Advising FAQs
To change your major/minor or add a Forest and Rangeland Stewardship (FRS) minor, please make an appointment with or email one of our FRS undergraduate student advisors.
To obtain your advising code you should make an appointment with your academic (faculty) advisor. First semester students will be contacted to meet with our Undergraduate Program Coordinator to be assigned an academic advisor.
There are a few ways to find out what classes are required for your major. You can look at the current CSU catalog, login to your Ram Web account and conduct a degree audit report, print a degree checklist from one of our major concentrations on the FRS website, or pick one up outside the Forest and Rangeland Stewardship office at Forestry 123. There are also similar requirements for all Colorado State University students. The All University Core Curriculum (AUCC) requirements are listed in the CSU Catalog and the specific courses that fulfill each requirement are stated in the degree checklists.
As a Warner College of Natural Resources’ student you can register for a WCNR network account. Registering for an account allows you access to the 3 PC labs as well as provides you with a printing quota to be able to print black and white and color copies. There are two labs on the second floor of the Natural Resource building in room 232 and one lab on the first floor in room 107A. There are two ways you can register for your account:
- From your home computer, visit and login using your CSU eID. From there, just follow the prompts.
- From campus, visit the lab on the first floor in the Natural Resources building, room 107A. Follow the instructions at the stand up computer just inside the door to your left.
Regular course overrides can be requested from the teacher of the course and non-regular course overrides for FRS Variable Credit courses are requested from the FRS main office in Forestry room 123. Click these links for more information or to submit a variable credit Override form.
All entering students are required to take the Colorado State University Mathematics Placement Examination (MPE) unless they have already earned transferable University credit for a course in college level mathematics. Additional information can be found on the Math Placement Exam Information webpage.
The PACe (Paced Algebra to Calculus electronically) Tutoring Center in the Weber Building 137 is staffed with graduate and undergraduate course assistants who provide walk-in tutoring for students taking the PACe minicourses. The tutors have been specially trained to help you learn pre-calculus mathematics.
The PASS Entry Level Math (ELM) is a free tutor facilitated program to help you successfully complete the ELM Tutorial and pass the ELM Exam to place into Entry Level Mathematics (MATH 117, MATH 133, and MATH 135).
Students are encouraged to send registration questions to your academic advisor. If you are having trouble or are receiving error messages that you cannot troubleshoot, copy and paste the error message into an email and send it to your academic advisor. Be aware that some sections of courses are restricted to specific groups of students, clicking on the green CRN (course reference number) will take you to further information about the course including if there are special requirements to register for that section. In addition, many classes have required additional components such as lab and/or recitation in addition to the lecture. If the component is required, you will not be able to register for one component without the other/s. You must select both or all three components at the same time in order to register for the course. You can check that you have registered for your desired courses by clicking on the “My Weekly Schedule” button.
For some helpful videos explaining how to register for classes, how to drop classes, how to use DARS, etc. go to Advising at CSU.
All University Core Curriculum (AUCC) Courses
To search for AUCC classes go to “Advanced Search” in the registration system and highlight all of the course prefixes using the shift key. Then under “Attribute Type” highlight the AUCC category you’d like to search for. It will bring up an alphabetical list of all the classes offered that semester that meet that particular AUCC requirement.
Wild Cards (those pesky classes that come up as a number with ++ afterward)
If a course that you took at another institution is deemed to be equivalent to a course we offer at CSU, then it will transfer in as the CSU prefix and number. If however a course is listed with a ++ it means the credits have transferred in to CSU, but there is not a one on one match with a course here. These are called wildcards. There are a few things you should know about wildcards:
- If you feel the wildcard class is sufficiently similar to a course offered at CSU, you can request to have the course re-evaluated. See an FRS academic advisor for more details.
- If you feel a wildcard class is sufficiently similar to a course required in your program of study, you may consult with your advisor about the feasibility of substituting the wildcard for the required course.
- Unfortunately the registration system does not recognize wildcards so if for instance you have a wildcard biology class and you are trying to register for a course with a biology prerequisite, the registration system will give you a prerequisite error as it won’t recognize that you’ve met the required prerequisites. In these instances you’ll need to contact the course instructor to explain your situation and request an override.
Waitlist Feature When Courses Are Full
When a class you would like or need to take is full, there are a few things you can do. It can be frustrating, but often students are able to get into the classes they’d like if you are just patient and persistent. The first thing you should do is get yourself on the waitlist. Students may sign up for this when they attempt to register for a section that has reached its capacity. The first student on the ARIES Registration Waitlist is notified via email (or via text message IF the student has requested this feature) when a space becomes available. This student then has 24 hours to register for the section. If the student does not register for the section within the 24 hour timeframe, he/she will be dropped from the ARIES Registration Waitlist for that section and the next student on the list will be notified. **You must meet prerequisite requirements to be able to register on the waitlist – you may still need to contact the instructor for a prerequisite override just to be able to get on the waitlist. You can view a Waitlist FAQ sheet here.
The second thing you may do is request an override from the instructor. NOTE: many instructors will simply tell you to sign up on the waitlist, however if you have an extenuating circumstance that might warrant contacting the instructor, keep these tips in mind: be sure you can clearly articulate your desire for the override (i.e. why you need the course this specific semester) – be brief! If there are multiple sections of the course, include the section number and the CRN number. Also, be sure that in any communication with the instructor, you include your first and last name and CSU ID number.
AUCC required courses are those that all Colorado State University Students have to take.
Go to RAMweb, Login, and click on “My Undergraduate Degree Plan” under “Records.” Then click “Run Audit” and click “View Submitted Results” and click on the Link. This will show you degree audit report, which lists the classes you have taken and the classes that you still need to complete.
It is not necessary to complete all your coursework at CSU, however if you want to ensure that the courses you may take or have taken at other institutions will transfer to CSU and count for the degree program you are interested in, look at the curriculum check sheet of courses required for that major (see the Forest and Rangeland Stewardship major checklists, and check how they would/will transfer to CSU). You can do so by using the u.Select system mentioned below. As long as courses come from an accredited college or university, are not considered remedial (pre-college level) or trade courses, and you receive a C or above – the credits will transfer in to CSU – it’s just a matter of whether or not they would apply to the program you desire.
You can find specific transfer evaluation information on the CSU Registrar’s Office homepage. Here you’ll find useful information when you click on the Transfer button in the Students menu. See other resources on the CSU Transfer Students webpage.
You can also access the u.Select System or Transferology from the registrar’s page – this system will show how courses will transfer in to the university – both those you might have already taken and those you might still take.
The u.Select system allows you to login as a guest and see how courses transfer in to CSU. To do so, once you navigate to the system, click “Guest Login” on the left hand side of the page. Next, under the heading “Courses” on the right hand side, click on “Equivalencies by School”. Now select Colorado State University from the drop down box that shows up. You’ll now need to enter the institution from which the credits will come. I find it easiest to do a search by name. Remember that not every institution has previously been evaluated by our transfer office so you may not be able to find yours. If you do, once you select it by checking the box and hitting “Add Schools” you can either search for additional institutions or when you’re done hit “Create Guide”. You’ll now be given a table that you can search by selecting the prefix of courses at either institution and viewing their equivalencies. One to one matches will be listed as such. If a course is listed with a ++ it means the credits will transfer in to CSU, but there is not a one to one match with a course here. These are called wildcards.
If you need additional help navigating the system ask the FRS Undergraduate Program Coordinator. Call while you are sitting at a computer.
In terms of the amount of time it might take you to complete a second bachelor’s degree in your chosen program, it can vary widely. It depends on your previous coursework (not your previous degree program) and how it is evaluated by CSU’s Transfer Evaluation office (SEE DETAILS ABOUT TRANSFER INFORMATION). Once an evaluation is complete, we can more thoroughly see how your previous coursework fits into the potential program and how many additional credits you’d need to complete the program. As a second degree seeking student, you would not have to meet the university’s general education requirements (the ‘All University Core Curriculum’ requirements also referred to as AUCC).
Resource FAQs
The Learning Programs in The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) has a list of tutorial resources and/or academic and study skills workshops.
The Science and Mathematics Tutorial Hall is a welcoming environment to increase students’ understanding of math and science. Friendly staff are willing to clarify key concepts by answering questions, working through problems, and reviewing material. Go to the 2nd floor in the TILT Building Sun-Thurs from 5-10pm, call 491-5365, or e-mail [email protected].
The Writing Center offers a free, confidential service with no appointment necessary to all writers within the CSU and Fort Collins community. Each session typically lasts about a half an hour. They also offer workshops throughout the semester. Go to Eddy 6, call 491-0222, or visit
The University Counseling Center helps students achieve a satisfying growth experience during their time at the university. They offer counseling services, academic services, testing for learning disabilities, outreach, and prevention and substance abuse series. Any student interested in receiving counseling services at the CSU Health Network should go to 151 West Lake Street for an initial meeting with a counselor. You can make an appointment online or by calling 491-6053.
Any student who is enrolled at Colorado State University and who self-identifies with Resources for Disabled Students (RDS) as having a disability is eligible for support. Support and services are offered to students with functional limitations due to visual, hearing, learning, or mobility disabilities as well as to students who have specific physical or mental health conditions due to epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, AIDS, psychiatric diagnoses, etc. Students who are temporarily disabled are also eligible for support and assistance. Go to 100 General Services Building, call 491-6385, or visit the RDS website.
The DAY (Drugs, Alcohol and You) Program office consists of a wide spectrum of services designed to meet the needs of students who are facing issues related to alcohol and drug use. Go to 239 Aylesworth, call 491-4693, or visit the DAY website.
Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services provides assistance to students for any issue and to faculty and staff on matters with students including advice and referrals: problem solving assistance, coaching: skills and mentoring to help solve conflicts on their own, and mediation: facilitated conversation between willing parties who are in conflict. The office is located at 501 W. Lake Street, Suite A, Aggie Village, Walnut Hall and the phone number is 491-7165.
See the major check lists for major concentration and minor requirements.
See the Variable Credit Override Form (used for variable credit courses such as independent study and supervised college teaching).
You may go to the FRS Advising Office – room 123 Forestry, or email, call, or set up an appointment with your academic advisor.