You must select a concentration to graduate. Each concentration has a corresponding checksheet that serves as your roadmap for course selection while pursuing your FWCB degree (posted at http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/fwcb-undergraduatestudy/degree-tracks ). Course requirements for these concentrations diverge in sophomore year for FAS and junior year for CB and WB. Each concentration has some customization in your junior and senior years. It is critical that you check in with your advisor regularly and make sure you complete your foundation courses like math, chemistry, biology, and composition as early as possible as these courses are prerequisites for certain upper level courses. Academic Support Coordinators/Advisors are available to assist you with course planning. However, every student is responsible for selecting course preferences where options are given (e.g. AUCC), tracking degree requirements, and for registering for courses each semester. We strongly recommend that you prepare a 4 year course plan at the beginning of your sophomore year, or once you have declared a concentration. See planning sheets at: http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/fwcb-undergraduate-study/degree-tracks .
YES! NR220 is a key course for all FWCB Majors and is a pre-requisite for several upper lever FWCB courses. Hiring agencies value and expect FWCB graduates to have the field skills learned at NR220. There are no substitutions or waivers granted for this course, and you must complete it to graduate from our Department. There are a few Departments in the Warner College of Natural Resources where Pingree is optional, but FWCB is not one of them. The summer you take NR220 is a great time to catch up on other degree requirements before or after you go to Pingree. BZ223, for example is required for the Wildlife Concentration and an option for FAS and CB concentrations and is a great course to take in the summer directly proceeding Pingree. There are also opportunities for short internships or volunteering if you explore these options early!
A broad range of skills is needed for students pursuing the Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences concentration. In order to be successful in today’s diverse job market, or to continue their education in graduate school, the FAS work experience requirement provides hands-on experience beyond that gained in courses and develops practical skills in research/management of aquatic biota, and provides the opportunity to gain valuable references and contacts needed for future employment and/or graduate school. Many different kinds of work experience will satisfy the requirement including: paid summer jobs, formal internships (NR487A), volunteer positions, and/or work study. Acceptable jobs include work for federal, state, non-governmental, private, and university organizations that research or manage fish or other aquatic organisms, or that are responsible for public policy or public relations related to fish or aquatic environments. Summer jobs related primarily to guiding recreational fishing, routine water quality management, or other jobs that do not relate closely to fish, fisheries, or other aquatic biota are not acceptable. A minimum of 160 hours of work (approximately one month at full time) that allows the student to gain a variety of hands-on skills is needed to satisfy the requirement. The “Work Experience Form” can be found at: http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/docs/fwcb/courserequirements/workexpform.pdf. *Students must complete the form and have signed before the work begins!
These two courses are foundational to the FWCB major, which is the major all our graduates pursue through the three different concentrations. These courses introduce students to the core concepts, history, and terminology of ecology, fishery and wildlife management, conservation, and policy/ethics that relate to all three concentrations. In today’s career world, cross over between disciplines (e.g., a fishery biologist understanding terrestrial riparian plant communities, or a wildlife biologist understanding issues in water quantity and quality) is highly desired. We build that breadth into your degree through these classes, and through NR220, our summer field course.
These courses are building blocks for a foundation that allows graduates from this program to be able to address the complex and multi-dimensional problems that fisheries and wildlife biologists, managers, and/or conservationists face. These requirements also provide our graduates the courses that will allow them to qualify and compete for federal positions and graduate study programs
Having a strong GPA alone does not prepare you to be competitive in the fish/wildlife/conservation job market post-graduation. Students who have a strong GPA AND professional experience are 1) better prepared to enter the professions related to our major, 2) have a better understanding of the kind of work they do or don’t want to pursue, and 3) are much more competitive when applying for positions after graduation. Employment in the field of natural resources, in general, requires logistical and practical skills. In addition to internships and work experiences, students should consider signing up for FW111 (Basic Outdoor Skills in Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology) to gain these skills. You can take this 1 credit class up to three times, and each time you sign up, you get to choose 3 modules (e.g., fly fishing, shooting, orienteering, etc.) each time you take it!
NO, if you are a FWCB major, you may pursue a double concentration in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences along with either Wildlife or Conservation Biology. Alternatively, students can consider our Conservation Biology concentration which allows a significant blend of both wildlife and fisheries courses. If you are not in the Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Major, you can pursue a Fisheries minor.
NO – there are no minors offered in Wildlife or Conservation Biology available to any CSU students (inside or outside of the FWCB Dept.). Double concentrations in Wildlife Biology and Conservation Biology are discouraged– the course requirements have a significant amount of overlap. Requirements for double concentrations can be found here: http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/fwcb-undergraduatestudy/degree-tracks.
These are classes of the 300+ or 400+ level that serve to enhance your FWCB degree (3 credits required for the Conservation concentration and 6 credits required for the Wildlife concentration). They can be pursued through several departments such as FWCB; Animal and Equine Sciences; Biology/Zoology; Forestry; Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology; Natural Resources; Rangeland Ecosystem Science; Statistics; Mathematics; etc. We strongly recommend that you check with your advisor before registering for a tech elective class to ensure that the class qualifies. Internships, independent studies, and other research programs (like SUPER, or non-accredited study abroad programs) may not be counted as tech electives.
Advising Codes are a registration number you will need for registration access if you are a new student to CSU, newly transferred student, or have recently changed your major to FWCB. If you are new to CSU or a newly transferred student, you will need to attend an on-campus orientation. When you attend this on-campus orientation, you will receive your advising code. Currently, the advising code issued in your first semester of FWCB is all that is needed – you may register each semester thereafter through graduation without an additional code. However, this is always subject to change, so please check your RamWeb account during registration.
If you scroll over the hold, you should be able to see what the specific hold may be (orientation attendance, financial, etc.). You will need to connect with the specific entity on campus who handles that area (Admissions, Registrar’s, Financial Aid, etc.). If you can’t determine the reason for the hold, you can contact the Registrar’s Office. FWCB advisors cannot remove HOLDS for students.
Typically, the registration system will see that you are currently taking the pre-requisite course and will allow you to sign up for the class that requires it in the following semester. If you do not pass the pre-requisite course, you would then be removed from the roster of the next class. However, there are occasions where a student is signed up for the pre-requisite and cannot register into the next class. For example, in the Spring registration period, a student signs up for the pre-requisite course in the summer and also signs up for the next level class in the Fall. As the student has not even started the pre-requisite course yet, and this can cause registration issues. If you run into this problem, you will want to first contact Registrar’s office to see if they can address the problem, however they may direct you to contact the instructor of the course for an override request.
Regular course overrides can be requested from the instructor of the course. Their contact information should be provided to you in the registration system and you can click the link with the email. If the instructor is still TBA (to be announced), contact the main office of the department for which the course is offered. The Registrar’s office can also help to identify the primary contact person. FWCB advisors cannot give overrides to students for courses that they don’t teach, with the exception of registration during Preview and Next Step Orientations. If the FWCB has accepted a substitute transfer course (e.g., a 200 level statistics class for our 300 level requirement), this will not be recognized in the registration system and you will still need an override.
If you do not pass the pre-requisite course, you would then be automatically removed from the roster of the next class in the registration system and you would need to find another course to take instead before the “add period” ends. Remember, you can “repeat-delete” up to 3 courses or 12 credits during your tenure at CSU. This means that you pay for the class again, try to improve your grade, and then the D or F that you received the first time gets erased from your GPA! Make sure you obtain the Repeat/Delete form and have it processed by the appropriate deadline (usually the end of the withdrawal period) for the semester in which you plan to repeat a course – otherwise the original course will remain on your transcript!
Contact Student Financial Services at http://www.sfs.colostate.edu/home or (970) 491-6321, or stop in to their office in Centennial Hall on East Drive, just southeast of the Oval.
Register for the waitlist and then contact the instructor of the course to see what might be possible. Plan on, and possibly register for, a backup class as you may have to wait until another semester for that class. For some courses, it is OK to take the lecture in one semester and the lab in another (e.g., BZ110 and BZ111). In others, the lectures, labs and recitations are wrapped into one package (e.g., LIFE102). Be aware of this when you are selecting courses for your four year plan and during registration. You MAY waitlist MULTIPLE labs to increase the chances of getting into one.
Within the FWCB major/department, there are three distinct areas of concentration or study which have specific course selections. You need to declare both your major in FWCB and then declare which one of the three concentrations you wish to pursue. You are also able to pursue a double concentration in Wildlife Biology (WB) and Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (FAS), or Conservation Biology (CB) and the FAS concentration (e.g., a student who would like to strengthen their competitiveness for graduate work in marine systems). However, double concentrations in WB and CB are discouraged; there is significant course overlap resulting in more work for the student but learning the same material you could have simply learned with one of the two! In essence, these two concentrations can be duplicative depending on the courses a student selects, and does not add significantly to the resume.
The degree tracks represent three paths from the standpoint of where you might go with careers or graduate studies. All three start with the same or very similar set of courses for your first 3-4 semesters in terms of your core foundation mentioned earlier – Chemistry, Math, Physics, Biology and the All University Campus Core (AUCC) requirements like Arts and Humanities, History, etc. All of our concentrations require a 4-week summer course (NR220) which is a wonderful field course located in the mountains above the Poudre River, around 1.5 hours northwest of campus. During the 4 weeks students learn about different plant/animal communities at different elevations, wildlife and natural resource field sampling techniques, meet and receive instruction from faculty representing most of the WCNR disciplines, and so much more! The Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences concentration also requires a work experience (160 hours) that can be an internship, summer job, or volunteer position. Students in the Wildlife and Conservation Biology concentrations are strongly encouraged to also seek work experience or internship opportunities for growth and further development of practical skills, however, it is not required as part of their curriculum.
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences – This concentration is a critical area of study for research, management and conservation of aquatic systems, with emphasis on the insects, fish, and other aquatic life supported in these systems. Hey, that includes humans too! A day in the life of someone with a career in this field varies with the type of position. Fisheries biologists and research scientists wade into streams, and boat on rivers and lakes, to assess populations of aquatic species through capture techniques. Water quality and policy specialists might test water/habitat quality conditions or contaminant levels in fish tissues to look for habitat degradation or human health concerns. There are agencies such as Fish and Game or Natural Resource departments (state agencies) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service/US Forest Service (federal agencies) whose staff have the responsibility of monitoring (or reintroducing!) populations for ecological health and human use purposes (e.g., for quality fishing experiences). Fisheries biologists might also work with private industry or private lands as a consultant with a consulting firm. Positions with non-profits such as The Nature Conservancy might involve assessing critical habitat or developing financial/advocacy support for imperiled species and habitats. Biologists in these types of positions would also work closely with economists, attorneys, and development specialists. If you are a hands-on person, Aquaculture/fish culture and commercial fisheries positions spend a significant time handling fish, and there are many of these jobs out there! There is also an increasing need for environmental/science educators to teach our future generations about the value of aquatic systems. These are just a few of the wide range of potential positions available for FAS concentration students. While our concentration also covers general topics related to marine fisheries, we strongly encourage students seeking to work in marine environments to consider a coastal University for part of their education.
Wildlife Biology – This is a popular area of concentration and securing career positions can be quite competitive, yet extremely rewarding. The focus is on terrestrial species and how they interact with the landscape. While there is a strong emphasis on game species such as elk, deer, etc., the coursework contains a broad spectrum from avian ecology, to amphibians to our more “charismatic megafauna” (bears, wolves, wild cats…however, for marine interests, you should consider a coastal school). In the upper level courses, there are opportunities for you to shape the direction of your study (mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology, wildlife diseases, global wildlife conservation, etc.). A day in the life varies as to your interests and career paths. Wildlife biologists and researchers spend time in forests, the plains, the alpine, or riparian areas (and many other ecosystems) capturing/studying different species. They may also test habitat quality conditions or develop/restore habitat! Biologists housed in Departments of Fish and Game or Natural Resources (state agencies) or the US Fish and Wildlife Service/US Forest Service/National Park Service (federal agencies) assess population sizes in relation to species health, develop harvesting limits, analyze quality hunting experiences, or manage endangered species. Wildlife biologists might also work with private industry or private lands as a consultant at a consulting firm. You could also pursue work with non-profits such as The Nature Conservancy, assessing critical habitat or developing financial/advocacy support for species and habitats. In such organizations, wildlife biologists work closely with economists, attorneys, and development specialists to protect wildlife species. If you are a hands-on person, wildlife rehabilitation might be your calling. There is an increasing need for environmental/science educators to teach our future generations about wildlife. These are just a few of the potential positions available for the Wildlife Biology concentration students.
Conservation Biology – This is a newer concentration developed for students who desire broader coverage across both the fish and wildlife disciplines as well as a focus on the systems that support them (soils, water, forests, fire, geology…). There is also a more focused exploration of the human, historical, and political aspects that have shaped conservation efforts and what can be done to ensure sustainable practices and management of natural resources. Students who pursue this concentration tend to have more interest in policy, legislation, and conservation efforts on a broader scale (ecosystems/habitats). They may not be tied to working with a specific species (e.g., jaguar), but may instead be interested in biota across an entire biome (e.g., tropical rainforests). A day in the life of someone working in this field will vary depending on your chosen path and interests. You might pursue conservation research with a non-profit agency, work with a nature center/education, go into ecological consulting to help balance land uses (e.g., natural gas extraction) with conservation needs, or work in policy and legislation. For example, non-profit agencies, such as The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, Sierra Club, Panthera, etc. work to assess critical habitat of endangered species or develop financial/advocacy support for species and habitats. In such agencies, conservation biologists work closely with economists, attorneys, and development specialists to protect wildlife species. Students interested in working with marine systems will often choose this concentration to get a broader background that could include mammals/fish and their aquatic environment.
DARS stands for Degree Audit Report and it is a critical tool for assessing where you are in your degree pursuit. It will show you how many credits CSU recognizes towards graduation, how transferred classes fit into your required coursework, how many All University Core Curriculum (AUCC) classes you have completed or need to complete, and what you still need to take specific to your concentration (note: DARS will be most useful once you declare your Wildlife, Conservation or Fisheries concentration within the FWCB major- see advising office or main FWCB office to declare). However, it is also critical to utilize your concentration checksheet in tandem with your DARS report to make sure you are tracking all your graduation requirements. In addition, you should develop a 4-year plan with your advisor and meet with your advisor regularly (meetings at Preview, and at 60 and 85 credits are required) to make sure you are on track for your concentration requirements. [In addition, be cautious with the pie charts and bar graphs of credits towards graduation in your DARS report – without maintaining your concentration checklist, they often do not reflect a complete picture of progress towards your specific major requirements.]
Go to http://www.ramweb.colostate.edu/, Login, and click on “My Undergraduate Degree Plan” under “Records.” Then click “Run Audit” and click “View Submitted Results” and click on the Link. This will show you the degree audit report, which lists the classes you have taken and the classes that you still need to complete under each category (e.g., AUCC categories, major requirements, etc.).
As a Warner College of Natural Resources student you should register for a WCNR network account. Registering for an account allows you access to the 3 PC labs as well as provides you with a printing quota to be able to print black and white and color copies. There are two labs on the second floor of the Natural Resource building in room 232 and one lab on the first floor in room 107A. There are two ways you can register for your account: 1. From your home computer, visit https://accounts.warnercnr.colostate.edu/ and login using your CSU eID. From there, just follow the prompts. 2. From campus, visit the lab on the first floor in the Natural Resources building, room 107A. Follow the instructions at the stand-up computer terminal just inside the door to your left.
All entering students are required to take the Colorado State University Mathematics Placement Examination (MPE) unless they have already earned transferable University credit for a course in college level mathematics. Additional information can be found at http://www.math.colostate.edu/placement/placement.shtml. All students must complete 3 credits of math for the university general requirements by the end of 60 credits at CSU, and you must take the placement exam to determine which math classes for which you are eligible to register. If you do not complete your AUCC math requirements by 60 credits, you will have a HOLD on future registration until you sign up for the # of credits you need. In addition, FWCB students must successfully pass calculus (MATH 155 or 160) with a grade of “C” or better, and thus may need to take MATH117, 118, 124 and 125 to meet the calculus prerequisites. Do not sign up for MATH 130 – if you place into this class, you must take the ELM entry level math tutorial and testing (see below) to place into MATH117. Also, unless you intend to take MATH 160, you do not need MATH 126.
The PACe (Paced Algebra to Calculus electronically) Learning Center program consists of 1-credit math courses that are taught through a computer lab setting (MATH117, 118, 124 and 125 are prereqs for many FWCB courses if you have not already completed or placed into calculus). Visit http://www.math.colostate.edu/PACe/PACe_welcome.shtml for more information. The PACe program also has the Tutoring Center in the Weber Building 137 staffed with graduate and undergraduate assistants who provide walk-in tutoring for students taking the PACe minicourses. The tutors have been specially trained to help you learn pre-calculus mathematics.
Common misconceptions or myths regarding the PACe Center:
Myth #1: These are online, “self-paced” courses and students can do the work whenever they want. While the instructional resources for the PACe courses are delivered using distance technologies, these are not “online courses”. All PACe courses (MATH 117-MATH 126) have required weekly deadlines. Students are expected to be achieving a minimum level of progress with the course material each week of the semester — and face a significant penalty for failing to submit the required work on time.
Myth #2: Students can register for these courses throughout the semester. NO! The add/drop period is very short; students may register without an override through the first week of classes. The math department will no longer authorize LATE adds – you will miss too much material.
Myth #3: Because these are online courses, students are not required to attend class. These are NOT online courses, although the internet is utilized to deliver video lectures and lecture notes. Students are required to visit the PACe Center to complete the proctored Unit Exams. While students are able to work on the material from home, they still must come to the PACe Center regularly to make acceptable progress with their PACe courses.
Myth #4: Because these are online courses, students must teach themselves. The PACe Learning Center is staffed with undergraduate course assistants who are trained to work with our students and course material. In addition, video lectures and lecture notes in pdf format exist for every instructional objective. Students have the ability to “replay” a lecture as many times as they’d like, and can combine this instructional tool with one-on-one help from a course assistant in the PACe Learning Center.
NO – You will need to take a tutorial program to place into MATH 117 to start a math series that will be relevant to your FWCB degree requirements. The PASS Entry Level Math (ELM) is a free tutorfacilitated online program to help you successfully complete the ELM Tutorial and pass the ELM Exam to place into Entry Level Mathematics (MATH 117 for FWCBIO degree). Find more information or sign up using links provided at: http://www.math.colostate.edu/placement/placement.shtml.
Use the RamWeb Registration link. You must have all “registration ready” tasks complete (finances in order, advising code entered if you are an incoming freshman or new transfer student, etc.). If you are having trouble or are receiving error messages that you cannot troubleshoot, contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance, or contact the instructor listed in the course description to request an override into the class (for example, you have the pre-requisite classes through AP credits or transfer credits that are not showing up in the CSU system). Be aware that some course sections are restricted to specific student groups (like Key Community, INTO or Honors students); clicking on the green CRN (course reference number) will take you to additional information about the course including if there are special requirements to register for that section. Important: many classes have multiple required components such as lecture, lab and/or recitation and you may not be able to register for one component without the other/s. You will need to select both or all three components at the same time in order to register for the course. You can check that you have registered for your desired courses by clicking on the “My Weekly Schedule” button. For some helpful videos explaining how to register for classes, how to drop classes, how to use DARS, etc. go to Advising at CSU (http://advising.colostate.edu/students/ramweb/index.cfm)
Go into registration in RamWeb and perform a class schedule search for the class or lab of interest. YOU NEED TO OBTAIN THE CRN number for each class/lab/section/recitation that you would like to waitlist. WRITE IT DOWN – you’ll need to enter it elsewhere. Once you have this list of CRNs, go into Registration and scroll to the bottom where you will see an option to waitlist courses. Add the CRNs there when asked. You CAN sign up to waitlist multiple labs/sections/recitations for the same class so that you have multiple chances to get in!
AUCC courses are curricula set by the University that all students (except second bachelor’s degree students) are required to take to ensure that all CSU graduates have a broad and well-rounded undergraduate academic experience. Please see the link below for more detailed information about AUCC courses and related requirements: http://www.catalog.colostate.edu/Content/files/2012/FrontPDF/2.3AUCC.pdf
The (++) designation means that means that CSU’s transfer evaluation process recognized that you took a class in a given discipline and that it was at a specific level (100, 200, 300, etc.); however they could not find a course equivalent that is offered at CSU. So you received credit for it in terms of overall credits, but not for a specific course. If you feel you took a class that does meet a specific course description here at CSU, you can request a transfer credit re-evaluation through the Transfer Evaluation office: http://registrar.colostate.edu/transfer-evaluation.
o Also, if you feel this class is sufficiently similar to a course required in your program of study, you should discuss this with your advisor to see if they would support substituting the course.
o If you have a transferred biology class (1++) the registration system will not recognize this as a prerequisite for a class that requires BZ110/111 or LIFE 102/103. You will need to contact the course instructor and explain the situation each time this class is a prerequisite – unless you are successful in having it re-evaluated and approved by the Transfer Evaluation Office as a substitute.
When a class you would like or need to take is full, there are a few things you can do. It can be frustrating, but often students are able to get into the classes they’d like with patience and persistence. The first thing you should do is get yourself on the course waitlist. Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity. The first student on the ARIES Registration Waitlist is notified via email (or via text message IF the student has requested this feature) when a space becomes available. This student then has 24 hours to register for the section. If the student does not register for the section within the 24-hour timeframe, he/she will lose their place in the waitlist line for that section and the next student on the list will be notified to register for the course. You MUST meet the prerequisite requirements for the class to be able to register on the waitlist – you may still need to contact the instructor for a prerequisite override just to be able to get on the waitlist. You can view a waitlist FAQ sheet at: http://registrar.colostate.edu/Data/Sites/1/pdf/ARIES-Registration-Waitlist-Frequently-Asked-Questionsfor-Faculty-and-Staff.pdf
The second thing you may do is request an override from the instructor. Many instructors will simply tell you to sign up on the waitlist. However, if you have an extenuating circumstance that might warrant contacting the instructor, keep these tips in mind: be sure you can clearly articulate your desire for the override (i.e. why you need the course this specific semester) and be brief! If there are multiple sections of the course, include the section number and the CRN number. Also be sure that in any communication with the instructor, you include your first and last name as well as your CSU ID.
It is not necessary to complete all your coursework at CSU. However, if you want to ensure that the courses you may take or have taken at other institutions will transfer to CSU and count for your FWCB concentration, first review your specific concentration checksheet to identify where your transfer courses will fit in and then using the “u.Select” system mentioned below, assess which of your courses will transfer and how they would be classified at CSU. As long as courses come from an accredited college or university, are not considered remedial (pre-college level) or trade courses, and you receive a C or above – the credit(s) will most likely transfer in to CSU – it is mainly a matter of whether or not they would apply to the program you are seeking.
- You can find specific transfer evaluation information on the registrar’s homepage: http://www.registrar.colostate.edu/ from the drop down box beneath “Students” then “Transfer Evaluation”. If you would like an evaluation of your transcripts done before you apply to CSU, you can request an unofficial transfer audit. Otherwise, the Transfer Evaluation office will evaluate all the transcripts you submit when you apply.
- You can also access the u.Select System from the registrar’s page – this system will show how courses will transfer in to CSU – both those you might have already taken and those you might still take. You can also navigate to the u.Select System by visiting http://www.transfer.org
- The u.Select system allows you to login as a guest and see how courses transfer in to CSU. To do so, once you navigate to the system, click “Guest Login” on the left hand side of the page. Next, under the heading “Courses” on the right hand side, click on “Equivalencies by School”. Now select Colorado State University from the drop down box that shows up. You’ll now need to enter the institution from which the credits will come. It may be easiest to do a search by name. Remember that not every institution has previously been evaluated by our transfer office so you may not be able to find yours. If you do, once you select it by checking the box and hitting “Add Schools” you can either search for additional institutions or when you’re done hit “Create Guide”. You’ll now be given a table that you can search by selecting the prefix of courses at either institution and viewing their equivalencies. One-to-one matches will be listed as such. If a course is listed with a ++ it means the credits will transfer in to CSU, but there is not a one-to-one match with a course here. These are called wildcards.
Obviously, this will depend on your previous coursework and specifically, 1) how it is evaluated by CSU’s Transfer Evaluation office (see details about transfer information), and 2) how your previous coursework fits into the potential program requirements. If your first degree was in Zoology, a second bachelor’s degree in FWCB might take 2 years to complete. If your first degree was Liberal Arts or Business with no basic biology background, FWCB program may take you 3 or more years. As a second degree seeking student, you would not have to meet the university’s general education requirements (the ‘All University Core Curriculum’ requirements also referred to as AUCC).
Don’t give up and you are not alone! Many students have a course or two that they struggle with during their undergraduate experience. The first step is to review how you approached the course. Did you attend all the classes? Did you keep up on the assignments, study for classes and do any extra credit? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, you have the beginning of what to do differently next time. If you answered “yes” to all of the above, then you may want to explore tutoring and academic success support resources on campus (see section on tutoring and academic success), and you may want to meet with your advisor to examine your courses and major requirements. Lastly, CSU allows students to repeat and delete up to 12 credits (limit up to 3 courses) during their undergraduate studies. This means that you can repeat the course, pay for it again, and if you receive a better grade, and the lower grade will be replaced and removed from your GPA calculation record. Repeat/Delete forms must be filled out and submitted for these courses by the appropriate deadline or your original grade will remain on your transcript. See the forms posted on the Registrar’s office and follow instructions at http://registrar.colostate.edu/registrars-forms . They are due before the end of the withdrawal period. Remember, you MUST receive a C or better in any of your science, math or FWCB major related courses to earn the FWCB degree. This is NOT the case for some of the other Warner College majors, such as Natural Resource Management.
The Learning Programs in The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) has a list of tutorial resources and/or academic and study skills workshops at http://tilt.colostate.edu/learning/tutoring
The Writing Center offers a free, confidential service with no appointment necessary to all writers within the CSU and Fort Collins community. Each session typically lasts about a half an hour. They also offer workshops throughout the semester. Go to Eddy 6, call 491-0222, or visit: http://composition.colostate.edu
The University Counseling Center helps students achieve a satisfying growth experience during their time at the university. They offer counselling services, academic services, testing for learning disabilities, outreach, and prevention and substance abuse series. Any student interested in receiving counseling services at the CSU Health Network should go to 123 Aylesworth NW for an initial meeting with a counselor. Visit the website http://www.health.colostate.edu/pages/services/counselingservices.aspx http://health.colostate.edu/Home.cfm or call 491-6053. For emergencies (when counseling offices are closed) you can call the CSU Emergency Dispatcher at (970) 491-7111. The on-call staff member will typically return the call within 15 minutes. Medical emergencies can be dealt with through 911, or by visiting the nearest hospital.
CSU has a program (Tell Someone) that provides a number (491-1350) for you to call to discuss your concerns about that individual. More information can be found at: http://www.safety.colostate.edu/tell-someone.aspx
YES. Any student who is enrolled at Colorado State University, and who self-identifies with Resources for Disabled Students as having a disability, is eligible for support. Support and services are offered to students with functional limitations due to visual, hearing, learning, or mobility disabilities as well as to students who have specific physical or mental health conditions due to epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, AIDS, psychiatric diagnoses, etc. Students who are temporarily disabled are also eligible for support and assistance. Go to 100 General Services Building, call 491-6385, or visit: http://rds.colostate.edu/. RDS has a testing center to administer tests under the conditions required for the disabilities of a particular student. However, testing conditions are ultimately at the instructor’s discretion; the RDS request is not a mandate. It is important for RDS students to be prepared for potential in-class testing situations, and likewise, to be prepared for assignment extensions not to be granted. RDS students should discuss their needs with their instructors at the beginning of each semester so they can decide to drop a class or lighten their credit load if faculty instructors are unable to grant exceptions.
The DAY (Drugs, Alcohol and You) Program office consists of a wide spectrum of services designed to meet the needs of students who are facing issues related to alcohol and drug use. Call 491-4693, or find information at: http://www.health.colostate.edu/pages/services/counseling-services.aspx
Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services provides assistance to students for any issue and to faculty and staff on matters with students including advice and referrals: problem solving assistance, coaching: skills and mentoring to help solve conflicts on their own, and mediation: facilitated conversation between willing parties who are in conflict. Visit http://www.conflictresolution.colostate.edu/ for additional information. The office is located at 325 Aylesworth NW and phone number is 491-7165.
There are a number of “rate professors” websites out there that you could browse, but the best way to choose an instructor is to talk to your peers. Meet other Warner College or Biology/Zoology students through classes and student chapters of professional societies (e.g., The Wildlife Society) and share information. Your advisors cannot tell you who to choose – you need a student’s perspective!
The fish and wildlife discipline is as much of a trade as it is a challenging academic pursuit. Without a real knowledge of hands-on skills and what professionals actually DO in this field, you will be at a significant disadvantage compared to your peers who are active, even if you are a 4.0 student. Professionals from state/federal agencies, and professors in the fish/wildlife discipline, share their knowledge and internship/job opportunities with the student chapters of the various societies (e.g., The Wildlife Society, the American Fisheries Society, The Society for Conservation Biology, and others). The society meetings provide these professionals with access to what they see as dedicated students who could be a good source of help on future projects. They cannot possibly meet with each of you individually, and thus your chances of making important connections are diminished if you are not involved outside of the classroom in some capacity.
Check out the Study Abroad Program at CSU (http://www.studyabroad.colostate.edu/) , look for email announcements made by the College and Department (to your CSU, not personal, email accounts!!), and check postings outside of the FWCB Advising Office (Wagar 114). If you do decide to study abroad or take summer credits at another university, pick up the form for Permission to Register for Coursework at Other Institutions (“pink sheets”) at the Registrar’s Office, 100 Admin. Annex. Make an appointment with your advisor and bring a college catalogue or full course description from the school you will be attending. Obtaining signatures from your advisor, Department Chair, and the Registrar’s Office indicates that satisfactory completion of the course(s) will guarantee transfer credits. The form must be completed before attending other universities. NOTE: At least (fifteen) of your senior year credits must be taken in residency at CSU, but this liberal policy means that you can complete the last fifteen credits of your degree at another institution, as long as you have at least a total of 30 credits completed on campus at CSU (not transferred). Pink sheets must cover all courses taken at other institutions to be counted toward CSU graduation requirements.
Yes, and students often overlook applying for them! The College offers more than 130 scholarships ranging from $450 up to $5,000 per semester specifically to students in Natural Resources; some of these scholarships are specifically for students in FWCB. Scholarships are available to entering freshman as well as sophomore, junior and senior students. Criteria vary from merit to need‐based. Watch your email for announcements of scholarship applications and find more information at: http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/students/current/financial-aid . Additional CSU Scholarship information may be found at: http://sfs.colostate.edu/
Ultimately, it is your decision to select your major(s), one, two, or minor(s), however it is worth taking some time to assess the potential pros and cons of taking on additional course and graduation requirements. Both degrees have rigorous course requirements that do not leave a lot of room for customization. When you add an additional major you may also be adding a semester or two to your time at CSU. Cost, financial aid, and potential life-related constraints may need to be factored in to your decision as well. Beyond this, you want to assess what you perceive vs. what are the actual benefits to pursuing two majors.
A key distinction to be made between the two majors is that zoology focuses more on the individual organism – how it functions, what is going on internally in relation to cells, muscles, or responses to stimuli. Whereas, the Wildlife Biology major focuses more on how populations of species interact with their environment, conservation efforts, and related research. At CSU, a major in Wildlife Biology also requires a 4-week, summer course held at our mountain campus, Pingree.
Potential Benefits:
- more graduate and research possibilities
- more career options
- make you more interesting/competitive advantage on your resume
- greater overall understanding of how organisms function internally AND in relation to their environment, other species and at a community or ecosystem level
- obtaining a double major will allow students to register for upper level courses that are often offlimits due to pre-requisites and “majors-only” restrictions
Potential Costs:
- the two programs have significant overlap, thus for the additional credit requirements and costs, there may not be a measurable benefit/advantage to pursuing both majors
- there is no guarantee that the double major approach will offer any specific advantage in relation to graduate school admissions, veterinary school, or career opportunities
- the added responsibilities in regards to credits and course loads may negatively affect your GPA – it would be better to pursue one major and obtain excellent grades than to complete two majors and receive mediocre grades
- critical to both disciplines is obtaining hands-on, professional experience and pursuing two majors may reduce your availability to pursue these types of opportunitie
NOTE: in regards to veterinary school – it is most critical to follow the pre-requisites required for admittance and to do really well in all your core math and science classes. A biology major is the most common major sought for pre-vet students. Additionally, gaining volunteer or hands-on experience is also important for students interested in pursuing veterinary school.
Alternatives to pursuing a double major in these disciplines:
Major in Wildlife Biology and minor in Zoology. The Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Department does not offer a minor in wildlife biology, however they do offer one in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and the Forestry Department offers a minor in Conservation Biology. Whereas, the Zoology Department offers a minor.
These three majors at CSU run along a spectrum. On the one hand, the NRM major has more coverage of general habitat, such as plants and soils, and is lighter on chemistry and math requirements (and no physics requirement). To include a wildlife focus in this major, you would need to also sign up for the Conservation Biology minor out of the Warner College. Conveniently, the NRM major requirements actually have a minor built in, so you must pick a minor anyway. However, keep in mind that just because you sign up for the conservation minor does not mean that you obtain the prerequisites necessary for entrance into some of the FWCB upper level courses. You will have to build these pre-reqs in yourself. On the other end of the spectrum, the zoology/biology minor is heavier on chemistry, biochemistry, and math-based physics, but does not include many (if any) courses that relate to how animals use habitat or their broader natural environment. These degrees are the preferred path if you are interested in animal physiology, zookeeping (and perhaps animal rehab facilities), or animal behavior. It is also the best path for pre-vet, as many of the required courses are also on the pre-vet course list. FWCB falls in the middle of this spectrum, with a mix of habitat-based courses, physiology (like mammalogy), calculus and a moderate amount of chemistry, physics, and an emphasis on statistics, ecology and wildlife/fisheries management issues.
Holds are applied preventing registration for all students who will be at the 60 credit threshold prior to the next term for which they’re registering. Holds are placed with an effective date the day AFTER the course withdrawal date. (For example, holds preventing Spring 2014 registration will go into effect on October 22, the day after the Fall 2013 course withdrawal date.) In order to have the hold released, students contact the Registrar’s Office (phone number listed next to the hold in RAMweb). Registrar’s Office staff will register the student for the desired course(s) and explain that if the student drops or withdraws from the course, that s/he will be reenrolled and a grade of “F will be applied. The “Hold” is then removed and the student can continue to register for the upcoming term on or after his/her Registration Access Day/Time.
Hold Appeal process – document signed by Advisor, Dept Head, Dean
A student may need to appeal a math hold if he/she is currently taking Math class at community college. They will need to bring copy of his/her unofficial transcript to the Registrar’s office in order to have hold released for registration for the next semester. They must complete, and pass, that class. If the student does successfully complete the course at another institution/community college, then they will need to submit an official transcript to the Registrar’s Office as soon as it is available so the course is credited in their CSU transfer credit information. Students may also appeal the math hold requesting for an additional term to take the required course(s). appeals are delivered to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs for decision.
Courses dropped after the initial drop/add period for a semester or session stay on a student’s transcript with a grade of “W”, but do not affect their GPA. They will pay for those credits however. The deadline is typically set for mid-semester (around mid- to late October for fall semesters, mid- to late March for spring semester, and variable for summer courses). Course withdrawal deadlines are also shorter for shorter-length classes. Add/drop/withdrawal deadlines for each class are found in the class schedule via RAMweb or ARIESweb. If a student decides to withdraw from a class, they access RamWeb as if to register and bring up their current classes and for the course they want to withdraw from, they click the drop down menu and select “withdraw” and then select submit changes. It is important to double check that the process worked by exiting out of the system, logging back on and checking both their course listings as well as “my weekly schedule” to see that the course is no longer listed or is listed with a “W”. It is also important to note that although the withdrawal will not affect a student’s overall GPA, it may affect some Financial Aid, especially if students then drop below full-time status (12 credits). Students are highly encouraged to check in with Financial Aid prior to withdrawing from a course.
Note: under extenuating circumstances with documentation (e.g., medical issue), you may be able to appeal to withdraw from courses, or from an entire semester, after the withdrawal deadline. Please contact a case worker at CASA to discuss your options. These cases are rare.
At the discretion of the instructor, a temporary grade of Incomplete – ‘I’ may be given to a student who demonstrates that he/she could not complete the requirements of the course due to circumstances beyond the student’s control and not reasonably foreseeable. A student must be passing a course at the time that an Incomplete is requested unless the instructor determines that there are extenuating circumstances to assign an Incomplete to a student who is not passing the course. When an instructor assigns an Incomplete, he/she shall specify in writing the requirements the student shall fulfill to complete the course as well as the reasons for granting an Incomplete when the student is not passing the course. The instructor shall retain a copy of this statement in his/her grade records and provide copies to the student and the department head or designee. After successful completion of the makeup requirements, Incomplete grades will be changed by the instructor of record or the department head, in the absence of the instructor of record. After one year or at the end of the semester in which the student graduates (whichever comes first), an Incomplete will be automatically changed to a ‘F’ (failure) unless the course has been previously completed and a grade change submitted by the instructor or the head of the department.
Students working on an Incomplete grade should not register for the course a second time. If the course uses RamCT, the student can work with the instructor to be added to gain access.
(Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual – Section I.9)