Department Directory
Associate Professor
I am a population ecologist interested in quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic factors (e.g. climate change, habitat fragmentation, urbanization) on the ecology, demography, and microevolution of wild animals (mostly birds, mammals, and reptiles). My research calls for the analyses of longitudinal data and methodologies that stem from demography, population ecology, and life history theory.
I am an applied quantitative ecologist whose research applies to a variety of taxa and focuses on ways of measuring and monitoring biological systems to increase our scientific understanding and improve decision-making. I am particularly interested in factors influencing at-risk species (e.g., amphibians), including disease, invasive species, and habitat change.
Barbara Anthony Cox Chair of Wildlife Conservation
Professor Endowed Chair
I’m a conservation biologist concentrating mostly on lesser-studied mammals (bigger than a bread box) at the planet’s extreme edges. My lab and I target issues about climate challenge, behavioral ecology of disturbance, predator-prey interactions, and how best to inspire with science while (yet) attempting to improve our present human messiness.
Senior Research Scientist, Joint Faculty Appointment-Assistant Professor, Director Larval Fish Lab
I am an aquatic ecologist working mainly on native and endangered fishes and their ecosystems.
Assistant Professor
I am a conservation biologist that leverages scientific research to find innovative solutions to conserve biodiversity while meeting diverse human needs. My science is informed by a social justice lens and covers topics ranging from human-wildlife relationships, acoustic ecology, and advancing social justice in science.
Department Head
I am an applied ecologist interested in the eco-evolutionary causes and consequences of species rarity within the context of abiotic and biotic pressures. My research aims to inform the conservation of endangered, threatened, and candidate plant species.
I am an ecotoxicologist studying how contaminants and other stressors affect aquatic ecosystems. My research integrates experimental and observational approaches to understand how ecological factors influence responses to and recovery from anthropogenic disturbances.
Professor/Director, Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence
I am a conservation biologist whose work examines the impacts of anthropogenic disturbances on wildlife and the natural systems in which they live. As the Director of the Center for Human-Carnivore Coexistence, a particular focus is reducing conflict and facilitating coexistence between humans and carnivores to minimize impacts on both people and predators.
Program Director/Advisor/Joint Faculty/Online Masters FWCB
I am an ecologist who currently directs the department’s online Masters program and teaches on the topics of ecotoxicology, conservation biology, habitat management, wildlife management, and conservation of freshwater systems.
I am a wildlife biologist primarily focused on population-level questions and working with applied agencies. I have worked on a wide variety of taxa, including many species of conservation concern as well as with harvested animals. I enjoy applying sampling design, demographic parameter (e.g., survival, fecundity, population growth) estimation, population modeling, and field skills to questions of interest.
COOP Assistant Unit Leader | Associate Professor
I am a quantitative animal ecologist. I work with scientists and resource and land managers to help learn through data to provide inferential or predictive knowledge or decision-support that is used for empirically informed conservation management of biodiversity.
I am a conservation biologist that integrates field ecology with conservation practice and policy to identify innovative and equitable ways to sustain and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services. My research program focuses on advancing bird community conservation on islands and in human-dominated landscapes.
Assistant Professor
I am an ornithologist working on bird migration throughout the Western Hemisphere using radar remote sensing. My area of expertise encompasses themes of aeroecology, spatial ecology, movement ecology, macroecology, impacts of light pollution, and ecological forecasting.
I am a fisheries ecologist. I study fisheries management, food webs, predator-prey interactions, lake and reservoir ecology, management of invasive species, contaminants, and effects of climate.
Associate Professor
I am a stream fish ecologist working at the intersection of fundamental and applied ecology in North America and Japan. My area of expertise includes population and community ecology, conservation genetics, riverscape ecology, and fish behavior.
James C. Kennedy Chair of Wetland and Waterfowl Conservation
Professor, Endowed Chair
James C Kennedy Endowed Wetland/Waterfowl Conservation Chair. I use demography to solve problems and answer questions in conservation, management, ecology, and evolution.
I am a fish physiological ecologist working on applied fisheries conservation, management, and aquaculture challenges. My areas of focus include the design and evaluation of fish passage structures for native fishes and developing techniques for the culture of rare native fishes.
Assistant Professor
I am an aquatic ecologist with interests in freshwater food webs, disease ecology, invasive species, and environmental change.
Assistant Professor
I am a disease ecologist studying the effects of anthropogenic environmental changes on wildlife parasites and diseases using molecular and network tools. My research focuses on disease interactions at human, domestic animal, and wildlife interfaces, with the goal of identifying win-win solutions for conservation and public health.
Assistant Professor
I am a conservation biologist who uses behavioral and molecular tools to understand vertebrate responses to environmental change. Themes include life-history adaptations to climate change, hybridization in species of conservation concern, and the role of kinship in population dynamics.
My lab and I work on large mammal conservation and ecology, focusing on finding solutions to human threats to wild systems.
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
I’m an ecologist whose work focuses on human-wildlife interactions broadly, livestock-carnivore conflict prevention in particular. My research and extension are informed by close collaboration with livestock producers and land managers to ensure that the findings are relevant and feasible for application.