If you have suggested resources to share, please contact Dr. Rickey Frierson.
Training and Learning Center
Suggested Podcast and Apps
Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) Encore with @BlackForager
Stop Playing Diversity with Dr. Monica Cox
The Green Mind Podcast ft. Dr. Rickey Frierson
The Joy Report-Intersectional Environmentalist
Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE)
Reclaiming History As an Indigenous Hiker
Communicating Around the World as a Deaf Traveler
How to Save a Planet: Episode “Black Lives Matter and the Climate”
Fall Audubon Talk: Black Birders and the Deep South
Highlighted Resources
- REPORT: Diversity Rankings: A Critique of the Landscape
- 101 ways to take care of yourself when the world feels overwhelming
- Anti-racism Resources for White People (Specifically for allies)
- Do The Work: Rachel Cargle (Specifically for allies)
- For Our White Friends Desiring to Be Allies (Specifically for allies)
- Maintaining Professionalism In The Age of Black Death Is….A Lot
- No White Saviors (Specifically for allies)
- Physiological & Psychological Impact of Racism and Discrimination for African-Americans
- Racism’s Psychological Toll
- The Link Between Experiences of Racism and Stress and Anxiety for Black Americans: A Mindfulness and Acceptance-Based Coping Approach
- Tips for Self-Care: When Police Brutality Has You Questioning Humanity and Social Media Is Enough
- U.S. Businesses Must Take Meaningful Action Against Racism
- What is an ally?
- How to be an ally to Native Americans and Indigenous people.
- Being a person of color isn’t a risk factor for coronavirus but living in a racist country is!
- 75 Things White people can do for racial justice
- Google Doc with Anti-racism resources
- Scaffolded Anti-racism approach
- Examining Privilege
- Colorado Department of Higher Education Equity Tool-kit
What Earth in 2050 could look like – Shannon Odell
Winter Brings Fears of Wildfires to Alaska
What La Niña Will do to Earth in 2025
The outdoors has a diversity problem. One climber wants to change that
Suggested Research Articles
Suggested Books
Diversity in Nature
- The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature by Drew Lanham
- Sparrow Envy by Drew Lanham
- Legacy on the Land: A Black Couple Discovers Our National Inheritance and Tells Why Every American Should Care by Audrey Peterman
- Arctic Dreams by Barry Lopez
- The Black & Brown Faces in America’s Wild Places: African Americans Making Nature and the Environment a Part of Their Everyday Lives by Dudley Edmondton
- The Adventure Gap: Changing the Face of the Outdoors by James Mills
Diversity Education
- Men and Masculinities: Theoretical foundations and college practices (Black and Red)
- Black Faces White Spaces by Dr. Carolyn Finney,
- White fragility by Robin DiAngelo
- How to be an anti-racist by Ibram X. Kendi
- Witnessing Whiteness by Shelly Tochluk
- An African American and Latinx History of the United States by Paul Ortiz
- Race Talk and the Conspiracy of Silence: Understanding and Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race by Derald Wing Sue
- The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
- Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X Kendi
- Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum
- They Can’t Kill Us all by Wesley Lowery
- Towards the Other America: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter by Chris Crass
- Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice by Paul Kivel
- The Fire This Time by Jesmyn Ward
- Ebony & Ivy: Race, Slavery, and the Troubled history of America’s Universities- Craig Steven Wilder